ECP: What up people!? Long time no post! I'm posting this on my own today 'cause Nscara is on vacation in Colorado. Gee, wish I could go to Colorado! But I'll stick to Texas. It agrees with me better. Alrighty then! Let's see what kind of trouble we can find ourselves in this time!

Rules and Regulations for Working and Living with Avengers and Loki

Rule #21

Bringing The Avengers to career day at school is a bad idea from the get go!

Most normal people don't grow up to be spies or assassins or super soldiers or billionaire playboy philanthropists or giant green rage monsters or demi gods.

They did provide a good source of entertainment though.

But next year I'll just bring Phil and Maria.

Rule #22

Bruce doesn't like it when you volunteer him to be the substitute science teacher.

He kept using me as his demonstration dummy.

I'll probably volunteer Tony next time!

Rule #23

In regards to rule #22…

Thor and Steve shouldn't be volunteered to be the gym teacher.

Clint doesn't make a good football coach.

The only thing Steve could teach you about history is about the 30s and early 40s. So asking him to sub for your history teacher is out.

As a matter of fact, just don't ask any of them to teach anything! Bad idea! Very Bad Idea!

Rule #24

Don't dress up like Loki.

You will be locked in a cell until they are sure that you are yourself and not Loki in disguise.

It took a very long time to convince them that I was myself and Loki was indeed Loki.

I'm still not sure they believe me.

Rule #25

After last year's Christmas fiasco, mistletoe is BANNED!

I almost have all of the pictures of mine and Loki's kiss off of the internet, no thanks to Tony, who keeps posting them.

Weirdest Christmas ever!

At first I was like… okay, just get this over with, then when I went to move away after I got him on the cheek, he grabbed me and the next thing I know I'm in a lip lock with Mr. Mischief himself.

Between you and me, it was kind of awesome!

I just didn't need the whole world to know about it!

Rule #26

Just because Loki CAN, doesn't mean that Loki SHOULD!

Enough said!

Rule #27

No Tony. Loki will not freeze the pool so that you can go ice skating.

If you want to go ice skating so bad, buy a skating rank, or do like everyone else, and wait until winter!

Rule #28

If Loki and Tony are in the same room, you probably shouldn't be.

If they can pull life altering pranks separately, imagine what they could do together!

Rule #29

In regards to Rule #28, try to keep Tony and Loki as far apart as possible.

It's what's best for everybody.


Rule #30


Just because all the other super villains have a 'ray' (ie: deathray, freezeray) doesn't mean that you need one too, so stop asking Tony and Bruce to make you one!

ECP: Okie Dokie! Yes I say okie dokie get over it! I think that went rather well don't you?

Loki: No.

Tony: I would never work with Loki at anything… so we really don't have to worry about any world threatening pranks… Unless…*drags Loki off into another room*

ECP: Alrighty then guys, I'm gonna get out of here and try to put a stop to the Terrible Twosome! Have fun imagining what kind of horrible things they are doing to the tower!