Random Fact Time!

Rick Medina, who played Deker in Samurai, also played Cole, the red ranger in Wild Force. And Rene Naufahu, who played Mentor Ji, also played Emperor Gruumm on SPD.

Okay, so not a big shocker. Several actors from previous seasons in PR come back for different roles in other seasons. Many long-time PR fans know this already but I just thought I would share with those that didn't know or do as much PR stalking as I do :P

Quick Announcements Time!

1. I made a Megaforce fanfic. It's called Asking Gia Moran to Prom.

2. I have been debating with myself back and forth on how to end this story or if I should even complete it. I think and really hope I made the right decision.

Yes, this story is complete. I was looking back at this wonderful story of mine that I came up with in the shower (I'm so serious :P) and I was like "Wow, 38 chapters? When did this happen?" But although this story is complete, it's not the end of The Samurai Family. I have a lot of loose ends to clean up and fresh ideas I would really like to share with you guys in… *drum roll* The Samurai Family II: Here We Go Again. Yes, you read right! The Samurai Family II: Here We Go Again! I haven't started writing it yet but make sure to keep an eye out for it!

Happy Late – Easter my wonderful fans! The reviews, follows, and favorites mean soooooooo much! Even my guest reviewers are flippin' cool!

Now go enjoy the new chapter! :)

"Hey, no crying Bre-Bre." Mia said, pulling Breezie out of her bassinette. "We're going home today. You get to see your new room and meet your grandparents and Uncle Terry. You're going to love Uncle Terry. I know I do."

Kevin watched as Breezie settled in her mother's warm arms while he folded clothes in a suitcase. He had to admit, he was a little jealous. In just a week, he has grown attached to his role as a father. But he's glad Mia is finally awake and can help him care for their daughter together. Also, he really needs to get back to work before his students and coworkers grow suspicious.

"You haven't been outside since you've been born, have you?" Mia cooed at Breezie while she stood by the window. It was a bright and sunny day.

Although she enjoyed the Shiba siblings' hospitality, Mia couldn't wait to leave the Shiba house. She only planned on staying for a month and that month turned into almost two months. Catherine and Ji already gave her the okay to leave a day ago after a quick medical checkup so all there was left to do was to pack her bags and go.

"Who got us this bassinette?" Mia asked Kevin. The pink samurai placed Breezie back in her bassinette. She gave her a pacifier to keep her occupied while she finished helping Kevin pack.

"Jayden got it for us." Kevin answered. Since he refused to leave without Mia after Breezie was born, Antonio and Jayden got a bassinette for their niece while she stayed with them.

"Oh, well it's lovely. I love the cream-colored veil." Mia giggled to herself softly. "Are Jayden and Lauren ever going to stop being so nice to us? I swear, apart from college, they have no use for all of that money of theirs."

"They're family." Kevin chuckled at his wife's comment. "They're allowed to spoil us like we spoil them."

"Speaking of family…" Mia picked up two phones from the dresser. She handed one to Kevin. "We have phone calls to make."

"You're it." Kevin poked Mia's arm and stepped away quickly before she could poke him back.

"Meanie." Mia rolled her eyes and began to dial her father's number. Her mother was likely at work and she didn't want to disturb her. She didn't have to wait too long until her father answered.

"Hey honey, how are you feeling? Last I heard you couldn't move because of all of that pain the baby is putting you in." Nicholas greeted his daughter on the phone.

"Oh, I'm fine daddy. I'm feeling a lot better."

"That's good to hear. June is just around. I'm sure you're just itching to push her out."

"Yeah… I can't wait." Mia replied, glancing at the bassinette that held Breezie. She didn't want to tell her dad about her daughter on the phone. She and Kevin planned to bring his parents over her parents' house and surprise them with their first grandchild together.

"So when are you leaving the Shiba house? I can drive by your house if you'd like me to and pick up anything you need."

"It's funny you should ask. I'm going home today."

"Oh? Well, that's rather fast, don't you think?"

"Ji and Catherine said I'm good to go… Lauren is going to check on me every day." Mia bit her lip. She wasn't a very good liar. "So, um, can you and mom do me a favor?"

"Of course, anything for my girl."

"Kevin and I want to get the family together before I have the baby. So can his parents come over this Saturday for a dinner party?"

"Yes, they can. You know that Diana and Paul are always welcomed."

"I know. I just wanted to make sure." Mia said in a hurry. She could see Breezie getting upset again and her crying would not help with the surprise. "I have to go daddy. I love you. Bye."

"You almost ruined the surprise you little trouble maker." Mia told Breezie, picking her up. She began to feed her leftover milk she had in a bottle.

Kevin chuckled at his wife. "I'll take it that everything went well?"

"Yes, all we need now is your parents." Mia gestured to the door. "I'm going to ask someone else to feed Breezie so I can start bringing our stuff out to the car."

"Okay, go do that." Kevin opened the door for Mia and Breezie. "I'll call my parents."

Mike walked into a guest bedroom in another part of the Shiba house with a huge smirk dancing on his lips. Somehow, a strange miracle happened, and he woke up before Emily. The yellow samurai always disturbed his beauty sleep. This time, it's his turn. He slowly crept to the bed. He could see Emily's blonde hair sticking out of the white duvet. It seems like she took advantage of not having to share the bed with him so she wrapped herself in the sheets.

Once Mike got the end of the bed, he grabbed one of Emily's feet that wasn't covered by the sheet and began to tickle it. "Wake up Emy, it's almost noon."

"Go away." Emily muttered. She spent all of yesterday resting from her epic search for the black flower and she still felt a little tired today. It wasn't everyday someone said they spent an entire week looking for a flower, not a bunch of flowers, but one rare flower. It was more exhausting than it looked.

"Oh, come on, I can't mess with you?" Mike hopped on the bed and wrapped his arms around her waist, or what he thinks is her waist under all of the bed sheets.

"It's only cute when I do it."

"Would I be cute if I kissed you?" Mike pulled the sheet down, exposing Emily's face. She turned away from him.

"Go away."

"Wake up." Against his wife's protests, Mike kissed her head and hugged her closer. "I love you."

"Good for you. I love me too."

"Ha-ha, real funny." Mike said, earning himself a kick in the leg from Emily. He just laughed at her aggression. "I was feeding Breezie not too long ago… Seems like she wants a cousin."

Emily turned her face to Mike and smiled. They just got married. Traditionally, having kids was next step. Emily loves her goddaughter. Every time she held Breezie, she naturally thought about having kids with Mike but right now just wasn't a good time. She was busy trying to get into college and making the best of her job that didn't pay much, well, not much to afford a baby.

"Breezie is going to have to wait." Emily replied softly. She held her husband's hand lovingly. "Ask me again in a couple of months. If things work out, I would be more than happy to give Breezie a cousin."

"I'm not trying to rush you. It's just a thought that has been bothering me."

"It's been bothering me too but you're happy with what we have now, right?"

Mike looked at Emily's nervous smile. He smiled back. "Hell yeah, you're the best thing to ever happen to me. I'm still trying to figure out why you were even bullied as a kid."

"I'm happy too."

A few hours later, the samurais found themselves standing outside by their vehicles, waving goodbyes to Ji and Catherine as they drove off. The couple has been in and out of the Shiba house for the past month and a half. Now that the samurais finally managed to keep up with their lives again, Ji and Catherine's services are no longer needed for the time being. They were excited to go home and get some peace and quiet with each other.

"So… who's next?" Lauren spoke up, brushing her hair behind her ear.

Mike sighed deeply. "I have to go to work. I called back Evany and promised to give her a private dance class."

"Yeah, I need to head back to work too." Emily hugged everyone and stopped by Mia, who was holding a baby car seat in one hand. She got one knee and tickled the little body that was inside the seat. "I'll see you soon little one. You're never going to get rid of me or Uncle Mike no matter how hard you try."

With that being said, Emily kissed Breezie and hugged Mia. "I love you… sister."

"I love you too. Call me when you get home."

"We will." Mike opened the car door for his wife and made sure she was comfortable before getting into the driver's seat. Soon enough, they were on their way home, their other home.

Without having to say anything, Kevin opened the back door to his minivan and took Breezie out of Mia's hand. Once Breezie was in the van safely, Mia stepped inside and sat beside her daughter. She rolled down the window and smiled. "Thanks for everything guys. Stop being so sweet. You're all going to give me a cavity."

"But we want you to have a cavity." Antonio laughed.

Kevin shook his head, laughing too, as he placed a pair of sunglasses on his head. "We'll see you guys later."

Lauren, Antonio, and Jayden watched as Kevin got into his vehicle and drove off the Shiba's property.

"Well, I guess things are back to normal again." Lauren frowned, wiping a tear off her cheek. Jayden gave his sister a sympathetic look and hugged her tightly.

"It's okay." Jayden rubbed his older sister's back. "We'll see them again soon."

"Hey, how about some ice cream?" Antonio suggested. He dangled his car keys. "Cody can come along too."

"Yes, please, I'll call Cody right now!" Lauren bounced. "I get the front seat!"

Jayden chuckled at his sister's sudden happiness. "The Samurai Family will never be normal."

I'm sad! Maybe a review or two will make me better? Pretty please with a samurai action figure on top? But seriously, I really hope you guys enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed typing it. Remember to look out for The Samurai Family II: Here We Go Again. What do you think is going to happen in that story? Anything you would like to see happen? If you have an account, I might answer you! If you don't… well, maybe I'll answer on my profile :)

The Samurai Family by Miss DJ Classy B

December 1, 2012 – April 2, 2013