Hi loves! I'm back. And just to let you know, this is probably the last update for this collection. I really was hoping to update this everyday and in the beginning I was doing really great at that. But, eventually, I ran out of pre-written one-shots and I was busy doing other things that I just didn't have the time. If I don't get another one up tomorrow, this will be the last one. So, enjoy this (most likely) final installment of Zevie for the Holidays. I really hope you enjoyed all of them. :)

"Oh my goodness you guys! Guess what?!" All the members of Gravity 5 lift their heads up from what they had been previously engaged in, a very intense game of Twister between Zander and Stevie, to see Kacey Simon walk through the door of the band room, excitement written all across her face.

"What is it?" Kevin asks eagerly, like a puppy dog waiting for a treat.

Kacey walks towards one of the open chairs, and sits down in it, lifting her hands into the air, her cell phone in one hand, and her purse in the other. "My family is going to Aspen next week to go skiing like we do every year, and my parents invited you guys to come with us this year!"

"Seriously?" Nelson asks in awe.

"Seriously," Kacey says back.

"Well, I think that that is a great idea," Zander says, looking at Kacey through Stevie's hair that is hanging in front of his face. He and Stevie are both on the Twister mat, Zander being in a backbend with Stevie above him, their faces very close together.

"So do I," Stevie says, "Then I can own Zander on the slopes." She smirks down at him.

"Oh, you think you can beat me Steves?"

"Oh, I know so Z."

"Will you two love birds stop flirting and please pay attention!" Kacey exclaims at the two teenagers.

They both roll their eyes and look over at her.

"One second," Nelson says looking back down at the spinner. He flicks the black dial and watches it move around in a circle. Then it stops and he looks back up at Zander and Stevie. "Left foot yellow."

"Crap," Zander says. He slowly lifts up his left leg and moves it as best he can towards one of the yellow circles just as Stevie moves her leg as well. As soon as both of their left feet hit the yellow dot, they both fall and hit the ground, groaning.

Stevie pulls herself off of Zander and sits up in front of him, "I win," she says simply, smirking.

"What are you talking about?" Zander asks, sitting up, using his arms for support. "We both fell."

"Yes, but you hit the ground first. Ergo, I win. Now let's listen to Kacey."

"Fine," Zander huffs and scoots closer to her snaking his arms around her waist, pulling her close. Stevie smiles at the gesture and leans back against his chest, crossing her legs in front of her. Zander motions towards Kacey with one of his hands, "You may continue."

"Thank you," Kacey says, "Now. Our plane leaves exactly one week from tomorrow and we'll be there for five days. And it's gonna be really cold. So pack well. Oh, and you'll probably want to ask your parents if you can go."

"I think my mommy will say yes," Nelson says first, "As long as there is proper protection on the slopes. She thinks I'm small and will easily get rolled into a human snowball if I fall."

"My mom will probably say yes too," Kevin speaks up.

"Oh!" Nelson speaks up again, "Can Grace come too? She loves the snow."

"Yeah, sure. Just as long as Molly doesn't come too."

"Deal!" Nelson exclaims, then turns around to high five Kevin.

"I think my mom will be cool with it too," Zander says shrugging, "she's always wanted me to travel."

"And as long as Zander's going, I'm going. My mom trusts him like he's my brother."

"Although, I'm not actually her brother. Cause we're dating and that'd be really weird," Zander adds, gripping Stevie tighter around the waist.

Stevie looks up at him, "It really would be weird. But it's okay, because we're not brother and sister."

"You got that right," Zander smiles and leans down, pressing his lips against hers.

"Enough with the smooching!" Kacey shrieks, causing Zander and Stevie to pull apart blushing.

"Sorry," they both whisper.

"So, go and ask your parents. Then text me. And meet at the airport at 6 AM sharp. Plane leaves at 6:30. Don't be late." Kacey explains to them all as she stands from her chair. She moves her purse back onto her shoulder and flounces out of the room.

The rest of the band look at each other and then stand from their spots, Zander extending a hand to help Stevie up.

"Well, we better get going babe. Your parents want you home by 5."

Stevie sighs, "I know," she grabs her backpack off of the floor, swinging it up onto her shoulder. "You two," she motions to Kevin and Nelson, "Clean this up." Then she turns and exits the room, Zander trailing behind her.


"Zander look at this cabin!" Stevie exclaims as they walk into the Simon's cabin. "It's amazing!"

"Yeah, it is!" Zander replies, moving to stand next to Stevie and looks around.

Kacey walks up behind the two and puts her hands on their shoulders, "This is my family's cabin, and we always come up here in the winter to go skiing. Don't break anything," She looks over at Kevin and Nelson, "That goes especially for you two. Break anything, you die."

"Got it!" The two boys say at the same time, looking directly at Kacey.

"Now," Kacey's mom says, "Let me show you all to your rooms. Follow me." She motions with her hand and then begins walking towards a staircase at the back of the cabin going upstairs, everyone else trailing along behind her.

They all reach the upstairs landing and Kacey's mom turns and stands in the middle of the landing in front of everyone. "Okay kids. This is where you will all be staying. Kacey, your father and I, and your aunts and uncles will be staying downstairs. Girls on the left, Boys on the right. No sharing rooms, under any circumstances. Now go pick rooms."

The six teens rush forward to pick their rooms, the girls rushing to the left side of the hallway and the boys rushing to the right. Grace grabs the first room, Kacey gets the middle room, and Stevie gets the last one. For the boys, Nelson takes the first room, Kevin takes the middle one, and Zander takes the last one. All six teens enter their rooms and immediately begin unpacking their bags and get settled into their rooms.

Stevie adjusts the gloves on her hands so they are tucked properly into her coat and then looks over at Zander, "So Z, you ready to get your butt whooped on the slopes?" She asks him as they are standing near the top of the steepest slope.

"Well, I don't know about on the slopes, but I am ready to get my butt whooped." He smirks, walking closer to her.

Stevie sticks a hand out, hitting Zander in the chest, "Not so fast Z. Ski first," she looks him up and down with a weird look, "playtime later." She removes her hand from his chest and adjust her ski poles on her arms.

Zander huffs, "Fine. But last one down gives the other a back and foot massage. And remember, I like it rough." Zander whispers the last part in her ear, with a smirk.

"You're on," Stevie says back, as she pulls her goggles down over her eyes and positions herself correctly at the top of the slop.

"Let's do this!" Zander replies as he too pulls his goggles over his eyes and moves so he is standing right next to Stevie.

"Woah!" Kevin yells at seeing Zander and Stevie, "Zander and Stevie are gonna race down the steepest slope here!"

Everyone gathers around the top of the slope, pulling out their cameras and camcorders, while whispering comments to each other and making bets about who they think is going to win.

"Okay," Stevie says, "On the count of three. 1…2…3!" As Stevie says 3, she and Zander both leap off of the top of the slope, launching their bodies into the snow below.

"A little lower, wait, a little higher, stop! Right there!" Stevie says as she sits on the edge of her bed in her pajamas. Zander sits behind her, his pajamas on as well, gently massaging her back with his hands. "Don't be scared Zander. Really dig in. I'm a big girl, I think I can handle it."

"Okay," Zander replies and pushes on her back harder with his hands. "How's that?"

"Heaven," Stevie tells him, her eyes slowly closing.

"Oh I can show you heaven," Zander whispers in her ear and then places his lips on her neck, kissing it gently.

Stevie opens her eyes and pulls away, "Nope. This is massage time, not play time."

"Come on Steves," Zander whines, "My body hurts everywhere! I think I deserve a little play time."

"Well that sucks that you fell and lost then doesn't it?"

"I didn't just fall and lose Steves. I almost broke every bone in my entire body."

Stevie rolls her eyes, "Stop exaggerating. You did not almost break every bone in your entire body. Now keep massaging, I never said to stop."

Zander sighs and places his hands on Stevie's back once again. He massages her back, making sure to undo every knot in her back, hoping, that when he's done, she'll massage his back.

So? Did you all like it? I hope so. I may have one more in me, it all depends. And so, if I don't get back to you tomorrow, Have a Happy New Year and hope you all had a wonderful Zevie month this year! :)

Also, don't worry, I'm not done with HTR stories. Especially Zevie. I have a couple stories in the works right now, and I think that you all might like them.

Until then,

Jellybean96 out!