A/n last chapter- as ever thanks for the support, it was just going to be a one shot but look were it is now- i love all my lovely readers and reviews and sad I'm sad it has to end but everything ends in life

Castiel was struggling with all his might; biting; clawing; scratching, but it was no use four angels were to much even for Castiel . They grabbed his wings twisting and pining him down forcing him into submission. All of Castiel's beautiful fine feathers that Dean admired so much fell to the ground, like the remnants of Castiel's pride, a sad sight to all but the most stoic heart, when a angels wings are harmed it is of the highest crime and the most intolerable pain and suffering.

"Please" begged Castiel desperation dripping of every word, but still fighting to the end "You know this is wrong, Uriel please, they're going to take away who I am, I wont be me any more, i'll be a blindly obiendant soldier, a tool for heaven to use as she please, a prawn for the will of a omniesant ruler who has unrighteously , unsacrimoniously, betrayed everthing we stood for, everything father taught us and all the values he stood for"

"Im sorry Castiel, but this is neccasarry, If allowed to continue, we will all be in danger, an cancer that will spread throughout the whole heaven, that will corrupt us all, dirting our wings and bringing us to the level of those mud monkeys"

Castiel was strapped to the table screaming, crying and battling still putting up struggles even now, untill the very end, not giving in, hoping that he would be able to see those green eyes he loved so much or that electric smile that took his breath away, he was buckled tightly in place by the emotionless angels that Rafael commanded. Castiel was in place on the cold hard metal table and the sharply sterile silver tools were laid out, in preparation for the operation that would take away everthing that made up Castiel. Castiel was trully frightened now, he had lost every form of hope, glancing at those tools he saw in them, the end, a representation of everything evil that could possibly exist and they were to be used on him.

"Furcas please" begged Castiel in a last ditch effort "you taught me how to write enocian, we were friends once, drop that hammer and that hook, put away the tools and we can leave here, it can be like the good times we had once, Furcas! Please! Dont do this!"

"Im sorry Castiel, all personal feelings must be put aside, this is my duty and it must be performed"

"Bernael, please!" Said Castiel gazing into the face of the other angels standing by his side, trying to ellect some sympathy from those dark cold eyes "I'll leave. I'll never come back, i'll leave it all behind. I'll go live with Dean, we wont ever set foot in heaven again, never bother you again"

"This is not allowed to continue Castiel, you knew this was wrong all along and now it must be set right"

Castiel was shaking and crying, and as the emotionless soldier leaned in Castiel thought of what he would always think of but could never think of again, those green eyes, and Castiel knew he shouldnt be smiling but damn it! he wasnt going to relent if they were going to erase him, they werent going to win, he would hold those green eyes untill he could no more, they weren't going to break him with this.

Castiel sat up,as he looked around the room he saw faces of angels he recognised from his cold sterile child hood

"Whats your name soldier?" Asked one of the angels he had fond memories of, The soldier recalled how they used to fly together in the 3rd heaven.

"What's my name?" repeated the soldier with the blue eyes, the soldier was confused, wasn't his name the soldier, hasn't it always been the soldier.

"Your name, is Castiel, soldier" said the angel slowly as one would talk to a small child or obedient pet.

"Castiel" repeated the soldier, he decided that sounded right " better then the soldier at any rate."

"Whats my mission?" repeated the soldier now known as Castiel

"Your mission, programmed the officer into the hollowed out soldier, is to obey heaven"

"Yes mam'm, heavens wish is my wish"

"Good, you have done a fine job with this one Furcas, your best work so far, he is obedient and has rejected the rebelious ways, the taint has been successfully removed"

"You may leave now Castiel, your operation was successful"

Castiel saluted and took his leave, but as he flew off he swore he saw bright green eyes and Castiel knew one day he would discover what this meant but till then he would wait and train to be a good soldier, he would obey till he would be able to leave.


Before the angels could relax though there was one last finale mission that had to be completed before they would feel completely safe from humanities corruption.

"Who are you people?" said Dean raising the shot gun he kept under he's pillow

"Are you Dean Winchester?" Queried the intruders

"Whats it to you? Who are you? you must be angels" realised Dean

"Yes we are angels, and we are here to set what is wrong to right" said Bernael

"Are you friends of Cas? he was supposed to arrive yesterday."

If you mean Castiel, we are aquatinted with him yes" said Furcas, slowly moving into position as he was conversing with Dean

"Where is he? has something happened to him?oh god, something has happened hasn't it? why else would you show up in the middle of the night,in my experience bad things always happen when people arrive during the night"

"No, everything is fine" Bernael replied "everything is just fine, calm down," Bernael soothed raising his hands as one would not to frighten a rabid dog "all we need to do is fix you, it wont hurt one bit and you may even feel slightly pleasant afterwards, just a small alteration to you and your brother"

"Who are you?" Repeated Dean growing angsty at the complete utter disregard these angels were showing towards him "What do you want with my brother and me?

"Is that Sam Winchester?" said Beleth indicating his head at the sleeping boy in the bed on the other side of the room

"What are you talking about?"said Dean realising that there was something wrong here, that these angels were sinister characters that meant harm to him and Sam.

"What do you want with me and my brother?" Repeated Dean to the advancing angels "Why are you here during the middle of the night? Why is Cas not with you?" said Dean looking around and kicking into big brother mode, blocking Sammy from the menacing glances of the midnight intruders

"Don't worry Dean, this wont hurt a bit" said Furcas stepping forward to subdue the agitated Dean that was blocking the angels from getting closer to his brother

"Where's Cas?" Said Dean firmly hoping to get answers from the unrelenting angels " What have you done with him? Why are you here?" said Dean as he stepped back "Dean was frightened now "why were these angels behaving as a demon would, angels were good, well at least Cas was, Dean knew then that these angels weren't at all like Cas they were something different something malevolent and terrible, a unstoppable force that had set there sights on Dean and his brother "this didnt take very long for Dean to realise but what Dean also realised was he had limited options as to defend him self so he did the only thing he could do . He put on a snarky expression picked up the shot gun and he fired as the angels were inching closer, but it was like throwing sand at a bear useless and likely to make the bear more angry. as the angels were still inching ever closer Dean was still trying to protect his brother, so he sent a prayer to Cas. Dean knew it was futile, because if Cas was able, he would be here by now but it didn't stop him from trying anyway hoping Cas was just caught up with an important issue in heaven.

"Cas I don't know if your getting this but your angel pals are here and I'm pretty sure they aren't here to get advice on takeout food, so if your listening I want you to know I love you, always have and always will, so don't forget me alright and look after sammy if anything happens to me"

Uriel and Bernael grabbed Dean tightly as to constrict movement, Uriel held his head still , constraining him,Dean had a look of terror in his eyes, but he was not to be beaten he looked into every single face of his attackers but no sympathy was to be gained.

Furcas put his hand on the forehead of the human who had created all these problems and wiped Dean's memories of all trace of Cas, cutting a out a piece of that made up Dean in the process. That in the later years would make him feel like he was damaged and hollow, trying to fill it with alcohol and one night stands never understanding what he was really missing. The angels then stepped up to Sam who was mercifully still in a deep slumber induced by some angel mojo the moment they arrived, and they did the same to him except they didn't disturb him from his sleep like they did with dean, but even though a look of saddening departure crossed the innocent boys face. What the angels did would also effect Sam but to a lesser extent it would cause a co-dependent relationship with his brother and also a rebellious streak, that couldn't be tamed in Sam, a need to never submit to unjust rulers. The angels then laid Dean down on the bed to sleep, confident they had erased everything that would have brought about the end of everything, a thing that if allowed would pave the way for angels everywhere, a symbol of rebelion and freedom. Rafael was glad that she could sit upon heavens high thrown without fear of being overthrown, but what they didn't count on was erasing the memories of Dean and Castiel didn't erase the love that had flowered. From that day on Dean never could understand why blue eyes made him sad, why he was always searching in a crowd full of people for the deepest blue eyes and why he was always sad when he saw a bird in flight, why he would always feel this sense of lacking, waiting and wanting.

" I dont get it" Bernael said "What did Castiel see in that human and his younger brother"

"Beats me" said Furcas "humanity is repellent an undesirable stain on the earth, that needs to be eradicated"

"Enough of that talk" interrupted Rafael what we need to focus on now Is putting Castiel through training, so this will surely never happen again, he will be the perfect soldier, I will personally insure that"

/10 years later/

The rightous man needs to be raised from perdition who will volunter for the sacred privilege" announced Ananchel ( the angel of grace)

All the angels stepped back unwillingly except Castiel

"I will pull the rightous man from perdition" said Castiel

And all the angels cheered for the bravery of Castiel, he was trully a perfect soldier the angels sang out across the heavens

"Well done" announced Anachel "Now, who else will be brave enough to accompany Castiel, to the fiery pits of perdition"

"Castiel I will acompany you, my brother" said Uriel "I believe if anyone can do it you can you are the most dedicated out of us all and are truly the perfect soldier for the job"

"As will I" said Armatia (the angel of truth) we have known each other for a long time, and now is not the time to abandon you to the firery flames"

"As will we" volunteered amitiel and afriel (the angels of truth and youth)

Anael, Abdiel and Adnachiel also volunterred for the mission and the team was complete although not all would make it out alive Castiel was glad he had he's friends by his side.

Before they left Castiel inquired to Michael out of a nagging curiosity that was eating away at him.

"I was wondering what is the rightous mans name? Who is this soul?

" Does it matter?"

"I suppose not, but I wish to know, to better find the righteous man when I raise him from perdition"

"Dean Winchester, the brother of Sam Winchester and son of Mary and John Winchester"

"Are you okay Castiel " asked Michael noticing Castiel was harbouring a strange dangerous look that scared Michael, it was a look that he had noticed in a lot of angels recently, and sometimes even saw it in his own face when he thought of how much he missed lucifer

" I'm fine, it's just that name sounds familiar, I feel that maybe I heard it somewhere before in a far away dream"

"Castiel you sure your alright you do know we don't dream"

"Yeah of course I know that, just forget I said any thing okay"

"Okay" agreed Michael giving Castiel a strange look, but by now Michael was used to castiel weird quirks

" Be strong Castiel, rescue the righteous man before it is too late"

Castiel saluted walking off, but he left he stopped to look back one last time

" Michael?"


"it's Cas, not Castiel"