See Chapter 1 for all warnings

Stiles the Bunny

18 – Home Sweet Home

I've been home a few days and it means I've had the same people over every single day. It's like I'm popular, I'm hanging out with Lydia Martin and she's talking to me, even Jackson is talking to me.

I'm not allowed to turn into a rabbit until they work out some kind of rota for cuddling, and Peter is being bossy and telling them they can't overtire me, that there are time limits to me being cuddled as a bunny, so Erika grabs human me, and my face becomes intimately acquainted with her chest, while she demonstrates that there are no time limits on cuddling me as a human.

They all laugh, Peter makes an epic bitch face at her and hisses, while Derek rolls his eyes at us and goes into the kitchen to get more soda for people.

Chucking them out a few hours later, so I can make dinner, I get to eat with my dad, who's constantly checking up on me, I guess having your son kidnapped twice within a few months makes you justifiably paranoid.

Now we're home he's catching up on his sleep and I know some of the Deputies are working longer hours so he can come home and rest, I owe them cookies for that. And I still have to go and see the doggies to thank them for not eating me as a rabbit and then finding me when I was human and planted by the spring to wait for them.

Tromping up the stairs I log onto my laptop and check out my emails. I was right, Peter hasn't given up, he's being fairly subtle about it though, I'm getting compliments via text and emails, and he's linking me up to funny videos and websites.

With Peter all I'm going to have to do is stand still and let him catch me, that's if I even want to go there, he's manipulative and a total bastard given half a chance. Then there's the whole psycho side of him, like when he woke up from his coma and all the shit he's done to people, like murdering Laura and his nurse, what he did to Lydia and so much more.

He's annoyingly charismatic though and he knows it, and he uses it.

Derek is a totally different problem.

With Derek, if I chose to go down that path, I'm going to have to do all the chasing and there's all that baggage he'll drag with him, like Kate Argent and how she used him to kill his family.

Sighing I rub my face and wonder how I went from no dating prospects of any kind, to two hot older guys. I amend it to two hot older and very complicated guys.

My email pings and it's from Peter, I don't bother scanning it for viruses, it'll be another link, only this time he's sent me a snippet of video. I launch it and it's a good thing I have the headphones in because he's sent me porn. Anime porn. Holy hell it's a big grey wolf and a human male, and that is one huge fucking knot that's swelling in the man as they both cum and then cum again, and again.

It takes me a few seconds to snap out of my daze and desperately close down the video, "Bastard," I mutter and it's too late because I'm already getting hard just thinking about it. Yes I know porn lies, it would hurt in reality and there's no way they can reload that quickly, but in fantasy it pushes my buttons in a big way.

An interesting side effect of being a rabbit for so long is that while I wasn't interested in sex at the time, it sort of built up, and then I was stuck in hospital. Since I've been home I've jerked off a lot.

Hurrying over to my bedside cupboard I snag the lube and undo my pants, it won't take me long, I have an unbelievably, and humiliatingly, short fuse at the moment. Slicking up a hand I wrap it around my dick and grunt at the cold sensations, though as I know I'm Bi I've been experimenting, my other hand goes between my legs and I slide one lubed up finger inside and incidentally nudge my balls with the heel of that hand.

Not bothering to hang around I speed up and I can't help but see the image of the big wolf and I'm imaging me and Peter or me and Derek. Oh god, that's a good thought. Me kneeling on the forest floor, one of them mounting me where I'm prepped and ready. A big fat wolf cock thrusting into me as the other one circles around us waiting for his turn. The knowledge I'm not getting out of here until they're both completely satisfied, how I can't touch my dick in my fantasy and then the one mounting me is cumming and I sob quietly as I cum too.

I collapse onto the bed and pant, damn Peter and his manipulations, he's really going to try and set me up so I'll choose him as a Guardian. My legs are wobbly so I roll to grab a few tissues to clean up and wipe the lube off.

On my desk my phone beeps and I groan too blissed to care right now, though my curiosity gets the better of me and I do my pants up to walk over and sit on my desk chair.

It's Peter and he's put, 'You sounded amazing just now, I can't wait until you're 18 and say yes to me'.

"You know right now I'm thinking no and never!" If he's still creeping nearby he'll hear me, and sure enough my phone beeps, 'I have just over a year to get you to change your mind babe xxx'.


I go for a shower and ignore him.

I have just over a year to decide if I want him as a boyfriend, or Derek, or both of them, or anyone really.

Dad comes up to go to bed and I say goodnight. Pulling on my sweatpants and t-shirt I normally sleep in, I wait an hour and then I disobey Peter by going rabbit. I've discovered, in a few experimental and unauthorised changes, that anything I wear goes with me and vanishes until I turn back, and those clothes, and the things in my pockets, reappear undamaged.

Very handy to know, it means I can shift shape and when I turn back I'm fully clothed.

Sneaking out of my bedroom I hop stealthily to dad's, where his door is slightly ajar.

I listen carefully but he's breathing slowly and evenly.

Hopping quietly along the side of his bed I wait a few seconds and then stand up on my back legs to peer at him over the edge of the bed. He's asleep. Jumping onto the bed I wiggle under his arm and rest my head on his shoulder. The moment I touch him he relaxes completely and I close my eyes too.

I have a plan, I'll sleep as a rabbit with my dad when he's worked himself to the edge like this, he'll recover faster and it won't drain me too much. Yawning I nuzzle his arm and fall asleep beside him.

Waking with a start I curse as his alarm goes off. I have to wiggle out from his arm and shoot off the bed and out into the hall. God I hope he didn't see me.

"Stiles?" He calls out sleepily and I change as quickly as I can, so that my human head peeks around at him.

"Yeah dad?" I grin at him, I'm tired like I didn't get a lot of sleep, but he's much more refreshed and my plan totally worked. "You want me to make you breakfast?"

He blinks at me and frowns, "Yeah, please."

Humming I trot down the stairs to start his breakfast.

Later that day I go out to buy new Lacrosse pads for the new season; I am so going to be on first string this year. Bending over to rifle through a display in the shop I crow as I pick up one of the things I'm looking for, it's on sale and in my size.

I stand back up triumphantly clutching my prize, "Stiles," is whispered into my ear and I jump with a very manly yip, it's Peter, and his warm breath over the sensitive skin of my ear gives me goosebumps, "As noble as it is to help your father, you shouldn't wear yourself out like that," how the hell does he know what I did last night? Did he hang around all night listening to me? And how the hell did he know I'd be at the mall?

Except my indignation doesn't last that long. Instead I start remembering him as a wolf and that damn anime he sent me. Stupid hormonal teenage body.

Oh my god, don't let him smell how affected I am by him being this close, he'll never let it go, damn it I need to stop thinking about him as a wolf, about me on the forest floor… Frantically I look around and spot Lacrosse things which makes me think of Coach Finstock and disaster is averted.

Smirking he leans in again and I shiver, "Did you know that the rare carrier gene for men to get pregnant is a by-product of werewolves mating with humans? The male offspring will be able to get pregnant, and all male werewolves can get pregnant," He lets that sink in, "It means you can still be a father Stiles, just think of all the little yous, mes and Dereks, if he can stop wallowing in his manpain for long enough, running around the place," he pats his stomach and walks off humming a lullaby.

"Son of a bitch," I mutter because now I'm thinking about him on all fours, or Derek on all fours and me mounting them, and I'm stuck in the middle of a department store full of sports equipment with a rock hard erection for two werewolves I'm not even sure I want to date.

And apparently I can add pregnancy to the list of kinks I'm into. Damn him.

A/N: Sorry for any and all mistakes, I've tried to catch those I could, but I'm only human.


Thank you for reading this daft little story, I'm glad you seemed to have enjoyed it so much, my stats, hits, kudos, favourite alerts, comments and reviews suggest you did like it a lot.

Also thank you for bearing with me when I deliberately wrote most of the rabbit things wrong. Obviously a real rabbit wouldn't react like Stiles did, what with all the picking up, cuddling and belly rubs. Stiles liked that, a real rabbit is more likely to hate it and freak out (depending on the bunny some of them would like it). But then Stiles isn't a true rabbit, he's a Hind built for cuddles and comfort.

Next up is 'Embracing Your Inner Bunny' a series of short glimpses into Stiles' life as he learns to be a rabbit Hind. Let me finish writing it and I'll start posting.

Again thank you, this is ridiculously fun to write.
