Disclaimer: I do not own the Rise of the Guardians.

She walked along the sidewalks of the small town, her bare feet barely touching the sidewalk with each dainty step. Eyes like wide marbles hid behind her black sunglasses and bright, flaming red locks of hair fell freely down to her waist. Her posture as she walked was relaxed, yet still held a formal air to it. Dressed in a crimson off the shoulder shirt with hearts decorating the fabric with a pair of black skinny jeans, she fit in well with the crowd, for the most part. Occasionally, a person would just walk through her and she would frown. Those who did see her didn't know her so they just nodded in her direction and kept walking.

The woman used a walking stick, occasionally tapping with it to get a feel for where she was going. It was delicately carved, intricate designs racing up and down it. It was just for decoration of course, she had been alive for many years and could go without it without much difficulty. It helped to have it though, to give people a huge hint. She didn't care if they knew who she was, what she did. All she wanted was for those to believe, to know that she could not help but look off without focus when they spoke to her.

For love is blind, and thus, so was she.

Her name was Valerie Tine, the embodiment of love. She was a kind woman, always honest, and only able to see people for what they were. See not being meant literally, for she could not truly see anything. Her eye color was a pale pink, glazed over as she stared, unblinkingly out into the world from behind her sunglasses. Just like North had Christmas, she had Valentines Day. Even though most of her work was on that day, Valerie had to work every day to keep love at work. Even though she was often considered attractive, the immortal woman could never be fallen in love with by any human. She was just out of their reach, and she had to keep it that way. Most of her work during the year however, was not done by her. For the most part, her Cupids kept the love in the air. The love that she breathed, the love that kept her heart beating inside her chest.

"Hey TinTin," a voice greeted her from behind and she turned to face him. Whereas most of the world would see a young, handsome teenage boy with a head of beautiful white hair that fell gently onto porcelain skin, she saw an outline of bright blue, filled with an assortment of bright colors. She recognized the voice as belonging to Jack Frost.

"Hello there, Jack," she returned the greeting with a smile pulling at her crimson lips, looking down at the winter spirit without actually 'looking' in the sense that you would think. "Come to join me on my stroll, have you?"

"Well, I figured you'd like the company and an update on how things are going," Valerie could visualize Jack shrugging his shoulders, having asked the boy once what he truly looked like. It was sometimes a burden on the woman to be unable to see people as others see them. She wanted to be able to watch a blue bird fly across the sky and actually see its blue feathers.

"I always enjoy having company, Jack," Valerie continued to smile as she turned around and continued walking down the sidewalk, knowing that Jack was following beside her. Jack was one of the few immortals that bothered seeking out Valerie, not that he could help but run into her. Valerie felt a cool snowflake land on her hot cheek, it sizzled slightly before melting.

"I see you're just as hot as ever," Jack remarked sarcastically, most likely taking a step away from her as they strolled side by side. Valerie couldn't blame him, she was known for the warmth that her love brought.

"I am the embodiment of love, Jack. Love is a warm feeling that grows and spreads from your chest to your toes, leaving you grinning at its warmth. Love is the thing that comforts you in times of darkness and fear," she explained patiently, her grin forming a smirk as she turned her head towards the winter spirit. Jack nodded in understanding, not that she could see him perform such an action.

"Well, warm things don't do well with cold things, and I am freezing," he pointed out with a joking tone to his voice. Grinning at him, she shook her head slightly before turning it back forward, watching the occasional outline of a person cross her sight. "Anyway, I got some exciting news for you."

"And what news would that be? Planning on giving me a perfect snow day next Valentines Day? You know how the turtledoves love to fly through your snow on that day especially," Valerie's curiosity was piqued as Jack led her to a bench and they sat down together on opposite ends. Jack was still a little iffy about making contact with the woman, paranoid that her heat may actually melt him quite literally.

"Of course I am, but that's not the news," Jack Frost dismissed it. Nodding in a way to tell him to go on and continue with the news, Valeria patiently awaited whatever it was that had Jack in such a straight forward mood. "I've been made a Guardian."

"That is quite lovely news, Jack," Valerie smiled at him, happy for the fortunate event. Maybe now more children will believe in the winter spirit. A slight pang went through Valerie. For a moment, she wished that she, too, was one of the Guardians. She guarded love, did she not? Was love not just as, if not more important, than Wonder, Courage, and Hope? Shaking her head at herself, she dismissed such thoughts. Love does not envy. Love is patient and kind. It has to be. How chaotic would the world be if love was not always its peaceful anchor? "What has led the Man in the Moon to make such a decision?"

"Pitch Black was planning an attack on the children and the Guardians needed help. I am kind of surprised he didn't choose you," Jack explained, sounding only slightly less excited as he did so. Valerie's thoughts went to the man of which had been attacking the children. She had felt his dark presence, but was not aware of what his actions had been. All she could do was use her love to try to keep the children strong whenever she felt the pain of their hopelessness and fear. She hated it when the children were afraid, when all their dreams of love and magic were dashed. Now that she knew what had been going on, she could only shake her head in disappointment. Even now, Pitch was still Pitch.

"Mr. Black and I have a history, Jack. One of which has led the Man in the Moon to question even my actions. The Man in the Moon most likely believed that it would be for the best if I did not gain Guardian status," Valerie assured the boy, doing her best to push thoughts of Pitch from her mind and return the conversation to a lighter topic, one that would bring less memories with it.

"What's your history?" the curious boy asked, always loving to ask questions whenever his curiosity was piqued by something. Sighing, Valerie looked upwards, in the direction of the sky.

"That, my dear winter spirit, is a long tale that began before even the Dark Ages. One that we shall save for your next visit," Valerie rose from the bench with her walking stick, nodding to the boy before letting the warmth of the sun absorb her and going back to her domain. Her domain was a peaceful place, resting on clouds with rosy tops that were full of fields of gorgeous white roses that glowed different colors when her bare feet touched them. Because of the way things glowed here, Valerie could see their shapes and colors. It was enough for her, though, even if she could not see the intricate designs of each rose.

Plucking a rose, she held it in her hand for a moment before one of her Cupids, creatures that glowed the purest white with a pink outline in her sight, took it from her to deliver whomever that particular Cupid thought to be in love. Before, and during, the Dark Ages Valeria had received many of the roses herself. She had woven each one into the walls of her bedroom.

Sighing, Valerie moved into her home and walked along the rose petal carpets before reaching her bedroom and crawling onto the bed. Valerie thought of Pitch and wondered what had become of him. Shaking her head, she curled into her bed before letting sleep overtake her. A dream came, one that she had not had in many years.

"Pitch," she smiled, her eyes looking in the direction of the one man in the world she could see. She could see him only because her heart created his image so perfectly for her to see it. He was absolutely perfect and enchanting to in her eyes. It was not safe for Love to fall in love, but how could she keep such an occurrence from happening? It was especially dangerous considering who it was that her love was so devoted to. Yes, she had tried to forget the man, the object of her affections. How could she, though, when they were both immortal and her Cupids kept bringing roses to her in an effort to convince her that she was.

"Valerie," her name fell of his lips smoothly as he moved forward with a smile of his own and took the woman in his long arms. His head tilted, and he kissed her softly upon the lips.

I actually like this, for the most part. I don't know how you guys feel, but you should really review with your thoughts because I love hearing what other people think of my stories.