Chasing Robin

Summary: One shot. Dick is being chased across the rooftops of Gotham. Slash Dick/Jason.

Dick would usually be reveling in this. The caress of the crisp night air as he races across the rooftops of Gotham. The feeling of weightlessness as he jumps from building to building. The murmur of activity that only cities had constantly. This was his hunting ground.

But not tonight.

Tonight Robin was being chased.

Dick was trying to control his breathing. 'No point in panicking' he thought as he assessed his predicament. The foot falls behind him were quiet but not inaudible so Robin knew that his pursuer was still on his tail. 'Though Robin's aren't known for their tails, maybe the pursuer is on my wing-'

Shaking his head as if to refocus his thoughts, Dick quickly pulled out his grappling hook and shot a line out onto a taller building across the busy street to his right. 'This might throw the pursuer for a loop.' Landing deftly, Dick continued on his way. 'Need to find a place to hide,' he thought as he started making his way towards the warehouse ahead of him.

'Easier said than done,' Robin thought, 'Having a yellow cape, bright green shorts, and his signature red Robin tunic, makes hiding very difficult.'

Suddenly, someone dropped down in front of him. Dick tried to maneuver himself in order to not run into the figure that appeared seemingly out of nowhere, but it failed. Robin crashed into his pursuer and they both went tumbling onto the ground with Dick landing on top.

'Holy muscles Batman' Dick thought as he realized his hands were splayed on his pursuers chest. A deep chuckle resounded from said chest. Robin shivered, but it was not because the cold air hitting his bare legs.

Looking up to the face that belonged to the amazing chest, Dick saw who had been chasing him. "Red Hood!?" Robin exclaimed. Robin was laying, quite comfortably he might add, on Red Hood. The red helmet reflected light from the street lights and the several guns on his person were heavily apparent since Dick was laying on them. It took a lot of will power to not throw the line 'is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me.'

Then Robin noticed that their faces were only centimeters away. He started breathing erratically. Dick moved closer to the Red Hood in order to-

"Dick? Jason?"

Immediately Dick and Jason froze. Looking off into the shadows to the see the origin of the voice. And it could not get worse.

Batman with Timothy Drake, the current Robin, were looking at the pair entangled on the floor.

"I can explain!" Dick shouts, hoping he can get a lie out before the World's Greatest Detective and his partner can figure it out. Jason has not moved since Bruce and Tim had made their presence known. Dick can only imagine it is because if anyone will be blamed for why they were out running around in Gotham, with Dick wearing his old Robin costume, Jason would be.

Jason thinks fast and blurts out the first thing that comes to mind.

"Dat Ass?"

Nightwing face palms.