So I usually don't do OC stories; I'm always afraid of making them Mary Sues. But after watching ROTG, I had the urge to write something for Pitch. He definitely pulled at my heart-strings and I felt like he needed someone on his side. So I decided to stir up some drama and pull Jack's little sister into all of it. I'm debating on putting in Jillian's backstory every other chapter. So like, one chapter would be "present-day," shortly after the events of ROTG, and the next chapter would be in Jillian's past, shortly after Jack's death. I always appreciate criticism, but only when it is meant to be helpful and let me know what I could do better. I don't flame you, please return the favour. :) –Katheryn xx

The Other Half

Chapter One

'What the hell was that idiot thinking?!' Jillian seethed, pacing back and forth in Pitch's underground lair. She had just gotten back from an assignment in Paris, intent on spending the rest of the evening in her lover's arms.

Instead, she had come home to the news that Pitch was wreaking havoc throughout the world, nearly destroying children's beliefs, and battling the Guardians. The Spirit of First Love was not pleased; no wonder why her seemingly simple assignment of childhood affection had been so difficult. Pitch's head would roll when she got her hands on him.

Jillian had known that Pitch was no angel and wouldn't change his rather wicked ways just because she was his other half. That wasn't what either of them wanted; Pitch loved creating nightmares, fear was his center. And Jillian loved the Boogeyman exactly as he was; she fell in love with him for who he was, wicked personality and all.

But for a plan this elaborate, he had to have been planning this for years, decades even. And Jillian had had no idea. Meaning that Pitch had been keeping secrets. And that, to Jillian, was his biggest crime.

Jillian understood that there had been an imbalance between Pitch and the Guardians for centuries, the Guardians having all of the belief and love of children and Pitch having absolutely none. She couldn't blame him for striking out, even though she didn't approve of the effect his actions had on the children. No, he deserved some recognition by the children; fear was a natural part of life and the Guardians needed to realize that and let Pitch do his job. They needed to find a balance: a time that wasn't the Dark Ages, but also wasn't the Guardians' utopia. So Jillian could forgive him, at least partly for his attack on the children of the world. But she couldn't forgive the fact that he had kept something of this magnitude from her. Especially after they had both sworn to be honest with each other.

A commotion sounded overhead and a large cloud of nightmare dust fell from the ceiling, writhing and twisting. Jillian leaped gracefully out of the way, before noticing a flash of grey skin within the black dust.


The cupid rushed over to her lover, batting away the nightmare dust. She hadn't been afraid of Pitch since she was a mortal child; she knew he wouldn't hurt her in any way. The dust dissipated and Jillian saw her Pitch, lying curled up on his side, shuddering slightly.

"Pitch?" Jillian asked again, crouching down next to him, concern in her eyes. "Pitch? Are you alright? Say something. Pitch!"

Her fingers stretched out to stroke his cold cheek, only for them to be grasped tightly in one of Pitch's hands. His golden yellow eyes opened swiftly and Jillian held still. She knew Pitch's fears, the ones he whispered against her skin in the dead of night. If he'd been attacked by the fearlings, there was no telling what his mental state was like right now.

His eyes locked on hers and his finger stroked along her skin.


Suddenly Jillian was yanked into Pitch's chest, his arms clamping around her waist like vices, clutching her to him desperately. She felt his face bury itself into her hair, inhaling deeply in an obvious effort to calm himself. The shudders did not cease, however, and Jillian brought her hands up to stroke his dark hair.

"Pitch, what's wrong?" she soothed, her other arm wrapping around his waist. "I've never seen you like this before. Sweetheart, what happened out there?"

"The fearlings turned on me," he explained, voice somewhat choked still. "No one else was afraid and so they sniffed out my own and attacked me. Oh, Jillian… the things I saw behind my eyes…"

He abruptly stopped talking and attempted to pull her even closer, the cupid now seated upon his lap, her head still resting against his chest. His shudders seemed to increase ten-fold as he held her there. In response, Jillian's arm tightened around his waist, her hand clutching the fabric of his robe.

"Pitch, whatever it is, I'm here," she said. "Tell me about it, love."

Silence reigned for a few long moments. Jillian relaxed in her lover's arms, hands stroking along his spine. The centuries had taught her many ways to calm the King of Nightmares.

"I was forgotten," he finally said. "No one believed; no one was afraid. I was alone, forgotten and slowly fading from the world. Even Manny refused to shine his light upon me."

Jillian tensed and pulled her head up to look into Pitch's yellow eyes.

"Pitch, that won't happen," she stated. "You cannot fade away while at least one person believes in you. I will always believe in you; ergo, you cannot be forgotten."

"That was the worst part," Pitch said, swallowing thickly. "You were gone."

"Oh Pitch," Jillian sighed. "I'd never leave you; I've spent the last 300 years by your side; I don't think it's very likely that I'll just up and leave."

"Jillian, you don't understand." Pitch's arms tightened around her again. "You didn't leave me; not that way. Jillian, I watched you die. I watched you fade away in my arms and I could do nothing to stop it."

Oh. The cupid's eyes teared up and she hugged Pitch so forcefully that they fell backwards. He let out a low grunt as his back hit the hard ground.

Jillian dropped a kiss on the tip of Pitch's nose before looking him in the eyes again.

"Pitch, that particular nightmare will never come true," she said seriously. "And there is one very good reason why that is. Even if the world stopped believing in me, even if the world turned its back on love, we'd still believe in each other. There is enough love between us to keep us both here, to keep us together. Believe me," she finished with a smile, "I'm a bit of an expert in this arena."

Finally, finally, a small smile crossed Pitch's face. A hand came up from her waist to push back a strand of pale pink hair from her face. His hand cradled her cheek.

"You're right. We've managed three centuries, we'll survive whatever comes at us next."

They met in the middle for a light but passionate kiss. It seemed Jillian would be getting her evening with the man she loved. That is, until they broke apart slightly and Pitch dropped a bombshell.

"Even if what comes at us next is your frosty elder brother and his new little Guardian pals," he murmured quietly.

He leaned in for another kiss, but Jillian pulled back farther. Her eyes were wide with shock.

"What? Jack is alive?"