The Detective, The Wizards, And The Ninja: Chapter 4

Author's Note: I don't remember a few things from the episode 'human trafficking' which this is loosely based off of, including any of the alias' so if something is wrong just ignore it once again. Can you tell I'm an expert at research?

"I don't understand, what is going on here?" Malfoy asked.

Callen stepped up to the plate to explain; "Deeks is going to go undercover as one of his old alias's, Mark Smith, to gain enough trust with John Lazik to get him to reveal the location of his smuggling ring's activities.

"We'll be monitoring the situation close by in a surveillance van and will go in if any trouble starts." Sam continued.

"There will be a slight risk involved so you can either stay in the surveillance van or stay here, whichever you prefer." Deeks told them. To his immense surprise not one of them volunteered a protest at this prospect of danger; he knew they had their wands but this was unprecedented.

After seeing the nods of acceptance from all eight guests Kensi stepped forward, "Well lets get started then."

Two hours later and everything was in place. The meet had been set up in an abandoned warehouse not far from where John Lazik's father was killed, Deeks had brushed up on his alias, the surveillance van was stocked and ready, and they were all armed to the teeth…with the exception of Deeks who only carried a small concealable knife. Callen and Sam had even managed to put eyes and ears inside the warehouse before Lazik's men went to scout it out. Currently there were eleven people sitting uncomfortably in a cramped van waiting to see Deeks's car pull into the warehouse. The wizards were excited to see up close and personal the muggle form of law enforcement but were slightly scared of their host being badly injured.

To the team's disappointment, Lazik had shown up with eight people, two of who were doing a perimeter sweep; all armed with automatic weapons and Sigs. Add to the fact that they were almost half a mile away as to avoid be spotted and the chances of Deeks being hurt or killed were going up by the second. They knew that Marty thrived undercover, they had witnessed it in the MMA gym the first time they'd met, but the odds were not tilting in their favor.

Two minutes later they saw Deeks's car pull up. He was barely out of it before two of the security guys were roughly frisking him and he had four weapons pointed straight at his chest. After an agonizing thirty seconds the two men announced him clean and the weapons pointed downwards, luckily they hadn't found his knife…, which was basically his only means of survival now. Despite the fact that the eight outsiders of this operation had seen war they were surprised to see such blatant acts of violence without any provocation. The longer they watched the operation going down the more respectful they felt about Marty as well as more frightened at how this was going to end. They turned their attention back to the many angles displayed on the screens and listened to the crackly audio playing loudly throughout the van.

"What is it you wanted, Mr. Smith?" Lazik asked skeptically, but with an edge of something more twistedly malicious evident in his voice.

"I was going to work with your father before his death, I've been busy and only just heard about you taking over his…let's call it a 'practice'." Deeks answered back without hesitation, he was good at his job and he knew it.

"Is that so, why is it that I've never heard of you before?" He asked.

"I'm not sure, maybe for the same reason your mother was never aware of your father's real job." Deeks countered, for a second he swore that Lazik would kill him then and there but after a moment the strain on his neck relaxed and he sounded calm once again.

"My mother became painfully aware of his practices when one of his debts came knocking on our door a few weeks after his death."

"I'm sorry about your loss."

"Me as well, but understand this. I continue this enterprise solely of my own choosing, not out of obligation to my father. He is the reason for her death, that debt gave me this scar." He said, pointing at his face, his gun hanging limply by his side. Deeks mastered the impulse to grab it and get to safety.

"Well I always thought your father was a jackass too but it was a paycheck." Deeks told him bluntly, this sentence seemed to earn him John's trust. It seemed too easy, but then again he was a kid…it shouldn't have to be hard.

"I like you, you know I might have a job you could do. There is a small branch of this company that is slightly behind on delivery. You could fix that, if it works out then I'll consider giving you a permanent place here."

"That sounds great, where is this branch I'm supposed to be fixing?" Deeks asked, making sure to sound relieved at the offer and genuine in his question.

Lazik studied his face for a moment before deciding to divulge the information, "Go down to Panama City, there you will meet a man by the name of Omar Jimad. He is the head of that branch. Motivate him. Get him to get the girls to the warehouse on 357th East Monacaton Street uptown. Once that is done I will decide based on your performance whether you have a place here."

"Sounds like a good an offer as any. I'm looking forward to business with you Mr. Lazik." Deeks answered with a small grin, stepping forward to shake hands.

Everything had gone according to plan and Lazik and himself were making their leave when luck seemed to abandon Deeks. The two men checking the perimeter came back to secure Lazik's leave and to his chagrin the larger of the two men he had put in prison for three years for domestic assault. Even worse, the man recognized him. Before he had the time to grab his knife for some form of protection he was pushed against the wall and a barrage of punches were delivered to his ribs in a quick succession.

Immediately Kensi, Sam, and Callen were out of the car and running to the warehouse, leaving eight dumbstruck wizards behind. They stared in horror as Deeks was being horrible beaten and could do nothing to help. After another minute of being beaten the men released Deeks and he fell to the floor in a heap, curling in on his chest. His ribs felt like they were on fire and his head was pounding, he was definitely doing to need some alcohol to treat this. Before he could catch his breath Lazik had him up against the wall with a knife to his throat.

"You didn't inform me that you were a cop." He whispered evilly, dangerously close to stabbing Deeks right in the neck.

"Well it wouldn't really be conducive to an informative conversation it I told you now would it?"

That comment earned Deeks a small cut along his neck. Not enough to hurt badly but enough to bleed. Marty could tell that this could be his last moment, but at the same time that comment popped into his head a loud shot rang out and Lazik dropped to the ground cradling a bloody knee.

Suddenly his teammates entered the battlefield carrying extensive weaponry yet not outnumbering Lazik's men. Kensi quickly threw him his Beretta and he took cover behind a nearby pillar. The people in the surveillance van watched in fascination as each person rose from their cover to outshoot their enemies. In under a minute the warehouse was quite except for the sound of Lazik's cries. The team came out from their cover and handcuffed him while awaiting the ambulance to take him to the hospital. Kensi walked over to Deeks quickly.

"Are you all right?" She asked concerned.

"Never better, except the ribs…they've seen better days." Deeks joked, Kensi took this as a good sign; a joking Deeks is a healthy Deeks, figuratively speaking. The wound from his neck had stopped bleeding and his breathing seemed to be improving.

After a half hour of securing Lazik in the ambulance, overseeing the team cleaning the crime scene, informing Hetty of the smuggled girls' location, and Deeks forcibly having his ribs taped up all four of the team members made the trek back to their spy van. Upon arriving, Deeks was greeted by eight stunned faces.

"What?" He asked jokingly, he knew what but he wanted to enjoy this.

"You were nearly just killed, your all beaten up, there are seven dead people in there, and you're like…you're like James Bond." Ernie practically yelled out.

At the James Bond comment Kensi, Sam, and Callen all roared with laughter.

"Oh yeah, laugh it up. Next time, you guys get to undercover in the crazy psychopathic smuggling ring. Makes me miss Melissa and Justin."

Kensi punched him hard in the arm. "Yeah, I miss your pancakes hubby." She drawled sarcastically.

With that comment Callen and Sam went to the front of the vehicle and started driving everyone back to ops. Looking around at the faces of his old classmates Marty was surprised to see that they were filled with respect and admiration.

Once back at ops and changed into less bloody clothes, Deeks was sitting around with his old classmates and team sharing funny stories. To his dismay, the story of the fight between him and Draco in the bathroom back in sixth year was told, although moderated of course. Which then prompted him to tell the story of Draco being attacked by Buckbeak, a very large, and very feral dog. After the laughter had died down and Callen was telling everyone about the bar fight Hetty had gotten into at the cowboy bar on Sunset, Draco got up and gestured to Deeks. He followed suit and they went into a secluded corner of mission.

"Look, I know we had our differences in the past. But what I saw today, what we saw.. was truly impressive. We always knew you had a hero complex but we'd never seen how far you were willing to go to keep people safe. And what I'm trying to say is…I'm glad to have done this Marty. I'm glad I gotten to know the new you." Draco told him, Marty saw in his eyes that what he said was true and he was touched.

"This goes for all of us, I just volunteered to say it."

"I'm glad you did Draco. It's been nice to get to know you as well, all of you." Marty told him honestly.

And he did genuinely feel that way. Marty had thought this program would destroy him but instead he found himself relishing the company of his old friends and the new ones too. He got to show a small portion of the wizarding world what he had become and that felt great, like he wasn't hiding anymore. He looked Draco in the eye and they both nodded brotherly at each other, understanding the meaning of it, it was the 'it's been really great and all but this emotional gushy moment never happened' glance. Taking this whole day in his stride Marty and Draco walked back to the team and spent the rest of the night telling stories and drinking beer.

When the time came to say goodbye to everyone at the airport two days later Deeks felt a lump form in his throat. He had grown attached to everyone again. Giving the guys a quick pat on the back and the girls a friendly hug they made their goodbyes, their actions expressing more than words. Watching them walk down the terminal Marty felt a sense determination hit him, knocked away the sadness. The moment before the door closed Malfoy called back to Deeks,

"Your secret is safe with us Marty." He yelled with a genuine smile before the door closed behind him.

Marty just smiled back at the closed door for a moment before turning around and exiting the airport, fueled by his new determination. He may not have the wizarding world anymore but he wasn't going to be alone. Putting his car in drive he road down the familiar streets to Kensi's house, he wasn't going to live with any more regrets.

He knocked on her door quickly. She opened it wearing a slim tank top and sweats with her hair pulled back into a high ponytail, and Marty didn't think she had ever looked more beautiful. Throwing all caution to the wind he pulled her lips to his and kissed her like there was no tomorrow, it was him and her and the world was far away. To his relief she kissed him right back, their tongues danced the flirtatious movement they had been yearning for for so long. When the time came for them to breathe he pulled back hesitantly and looked deep into her eyes. She had a smile on her face and breathed out one sentence before pulling him into a deep kiss that lasted the night.

"Well it's about time."

Author's Note: Its done! Yay! Hope you all enjoyed it, please leave a review…they're like caffeine to me.