Christmas in Chicago

A Jane & Lisbon Story

By Brown Eyes Parker


AU. Jane and Lisbon struggle to keep their relationship a secret when they spend Christmas with her family in Chicago. And everybody in the Lisbon family is determined to see them together before they go back to California.

Rating: T


I put it on my Christmas list, but right now at this moment I don't own anything regarding the Mentalist. The only thing I do own is this alternate universe that I've created.

Author's Note:

Happy December 1st everybody!

Just a warning, this has sort of a slow (and boring) build-up. I kind of needed to lay the groundwork for what's coming up. I almost killed myself writing the first chapter, and I started writing in OCTOBER! Please bear with me for this chapter, hopefully it'll pay off. This story is still a work in progress, but I will have it finished by Christmas day. Also, there might be a little bit of OOC, because this is an AU story where Lisbon's parents are alive. And I think that maybe she would have turned out a little differently if she hadn't had to grow up so quickly. Also note that it's hard writing for characters that you know NOTHING about. Anyways, I'm done boring you for now. Onto the story, I hope you enjoy.

For Katherine, my inspiration.


Chapter 1

December 19th

"Christmas won't be the same without you this year," Patrick Jane told Teresa Lisbon as he drove her to the airport. "Is there any way what that I can convince you to stay here with me?"

"I wish there was a way I could stay, but I promised my parents that I'd come home this year," Lisbon answered. "I haven't spent Christmas with them in almost ten years."

Jane sighed and pulled into the airport, letting the car stall as he looked at her. "Our first Christmas as a couple and we won't even be together."

"I guess we have to make up for all the Christmases we spent together as friends," Lisbon said lamely. "Listen, I'll be back by New Year's Eve and I'll be all yours. We can do whatever you want."

"Really?" Jane asked.

"Really," Lisbon promised, sighing slightly. "Even if it includes a party with a little black dress and high heels."

"I guess I'll have to think about it," Jane said, looking at the clock radio. "You better go, you don't want to miss your flight."

Lisbon leaned over and pecked him on the cheek. "I'll call you when I land, okay?"

"I'll keep my phone on me," Jane replied, smiling at her. "Now go, the sooner you leave the sooner you'll be able to come back."

"Thank you for letting me go," Lisbon said impulsively. "I was sure that you'd have some elaborate plan to get me to stay here."

"I thought about it for a minute," Jane admitted. "But your family deserves to see you this year."

Lisbon smiled at him. "Thank you," she repeated, kissing him on the cheek again. "See you when I get back."

Jane nodded and watched as she reached into the backseat to get her suitcase and carry-on bag. "Do you need some help."

"I'm fine," Lisbon assured him as she fumbled with the car door. "Stay out of trouble, okay?"

"Okay," Jane agreed.

"I love you," she said as she got out of the car,

"I love you too," Jane replied, wanting to draw out their goodbye just a little bit longer, but not wanting to make her plane at the same time. He watched her disappear into the airport and wondered what he was going to do without her.

At first he had planned on ordering takeout and watching television to pass the time Christmas day, but now the idea of cold Chinese food and an all-day Scoorged marathon on AMC was very unappealing.



Lisbon buttoned up her coat and wrapped her scarf tightly around her neck to protect herself against the bitter cold weather.

She had decided on the plane ride to Chicago that she wouldn't think about Jane whole they were apart. But his lonely eyes were the only thing she could really see while she looked for her youngest brother's car. She felt a twinge of guilt for not inviting him to go on her trip with her, especially since they were a couple. But he had insisted that she go by herself because it had been a while since she'd been alone with her family.

"Hey you!" A masculine voice said, breaking into her thoughts. "Need a ride?"

Lisbon smiled as she saw her brother grinning at her from the open window of his SUV.

"That would be nice," she answered.

"Well, I don't think there's enough room for you. Sorry," he replied, getting ready to drive away.

"Joseph Stephen Lisbon!" She said, stomping her foot impatiently.

"Just kidding," Joseph answered, getting out of the car and coming around it to give his sister a hug. "I'm so glad you're here Reese's Peanut Butter Cup."

"I told you never to call me that!" Lisbon said, slapping him playfully upside the head, knocking his Chicago Cub's baseball askew.

"Nobody's around though!" Joseph protested, ducking his head. "Come on Teresa!"

Lisbon smirked. "Are mom and dad waiting for us at home?"

"With lunch ready," Joseph replied, tossing her suitcase in the backseat of his car.

"Your Christmas gift is breakable," Lisbon told him as she slid into the passenger seat.


"No," she replied. "But it could have been."

"Oh you think you're so funny, don't you?" Joseph quipped. "You've been hanging around that consultant of yours too much. By the way, where is he? I thought for sure that you would have brought him home for the holidays."

"Why would you think that?" Lisbon asked, trying not to be startled by his statement.

Joseph shrugged. "I don't know. It's just that he's been coming up a lot in our phone conversations and e-mails. I thought that you two might—"

"No!" Lisbon lied empathetically. "We aren't! I mean, sometimes he'll spend the night at my condo. . . it's complicated, Joe."

"And I'm just getting my graduate's degree," Joseph said sarcastically. "There's no way that I'd be able to understand complicated. Are you in love with him?"

"See? That's exactly why we aren't getting into it! You translate his staying with me sometimes to me being in love with him."

"Dad and mom think you guys love each other," Joseph said, pulling out of the airport and onto the main highway.

"Did they tell you that in confidence?"

"No, never!" Joseph answered. "Scout's honor, they didn't tell me anything! I overheard them talking about it last night."

"You're way too old to be eavesdropping."

"I wasn't eavesdropping exactly!" He protested. "I can't help it that my room is right next to there's!"

Lisbon laughed. "Remember when we were younger, how we used to all cram into your room so we could listen in on dad and mom's private conversations?"

"Of course," Joseph replied. "Remember the time they figured it out and made you, Tommy, and James believe they were sending you to year round boarding school?"

"You freaked out!" Lisbon said. "You were afraid that you'd be alone for the rest of your life."

"And we didn't learn our lesson. Three weeks later, you all wanted to eavesdrop again."

Lisbon smiled fondly at the memories. "Those were good times."

"Hey Reese," Joseph said, growing serious. "I really think you should invite Patrick to join us for Christmas. Nobody would mind. We all know you two have spent Christmas together for ten years—"

"Thanks for your concern Joey. But Jane and I will be fine, we're both adults."

"Adults that were each other's only family for ten Christmases past," Joseph reasoned. "Are you sure that you'll know what to do without him?"

"Eat something besides Hawaiian pizza and actually win a game of chess," Lisbon replied.

"Well that's just silly," he said. "None of us play chess, but if you're really looking forward to playing it this Christmas you could always call—"

"Joseph!" Lisbon interjected. "I'm not inviting him, okay? The subject is closed."

"I'm your brother, not a member of your team. You can't tell me what to do."

"If you know what's good for you, then you'll listen to me."

"You don't scare me anymore Reese's Peanut Butter Cup. I'm bigger than you are," Joseph taunted.

"Not much," Lisbon retorted.

"But I could still take you," Joseph said.

"Being able to take a girl isn't something to be proud of," Lisbon told him, thankful that the subject of inviting Jane to Chicago for the holidays was closed.

She knew if she were pressured enough, she might cave and invite him to come.



"Don't look so glum," Grace Van Pelt told Jane as she watched him sip his tea. "She's not going to be gone forever, you know."

"I know," Jane replied.

"Then why do you look so upset?" Van Pelt asked. "Has she called you yet?"

"She called me right after she got off the plane," Jane answered, balancing his teacup on the couch's armrest.

Van Pelt's face brightened as she realized what his problem was. "You miss her!"

Jane frowned. "No."

"You're going to miss her then," Van Pelt said. "Come on Jane, everybody knows that you two have been together every Christmas for the past ten years."

"Working," Jane reminded her.

"So? That doesn't make it any less special," Van Pelt replied. "Why don't you go and see her? Surprise her even, I bet you anything that she'd be happy to see you."

"I can't," Jane answered. "I need to respect her space—"

"You've never respected her space before though!" Van Pelt said. "What makes this time any different. Unless you two are a couple. . . but that's impossible. There's no way you could be dating. . ."

Jane didn't bother to correct her. He knew that Lisbon wouldn't like it if he did, when they had first become a couple, she had requested that they keep their relationship as clandestine as possible.

"It's too bad you don't want to go and surprise Lisbon in Chicago," Van Pelt said slyly, breaking into his thoughts.

"Oh? And why is that?"

"Because about a week ago, Rigsby and I pooled some money together to purchase a plane ticket to Chicago for you."

"You did what now?"

"Bought a plane ticket. To Chicago. For you," Van Pelt replied. "You see, we anticipated that you'd be mopey without Lisbon."

She didn't add that nobody really wanted to deal with his mood, and that buying the ticket had originally been rooted in selfishness.

"Really Grace, I don't know what to say," Jane said.

"Say that you'll take the ticket and you'll let me drive you to the airport tomorrow morning," Van Pelt answered.

Jane, who had wanted to go to Chicago the whole time, decided to accept the gift. Consequences be damned.



"Hey mom," Joseph said as he and Lisbon rambled into their childhood home. "Look what I found! Can we keep her?"

Maggie Lisbon looked up from the loaf of French bread that she was slicing and threw the serrated knife down on the counter, rushing to wrap her daughter up in a loving embrace.

Lisbon returned her mother's hug and breathed in the familiar smell of Chanel No. 5, chocolate chip cookies, and Downy fabric softener. She closed her eyes and sighed deeply, realizing just how much she had been being home.

After a couple of minutes, Maggie pulled away and studied her. "It's so good to have you home dear!"

"It's good to be home," Lisbon admitted, smiling at her mother. "It's been way too long."

"Well, the important thing is that you're here now!" Maggie said. "Are you hungry? I made lunch! Joe, go and get your father, he's in the den watching the news."

"Sure mom," Joseph answered, stealing the heel of the bread and stuffing it into his mouth.

"So?" Maggie asked, checking the soup she had cooking on the stove.

"So, what?" Lisbon answered, sliding into a barstool chair.

"I'm surprised you're here by yourself. I thought for sure that you would have brought your friend Patrick," Maggie said.

"What about James and Steph?" Lisbon asked, quickly changing the subject. "Are they coming from London for the holidays?"

"Not this year," Maggie replied, pulling four bowls down from the cabinet. "Steph's parents invited them to go skiing in Switzerland. They'll be here in February though, maybe he'll have time to swing by Sacramento for a visit. Tommy and Annabeth are going to be here."

"I know," Lisbon said, getting a slice of bread and pulling the crust off it to save for last. "Annie texted me a couple of days ago to make sure that I was still coming—"

"I thought I heard your voice!" Peter Lisbon said as he came into the kitchen with Joseph close behind him. He went over to his oldest child and lifted her off the chair in a bear hug. "Welcome home sweetie!"

"Hi dad," Lisbon replied, smiling slightly as he put her back down.

"You're too thin," he mused. "What are they feeding you over there in California?"

Lisbon laughed. "Plenty. These days Jane makes sure I'm well-fed."

"Jane, ha?" Peter said, his lips twitching. "So, you've finally managed to close the deal with him?"

"Dad!" Lisbon answered, slightly mortified. "That really isn't any of your business!

"So you two aren't together yet?"

"Not exactly," she lied, her cheeks flushing pink.

"Not exactly," Peter repeated, winking at Joseph. "So, then it's something you two are talking about."

"You want me to say yes, don't you?"

"We all like Patrick," Maggie told her as she slid a bowl of soup across the counter to her husband. "He's been sad for so long and you, you haven't had a serious boyfriend since Greg. You both deserve a little happiness."

Lisbon almost gave in and told them that she and Jane were seeing each other as more than friends and co-workers. But she wasn't ready for the questions that would follow the announcement. So, she let it go and ate her lunch while her father continued his good-natured teasing about Jane and her together (with added comments from her mother about how adorable the grandbabies would be and offensive suggestions from her brother about personal things).


Later on, after she had helped her mother clean up in the kitchen she went to find her brother while her parents took an afternoon rest.

She found in in the living room sitting on the floor with his laptop and watching reruns of Friends with the volume on low.

He smiled when he saw her and motioned for her to come in. "You always liked Friends," he said as she settled into her father's worn, leather recliner.

"Only the seasons where Monica and Chandler are together," Lisbon replied. "They were the best couple on show."

Joseph scoffed. "Says you."

"Says a lot of people!" Lisbon retorted.

"What's Jane's opinion of Friends?" Joseph asked. "Does he think they're the best couple on the show?"

"We haven't talked about it," Lisbon answered.

"Does he even like Friends?"

"I have no idea Joe!" She replied, slightly exasperated. "Why does it even matter?"

"Well, if you're going to date him than shouldn't you know his preference about Monica and Chandler versus Ross and Rachel?"

"Jane's more of a nature show, Iron Chef of America kind of guy," Lisbon answered. "I don't think he even knows who Ross and Rachel are."

"Everybody knows who they are. You'd have to live under a rock not to know who they are," Joseph said.

Lisbon rolled her eyes and looked around the living room. "What's going on with the house this year? Mom usually has it decorated from top to bottom by now."

She wanted to wait for the whole entire family to get here so we could decorate together just like we did when we were kids."

"I haven't decorated in ages," Lisbon mused.

"Not even your office?"

"Hardly! Two of the members on my team will decorate a little bit, but only with mistletoe and one of those Charlie Brown trees from the pharmacy."

"Like one of those novelty, brand-name Charlie Brown Christmas trees?

"It fits on Jane's desk," Lisbon explained. "Otherwise there wouldn't even be a tree."

"You're such a Scrooge."

"You've seen our bullpen," Lisbon said. "Do you think there's room for a seven-foot Christmas tree?"

Joseph smirked. "You could move that old leather couch. It would be an improvement."

"That's not going to happen," Lisbon replied. "Jane would never go for it."

"Oh," Joseph said slyly. "But mom told me that you told her that Jane spends most of his time on the couch in your office."

"He's been doing that for years now," Lisbon said, waving her hand in the air dismissively. "Now can we please talk about anything other than Patrick? I mean Jane!?"

"Fine," Joseph agreed with a sigh. "Have you seen any good movies lately?"

"Jane took me to see Hitchcock," Lisbon said without thinking.

"Really?" Joseph asked. "Did you and Jane enjoy it?"

"Yes," Lisbon answered. "What about you?"

"I didn't see Hitchcock," he replied.

"I was actually going to ask if you were seeing anybody," Lisbon said.

"Oh. . . nobody of significance, really. The assistant library is pretty cute, but I don't have time to date right now."

"You should make time."

"Look who's talking!" Joseph retorted. "You don't make time for dating!"

"We weren't talking about me," Lisbon replied smoothly. "Come on Joe, when was the last time you had a serious girlfriend?"

"I can't really remember."

"Okay, if you talk to that cute assistant librarian the next time you see her, then I'll—"

"Ask Jane out?" Joseph asked.

"No," Lisbon answered. "But I will pay for your date, if talking to her leads to that."


"If you don't take her somewhere outrageously expensive, remember, that I'm a detective. Not a lawyer."

"I'll think about it," Joseph said.

"I guess I'll have to be fine with that," Lisbon replied, getting more comfortable and smiling at him through a yawn. "I'm going to take a nap, wake me up before mom starts making dinner. Okay?"


Lisbon had a fleeting feeling that he wouldn't wake her up just because he thought it would be funny if he let her oversleep.


"Hey Auntie Reese!" Lisbon vaguely heard somebody say, she didn't know how many hours later. "Grandma said to wake you up because dinner's just about done."

She opened one eye and saw her niece, Annie looking down at her with a grin.

"Annie, when did you get here?" She asked as she blinked a couple of times and stretched.

"About an hour or so ago," the younger girl replied. "I was going to wake you up, but Uncle Joe said that you were really tired and needed your rest."

Lisbon rolled her eyes and ran a hand through her hair. "Yeah, well Uncle Joe doesn't always know what he's talking about. You should have come and woken me up."

"Well, now I'll know for next time if there is a next time," Annie said cheerfully. "So!?"

"So. . . what?" Lisbon asked cautiously.

"Where's Mr. Jane? I thought for sure that you would have brought him with you!"

Lisbon frowned. "What made you think that Annabeth?"

"Well. . ." Annie answered slowly. "One of your e-mails from earlier in the summer implied he was living with you. So, I sort of thought—"

For a second, Lisbon considered telling her the truth. But she didn't know if she could trust her niece to keep the information to herself. So, she put her arm around Annie and changed the subject as she guided her to the kitchen.

The truth about her relationship with Jane would come out soon.

TBC. . .

Author's Note II:

So, the groundwork is sort of laid. Hope it didn't turn you off too much, if you want to leave me a review then I wouldn't be opposed to hearing your thoughts.

Until next time!


Holly, 12/1/2012_