In light of Daddy David coming back, and all the speculation and spoilers going around, I was struck by this idea.

I don't think it will be that long, but I hope you enjoy it. Tell me what you think, and I'll continue working on the end if you like it.

Disclaimer: I wish. Not mine.

Disclaimer 2: All I can do is kid! fics. I need to get a grip.



Jet lag, he was beginning to realize, was becoming increasingly difficult to suppress in his later years.

A soft ding alerted him to the arrival of the elevator, and the awaiting man moved to stride towards the doors that parted, allowing him and the two companions shadowing him entrance. Once inside, the cabin doors closed, and with a slight jerk, the elevator began to ascend toward their destination.

The man grimaced slightly at the jerk, but remained benign as to not allow his companions any more fuel for further mocking him of his evident weariness from long distance travel. His efforts were futile, however, as he had trained his agents to be most astute.

Behind him, his companions looked toward each other, sharing a smile over something that clearly humored them.

"You both do not wish for me to regret acquistioning the pair of you for this trip."

The man's deep voice, though spoken quietly, carried through the cabin and effectively wiped the smiles off the pairs' faces.

Surprise flickered briefly on the woman's face at being caught when her superior had not even spared a glance over his shoulder, but disappeared quickly as she retorted with a voice heavily accented.

"Malachi and myself would give you no such reason to."

Her companion, Malachi, threw her a dirty look, but responded evenly.

"Liat speaks the truth. Besides, we would not pass up the opportunity to accompany you to" He ended with a note of disdain.

Their superior chuckled softly. His officers seemed to have failed to realize that he himself had been no more thrilled than them to travel across the world to attend a single event. Said event was being held in an effort to both recognize and celebrate all of the collaborating agencies. Unfortunately, in their line of duty, the political game was important, and appearances had to be made.

Coming to a halt, the elevator opened to reveal a floor bustling with activity. Taking a deep breath, the man stepped out onto the floor he had not visited in over several years. Behind him, his shadows fell into sync with his every step. He strode across the floor with familiarity, pausing outside the midst of the floor in front of a small, but clearly defined, work area.

The woman, Liat, glanced around, and spoke to the two men.

"Four years, and yet this place looks exactly the same. Americans cannot stand to change anything." She stated with poorly veiled contempt.

The man named Malachi responded, "You can only pity their need for perpetual familiarity."

The other man gazed across the bull pen they had congregated in front of and sighed almost wistfully.

"Now, now, children," he joked, "You must not blame them. Besides, I do not believe your old friends remain stationed in this area." He nodded toward the cluster of desks. Indeed, several anomalies stood out that could support this theory. What appeared to be a small, toddler's pack-and-play was assembled between two desks on the left. In addition, two generous sized colorful backpacks could be seen leaning against the desks as well, toys littered in front of them. Liat followed her superior's gaze and scoffed.

"I did not realize we had arrived on the floor of ze day care center, Director David."

Malachi chuckled, but addressed the older man's statement. "It appears they are not. Where is our dear Ziva these days? Has she decided to acquire citizenship in yet another area of the world?"

Director David shot him a derisive look, but responded openly.

"I would not know. I have not spoken with her extensively since our last encounter, most unfortunately. But I trust that she is doing well, if she has been so busy." He sighed as the two companions exchanged a look. "But that is not relevant to what brings us here." he said brusquely, back to business.

Being a father had always come second, and being a Director would always come first.

At that moment, A man's voice rang out.

"Eli! Good to see you've arrived safely."

Eli David looked up to where the voice had carried from. Coming down the steps of the cat walk, the man shot him a smile.

The three foreigners made their way closer to the stairs. Eli chuckled and replied to the dark, middle aged man.

"Leon, my friend. Shalom. It has been too long. You remember my two officers, I trust?"

Leon, taking his last step and coming to a stop in front of the group, embraced Eli briefly and extended a hand toward the two officers.

"Of course, Eli. Officers Liat, Malachi." he responded, grasping first the woman's hand, then the male's.

Both nodded and murmured a quick, "Director Vance."

With formalities taken care of, Vance addressed Director David.

"Now I know that you three have had quite the trip, and I'm sure you'd like to relax. I have several agents waiting downstairs to take you to your usual suites in the city." Vance said with a smile.

Eli grasped his hand and replied graciously, "Toda, my friend. Malachi, Liat, you may consider yourselves discharged . . . for now. I have several small tasks I must attend to before I retire for the day, and I am confident NCIS can handle security detail from here."

His companions, recognizing their dismissal, nodded toward the two Directors and turned to stride back to the elevator. The two men awaited until the ding of the elevator signified their departure before speaking.

Vance clasped Eli on the back, smiling knowingly as he addressed him.

"I know that you probably wish to finish business here quickly, so I won't keep you long. However, I've got an unexpected call in MTAC I need to sit in on before we can do anything. It shouldn't take more than a few minutes. If you'd like to wait in the break room, there are a few refreshments to appease you as you wait."

Eli chuckled and nodded.

"You do not need to worry, I am quite familiar with the many duties that fall upon your shoulders. I will be waiting patiently, take your time."

Vance nodded as he headed back up the cat walk, and Eli David made his way toward the break room that was designated for this floor.

Eli David wasn't a stranger to NCIS Headquarters, though whether or not he was a welcomed guest remained to be seen. The truth was, although he liked to believe he and his daughter were on amiable terms, he was not all that confident his attendance within her agency and reception back in her life, however temporary, would be welcomed with open arms. Saved for phone calls during their shared religious holidays and his birthdays within the last several years, Ziva had kept him at arm's length from her personal life. Eli had many feelings about the matter, but he was not a dense man and knew her reasons behind the distance. Though it made him ache deep within him in places he'd all but buried, he was also proud of her for rebuilding a life for herself that was all her own. It was for that reason that kept him from reaching out. He respected her boundaries, and hoped that she would let him slowly behind them with time. He felt the impending reunion upon him, and prayed that when he came face to face with her, they'd be able to remain civilized.

As he rounded the corner to the entrance of the break room, he entered to find the room empty saved for one small occupant stationed at one of the available tables. Surprised, he stopped short as she looked up at the sound of his footsteps.

Eli stared back into the eyes of a young toddler, and a beautiful child at that. Golden, tanned skin complimented her light brown locks of hair that, though wasn't distinctly unruly, had a soft, relaxed curl to it. Pausing over her previous activity of coloring, her dark eyes narrowed slightly, and they shone with a familiarity he couldn't place. It appeared Liat was on to something; perhaps NCIS was running daycare services now.

Eli, though never the best at interacting with small children, offered her a small smile.

"Hello there," he said softly.

The little girl offered him a shy smile in response.

"Hi," she offered with a giggle, holding up her crayon to indicate her previous activity. "Wanna draw wif me?" she asked hopefully.

Eli deliberated for a moment, then chuckled and approached the table, taking a seat next to the little girl.

"Until I have to go back to work," he smiled as the little girl readjusted her coloring book to rest between the two of them. She then reached for her box of crayons and grabbed several of what she appeared to consider the necessary colors, and offered them to him with her small hands. Eli accepted the crayons and watched her as she returned to her coloring.

"My momma and daddy are workins' too." She stated solemnly, as she concentrated on coloring in between the lines. "But I'm too little to helwp dem, so I haves to stay here and be good." Nodding to punctuate her important duty of being good, she paused and looked up at her companion. "What's your name?"

Eli smiled as he replied, "You may call me Mr. Eli. And what, may I ask, is your name?"

The little girl gave him a toothy grin. "I'm Piper."

"It is very nice to meet you, Piper. Thank you for sharing your crayons with me." Eli replied.

Piper pushed her crayon box between them as she recited proudly, "Momma says it's 'portant ta share."

Eli nodded and stated seriously, "Your mother sounds very smart."

Piper nodded enthusiastically, not looking up from her coloring.

"Mhm! Momma's real smart. Daddy says dat aw da time cuz she's ahways rwight!" She giggled, evidently finding her father to be amusing. Eli smiled knowingly, while she concentrated on the picture in front of her. She colored slowly and precisely for such a young child, and looked to be coloring a princess in a gown. As if sensing his gaze, she looked up and informed him, "Momma says I gets ta wear a dress like a pwincess for da parwty tomorrow. You goin' to da parwty, Mr. Eli?"

Eli chuckled again, "Ah, yes. I shall be there. I am sure your dress will look lovely."

Piper offered him a smile, and replied, "You can sits next ta me if ya wanna. I won't have no fwiends dere." She said solemnly, her smile fading.

"I would be honored," Eli replied. "I will not have many friends either."

Piper grinned widely at him.

"Okay! I saves yew a seat!" she said enthusiastically.

Eli grinned down at her, about to reply, but paused when the phone at his waist went off with three, quick vibrations. He reached to grab his phone and opened it to a text from Vance indicating he could make his way up to MTAC now.

Eli closed the phone and looked down at his new friend. Addressing her, he said, "It appears I must return to work now. Thank you, Piper, for your company." The little girl looked up and offered him a small smile that stirred something inside him again. There was something almost hauntingly familiar about the child. Patting him on the arm with her small hand, she said, "Yew welcome, Mr. Eli."

She continued to gaze at him as he got up to leave, and offered him a small wave as he smiled at her and turned out of the room.