The girl is quite easy to manipulate, to the point where it is almost disappointing. He had only to worm his way into her conscious, into her heart. Engage her with intellect, convince her he has a sensitive side, convince her he could be changed. She is a Gryffindor, after all. Not just a Gryffindor, but a little girl, who wants nothing more than to help people. So it's not difficult to get on her good side, fake a bit of compassion, console her when the Malfoy boy has ripped her to shreds.

And maybe he has a little too much fun with it all. Maybe he enjoys stealing her heart along the way, cornering her in the common room late at night just as she's finishing a late night of studying, taking her apart against the wall and forcing her to keep quiet, lest anyone were to hear her kitten mewls and walk in (and what an odd sight that would be, to see the poor girl so disheveled, blushing fiercely and taking deep shuddering breaths, clothes rumpled with her shirt unbuttoned and skirt bunched up around her waist, undergarments pushed to her knees with no other person there to have caused such a wreck).

Maybe he enjoys trailing his fingers up her thighs and whispering naughty things to her while she's in the middle of class, pressing his fingers against her damp cotton pants beneath her skirt, pressing harder and harder till she raises a shaky hand, asking for a quick trip to the loo, where he will then proceed to shove his fingers into her, knowing good and well that it hurts, but he doesn't care about the tears prickling at her eyes as he works his fingers rapidly, in out in out in out, rubbing his thumb against her clit, forcing the orgasm out of her and not giving her any relief until she's come twice more after that and she can't differentiate the pain and pleasure (and the moment when she's so sensitive, when one touch sends barrels of electricity through her spine, that he gets down on his knees and starts lapping at her till she climaxes once more).

After all, it has been decades since he's had a good shag, and making the bitch think he actually cares for her as he slowly drains her energy is just part of the fun.

And after months of prepping (and fucking), he has her completely under his control, and all the time spent comforting her and holding her is worth the way she worships him, worth the way she licks the blood from the floor as she kills her fellow mudbloods, and worth the way she smiles eagerly at him as she takes her own life.

Sorry about the shitty title, I'm really bad at naming things. Anything of mine that has a remotely good name is because my bff named it for me.