Quickly walking out of the elevator, Sharon followed Lieutenant Andy Flynn to his vehicle and strapped the carrier in, before sliding beside the baby in the back seat. The cries had yet to cease, and the brunette was beginning to panic, "Hurry, Andy.." She said quietly as she ran her fingers through the small amount of curly hair on top of Addison's head. "Shh.. it's okay..." She whispered to the baby, as tears continued to fall from her own eyes.

"We will be there in no time, Captain. Just hang on." He spoke as he turned on his siren and quickly pulled out of his parking spot, exiting out the garage and heading towards the hospital. There were definitely advantages when working for the Police Department. Pulling up in front of the building, Andy turned off the car and practically jumped out, running inside and finding the nearest nurse. Sharon unbuckled the carrier and followed in behind her coworker, looking around to see which way he went. With her heels clicking against the floor, she quickly came up behind Andy and handed the carrier to the first nurse who was available.

"She has a high fever, she has hardly eaten all day.." Sharon began to spit out every piece of information she could possibly think of to give them, "She's four months old." She added, placing a hand on Andy's arm as a few more nurses ran up to see what was going on.

"It'll be okay, Sharon." He mumbled as he rubbed her back a bit and then grabbed the clipboard from nurse.

"We are going to go take a look at her, and we will be right back. Alright, Mrs. Raydor?" The blonde nurse stated as she took the personal items out, handing them to Sharon.

Sharon only nodded, her eyes glued to the little girl in the carrier. Clutching the blanket and the small stuffed animal close to her chest, she watched until they were completely out of sight before she let out the breath she had been holding.

"C'mon.." Andy said tugging her arm lightly as he escorted her over to an empty chair in the waiting room area.

As she sat down, Sharon looked over all the blanks on the form and ran her fingers through her dark red locks. Suddenly, she gasped and jumped in her chair. "Oh God, I have not called Claire." She announced, digging around in her purse for her cell phone. Once she found it, she quickly tapped until she found her daughter's name and hit dial. She tapped her foot impatiently against the floor, as the phone continued to ring, "Come on.." She whispered, groaning in frustration when she did not get an answer.

"Hi, Sweetheart. Uhm, Addie broke into a fever. We are at the hospital now. They should be coming back any second to let me know more information about what exactly is going on. Call me back when you get this." She hung from that call and then proceeded to perform the same action with her son-in-law, who unfortunately didn't answer either.

"What is the use of having a cell phone if you are not going to answer it?" She asked, pinching the top of her nose as she placed the phone in her lap and pulled out a pen from her purse.

"Everything is going to be alright, Sharon." Andy repeated his earlier words of encouragement, sitting back in the chair, observing the woman he had not had a good relationship with closely.

The woman smiled a little, trying to get that through her head as she began to fill in all the necessary information on the form attached to the clipboard. Once she had finished, she stood up and handed the information to one of the secretaries at the front desk and asked if there was any news. Of course, nothing.

Sharon nodded as she walked back over to Andy and sat down, leaning her head back until it rested on the wall and closed her eyes tightly. "You know, I never thought I would be a mother.. let alone grandma. I didn't want kids for the longest time. I just didn't see the appeal." Her voice was soft, quiet, emotional. "You change a lot as a person though after having them..." She continued, looking over at the man sitting next to her, knowing he could relate, because he had children as well. "I always wanted to be a good mother. I didn't care if my children liked me. I just wanted what was best for them. I made so many rules, and it literally drove both my daughter and son away from me." The redhead looked down at her hands that were shaking a bit, clasping them together in her lap with a small sigh. "The first time I actually saw Claire after graduation was after she got engaged, and my son.. well, he calls and comes when he needs something." Her shoulders shrugged a little, "I don't think they dislike me. That's what I am not trying to say at all, but most of the time they are with their father. And I don't blame them, the separation was hard on them." Taking in a deep breath, she let a long sigh draw out before beginning to speak again. "So here I am, over sixty years old, playing mother again with Rusty, and now my granddaughter, because my daughter and son-in-law both have two very demanding jobs, and I am completely freaking out. I have only had her in my care for a couple of hours, and Addison is already in the hospital! I don't want to ruin them. I don't want my children thinking I'm unfit and keeping their own children away from me."

Andy shook his head back and forth, "No certain kind of parenting is the right way, Sharon. We are human beings. We all have flaws. Both of your children got into great schools, because you made them work hard. They are both successful and have a bright future ahead of them." He turned his body in the chair to face the woman more, "I didn't want to be a father. Sometimes I still wonder if I made the right decision. Now, don't get me wrong. I love my children. They are my world, but I just don't and didn't think I had what it takes either." Reaching over across the armrest, he placed his hand on top of hers and squeezed lightly. "Your children are lucky to have a mother that cares for much about them. Rusty has become a better person because of you. You can't help the fact that your granddaughter got sick. Who do you think you are? God?" Andy scoffed, "You did what every good parent or grandmother did. You got help."

Sharon smiled a little and nodded, "Thank you, Andy." Her words barely above a whisper. An hour passed by and the two had yet to have a full conversation, their hands still holding onto each others.

"Ms. Raydor?" The nurse asked as she walked out of the double doors, looking around the waiting area.

Sharon jumped to her feet and waved her hand, "That's me. How is she?" She asked quickly.

"She is going to be just fine. It looks like there is an infection in her right ear, that's all." She smiled as she flipped through the charts, "You've listed that she had a cold?"

"Yes, she actually just got over it." Sharon said, running her fingers through her hair once more.

"Common colds usually lead to ear infections. It's nothing serious at all. We are going to drain her ear and give you some droplets and ibuprofen. It should clear up in about a week. Just make sure to schedule a follow up appointment with her pediatrician. The fever has since gone down, so we are free to release her to you, but you will have to keep an eye on her through the night. Check her temperature every thirty minutes for the next three hours, and then every two." She said as she continued to look over the charts. "The fever is the only thing the doctor is worried about at the moment."

"I can take her home?" Sharon asked after listening carefully to the instructions.

"Yes, ma'am. Just feed her like normal, smaller portions. Make sure she can keep it down, because the fever has probably made her nauseous. Other than that, just keep a fan on so she can cool down." The nurse smiled and gave Sharon a pen to sign a line on the paper.

Sharon smiled and autographed the paper before handing the pen back, "Thank you. Thank you so much." She said as tears of relief filled her eyes.

"A nurse will be out in a little bit with her, and you can go to the discharge desk." She said, pointing in the direction Sharon would have to go and turned around, disappearing back through the double doors.

Sharon walked back over to the seats and looked at Andy, "She's going to be fine. She just has an ear infection." She said, smiling in relief and wiping her eyes as tears continued to fall.

"Great news!" Andy said, smiling, "See, I told you everything would be fine."

Sharon laughed and smiled as she tried to calm herself down, her eyes glued to the door, waiting impatiently for her granddaughter.

The next thirty minutes seemed to take forever, but out of the corner of her eye she saw a nurse come out of the double doors holding a baby dressed in pink and knew it was Addison. Jumping to her feet, she quickly made her way over to the pair, smiling through happy tears that escaped her eyes as she took the baby into her arms.

"Hello, Princess!" She whispered, peppering kisses to her face and nuzzling her close. "I'm so happy you are okay." She said quietly, as she took the blanket from the nurse and turned around to look at Andy who was grabbing the rest of her belongings over next to the chairs in the waiting area. Smiling to herself, Sharon went over to the discharge desk and signed all of the release forms. After the nurse filed them away, she informed the woman that she was finally able to leave. Turning to Andy, she cradled the little girl close to her body as she walked to the door, next to the man's side. "Thank you for helping me, Andy. I owe you one."

"It's my pleasure, Sharon." He said holding the door open for the woman as she stepped out and headed back towards the car. Opening up the door, he helped strap in the carrier in the back and then got in the driver's seat to start up the car. Once Sharon was in herself, she placed the stuffed animal in her tiny hands and then covered her with a blanket, tucking her in and resting back in the seat. Pulling out her cell phone, she called her daughter back, who was still not answering her phone, and left a detailed message to report that everything was alright. Then she once again repeated the same process for her son-in-law.