Alright, here it is at last. The End; I know, I thought it wasn't ever going to end, either. Thanks for all the great reviews. I love, love getting them. Hope you enjoy this final chapter!


Ford crested the hill and found Cleo waiting for him. He was surprised how nervous he felt. They had been writing for months now, but to be honest, he was writing less frequently lately. He felt bad about that.

"Ford!" She smiled and hugged him. "You are so tall! "

"Yeah. I'm almost as tall as Adam. Hannah says you can watch me grow at night. Your hair is long!"

"I'm growing it out." She said smoothing her hair with her hand.

"How long are you here?"

"Just for the weekend. Mom had to go over some stuff at the ranch."

"It is so good to see you." He said. "You should come by the house. Everyone will want to see you."

"I wasn't sure." She said shyly. "Your sister has been so sweet. I wouldn't want to upset her."

"She'll be happy to see you."

"How is Meadow?"

"She's such a sweet horse. Hannah isn't riding now days." He smiled at her. "She's expecting."

"Oh! You'll be an uncle!" She smiled at him.

"Or a big brother. Our family is sort of complicated. How do you like Oregon?"

"It took getting used to. It's alright. We live with my aunt and uncle. They are really nice. I'm happy, I guess."

"Good! I am glad." He glanced sideways at her. "So, are you going to tell me about him?"

"Ford! I . . . how did you know?"

"You are pretty, Cleo. Boys would be stupid not to ask you out." He could have laughed at how guilty she looked. "We weren't married, Cleo! We weren't even going steady!" He sighed. "He better be kind!"

"He is. You would like him, I think. He's quiet like you."

"Well, I would try to like him." Ford said. "I'd pretend for your sake but the truth is I'd be jealous as hell and wanna punch him in the jaw. But I don't live in Oregon."

"You got a girl?" She asked.

"Nah." He said. "I got enough going on around here. It took me forever to be brave enough to ask out the FIRST girl I liked. I imagine I'm just slow about some things." He shrugged.

"You are the kind of boy that girls will ask out themselves. You are the best boy I know." She kissed his cheek. "Let's be friends for the rest of our lives, okay?"

"Okay." He said smiling at her feeling overwhelmed by a whirl of emotions.


"Don't even think about it!" Crane warned Hannah who had started to rise to wash the dishes.

"I'm pregnant, not incapacitated." She sighed. "I can wash dishes."

"Let him!" Guthrie said. "You're cra -zy if you don't." He said his voice cracking on the word crazy. He blushed embarrassed as his brothers laughed at him. His voice had been changing and it failed on him at the worst times.

"Don't tease him." Hannah admonished the brothers. "Be nice. It isn't like it didn't happen to you."

"It did and all my brothers teased me." Evan said. "It's all part of the brotherhood."

"You better be a girl." Hannah said to her round stomach. "We got enough cowboys already!"

Adam, who had been helping Crane clear the dishes, paused beside her and rubbed her stomach gently, "Oh, this one is gonna be wild either way, darlin'. Have you looked in the mirror?"

"Me? I'm mild mannered."

They all laughed then. Guthrie dramatically falling to the floor with laughter. "Oh! That's the funniest thing I ever heard!" He teased.

"Forget it fellas!" She said. "Tease Guthrie all you want. I encourage it!"

"Hannah!" Guthrie protested.

"Don't tangle with Mama Bear, Guthrie! Don't you ever learn?" Brian said stretching out a hand to help him up.

No one noticed as Ford slipped out of the room, except Hannah. She rose slowly, Daniel jumping up to help her. "Easy, there Little Mama."

"Thanks." She said with a grin and followed Ford out to the porch.

He sat on the bench that was just to the left of the front door.

"Oh, thank God!" Hannah said lowering herself beside him. "I was afraid that you were sitting on the front step! I'd never be able to get up after that."

"You need something?" He asked her.

"I noticed you didn't eat too much." She said brushing his hair out of his eyes. "You were really quiet too. You okay?"

"I'm always quiet." He said.

"Well, there's regular quiet and then there's make-Hannah-worry quiet."

"Don't worry. It isn't good for you."

"Quit fussing over me. Honestly! You'd think I was made of glass. You don't need to worry this time."

"It's hard not to." He studied her thoughtfully.

"You didn't tell me about seeing Cleo." She said raising an eyebrow at him. "How did it go?"

"It was alright."

"Ford . . ."

"Hannah." She let out an irritated sigh and he grinned at her.

"You are as bad as Adam. What did you talk about? How do you feel about it?"

"We talked about how she was doing and how she liked Oregon. I don't know. Don't take this the wrong way, Hannah, but girls are really confusing."

She laughed. "You ought to try being a girl - especially one Cleo's age! You never know if you are gonna laugh or cry!"

"She's got a boyfriend."


"Well, it isn't like we were getting married."

Hannah rubbed his arm. "With you, I don't know. You feel things pretty deep. I know you really cared about her."

Ford turned his face away, surprised at how well Hannah knew him. He sighed. "She said that we should be friends for the rest of our lives."

"Friends?" She wrinkled her nose. "Sometimes that's the worst word ever."

"Yeah." He sighed again and Hannah kissed his forehead, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. "Then she kissed me."

"That is confusing." Hannah said and Ford found himself relaxing, leaning against her shoulder. "You will be such a good husband someday, Ford. You are so kind and thoughtful. All we have to do is get you to say more than two words a day and you'll be perfect."

"Maybe I should finish high school first?"

"I'd appreciate it." She said resting her head against his forehead. "Just because you are young doesn't mean the hurt's not real, Ford. You loved her."

"I did." He whispered.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. I truly am. First love is . . .well, you don't forget it."

"Who was your first love?" He asked.

"Robin Baxter."


"Oh, yeah. He got teased for that, but he never shortened it to Rob. I admired his strength of character, well, and his blue eyes." She smiled at the memory. "I was in the eighth grade and he kissed me on my thirteenth birthday. And then three weeks later he asked my friend Kat to the dance - not me. I cried and cried."

"I can't picture you with anyone besides Adam." Ford said.

"Me either." She laughed. "Oh!" She said suddenly. "Your niece is kicking me." He sat up and watched her stomach, amazed as it moved. "Here!" She said, reaching and putting his hand on her stomach. He felt nothing at first and then felt it.

"Whoa!" He said pulling back his hand. "That is so weird!"

"You're telling me!" She smiled at him.

"You mean brother." He said correcting her. "Or sister." He rose and looking down at her said, "You need help up?"

"No, I'm gonna watch the sunset with my true love who's been spying on us."

He glanced over and saw Adam hovering just inside.

"Okay. Thanks for talking to me."

"You can talk to me anytime, Ford. Anytime at all."

"I know." He leaned over to kiss her cheek. "Thanks, Mom."

He passed Adam as he went back inside, who reached over squeezing his shoulder.

Adam sat beside her and handed her his handkerchief. "Here."

"Thanks." She wiped her eyes. "I swear, Adam, they are the sweetest boys."

"Have you lost your mind, woman? Wasn't it yesterday they tried to have a food fight in your kitchen?"

"Day before yesterday."

He laughed and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, the other resting on her stomach; their child sleeping just within.

"How come she never kicks me?" He asked.

"He likes you." She told him. "He calms down whenever you are near. He knows his Daddy is close by, and he's safe."

"She's safe." He corrected stubbornly.

"Look around you Cowboy, I'm not sure daughters are in your genetics."

"That be a hell of a waste of all your beauty." He shook his head and kissed her cheek. "I wish you'd been around to comfort me over my first broken heart."

"Anna?" She asked. "Weren't you in seventh grade?" He nodded his head. "I would have been in the fourth grade, cowboy. I'm not sure it would've been appropriate."

"Probably not." He sighed. "I guess he'll be okay; just take a little time."

"Yep." She said.

"What kind of a name is Robin anyway?"

"His mother loved the story of Robin Hood. I thought it was very noble sounding."

He raised an eyebrow at her. "Sounds like a girl's name to me."

"Are you jealous? I married you." She reached out and put her hand on top of his on her stomach. "That's your baby, mister."

"Alright, you've got a point. But why the hell would ask Kat to the dance and not you?"

"Kat was gorgeous." She said. "Tall, blonde and uh, she developed early - everything I wasn't."

"Please! Robin sounds like a pretty stupid guy to me."

"I take it back. I hope it is a boy. I don't think you are up to boys falling in love with your baby girl."

"Oh, I feel sick." He said. "I'm just about finished with my first pack of kids, and now you got me starting all over! I don't think I can manage a whole new batch of first loves and broken hearts!"

"You still have Guthrie." She said looking up at him.

"He's a baby still."

"Have you heard him talk recently? He's thirteen, Adam! You already had your first kiss by then. Of course, you were kind of a floozy back then."

"Me?" He looked at her.

"I had three boyfriends - if you count Robin." She studied him thoughtfully.

"Why don't we talk about something else." He suggested.

"Uh, huh." She shook her head at him.

"Don't fuss, love. I was just searching for you." He kissed her forehead.

"You found me." She said settling back into his arms.

"Thank God!" He laughed.

They heard a loud crash from inside then, and Adam turned to look through the front window.

"What is it?" She asked wearily.

"Oh, Daniel looks to be trying to kill Evan; some kind of choke hold." Adam sighed. "Those sweet boys of yours are gonna turn your coffee table into splinters."

"Adam!" Guthrie said from the doorway. "Daniel and Evan are wrestling!"

"I can hear that, Guth. Go find Brian. I'm off the clock." Adam said.

"Brian! Hey, Brian! Adam says you gotta make . . ." His voice faded as he disappeared deep inside the house.

"How about a moonlight walk, Mrs. McFadden?" He asked her. "Are you up to it?"

"Sounds lovely." He rose and extended a hand to her, pulling her up. Behind them they heard crashing and a yell.

"If they break that table, they are buying me a new one." She said as they walked down the stairs and down the path that led to their front door.

"Of course, darlin'." He said. "But those sweet boys would never do that, now would they - you know, because of their sweetness." He grinned at her.

"Adam?" Hannah turned toward him.

"Yeah, darlin'?"

"Shut up."