MERRY CHRISTMAS! It's here! Christmas Day! I would like to let you know that I finished this on my new laptop (which I love a lot). My last one had lots of issues. But anyways... I hope you all are having a good Christmas, where ever you may be. This is the last chapter of this story :( I'm very sad but all good things must come to an end. The song is Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I didn't get my Christmas wish of all the rights to Harry Potter, Castle, Doctor Who, or Twilight. Sorry.

Chp 25: Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

Have yourself a merry little Christmas, let your heart be light, from now on, our troubles will be out of sight. Have yourself a merry little Christmas, make the yule-tide gay, from now now on our troubles will be miles away. Here we are in olden days, happy golden days of yore. Faithful friends who are dear to us, gather near to us once more. Through the years we all will be together. If the fates allow. Hang a shining star upon the highest bough. And have yourself a merry little Christmas now.

In the Cullen house you wouldn't have been able to tell about many people were there for the past few days. The family was already large yet they still had room for more. If you drove past the house tonight you would see that there were actually a lot more people then the Cullen family. If someone would to drive by they would think it's a Christmas Party or a large get together. Not that they were staying there preparing to fight for their lives and for the right of a little child to live.

But on this day, you could say that all those people were there for both. It was Christmas day. Many vampires in the house rarely had the opportunity to celebrate holidays being nomads. But those who did celebrate, knew the great joy that Christmas could give. Christmas was like a little bulb of hope, working until it ended, or shattered. Christmas could be the last holiday for a lot of these vampires.

"We just have to go see my dad Esme, we will be back at one, hopefully. Call us and let us know if you need anything." Bella kissed Esme on the cheek and headed out.

"Ok, be safe darlings. Tell Charlie and Sue, hi." Esme waved them off as the sped around the corner. She stood outside for a few moments more, composing herself. Esme had a gentle nature, she didn't like fighting, and she wanted her family to always be safe. She had fought enough these past few years, yet she wouldn't change that because it saved Bella. This year was a difficult for her though. She was missing two members of her family and to be a cherry on top, a battle was on their doorsteps. But she had to put on a smile. Esme still have lots of things. She had her loving husband, the rest of her children, and lots of friends that she was very thankful for. Esme turned to walk inside. This Christmas couldn't be the most horrible Christmas ever.

Inside Carlisle was debating the same matters as his mate. He was just better at hiding it. When he saw Esme walk through the door, he immediately walked over to her. She was engulfed in a hug. Carlisle knew by the smile on Esme's face that she wasn't alright. It was a reason why the two worked so well together.

"Carlisle, Esme, come join us. Peter was just telling us some stories." Benjamin came and told them.

"Okay, we will be there in a moment, if you can excuse us. We have to call some in-laws." Carlisle lied easily.

"Of course." With that Benjamin walked away, leaving the couple alone.

"What's wrong dear?"

"Nothing. I just am a bit overwhelmed. It's our first Christmas without Alice and Jasper, and all these people are here. And we seem to have found trouble again." Esme spoke swiftly, worry leaking into her voice.

"Don't worry, Esme. Everything will be fine. Besides, our family will always be okay. Alice and Jasper are here with spirit. And Christmas is the time to see old friends, reunite, if this is our last Christmas, it is nice to see everyone once more. Granted I wished it was on better terms, but it is still good." Carlisle rubbed his hands up and down Esme's arms. They spoke with low voices, so they could not be overheard.

"You're right. Come on, I'm sure interesting stories are being told." Esme dragged Carlisle to the others.

Later in the day, Bella, Edward, and Renesmee returned from Charlie's. The two adults looked mentally exhausted.

"Have fun at Charlies, Nessie?" Esme asked when she saw them.

"Yep! Sue and Charlie made cookies and we sang and watched the Christmas Day parade. You should have come." Nessie smiled at the memories. She was having a great Christmas.

"That's good sweetheart. I would have loved to but someone needed to keep grandpa Carlisle out of trouble." Esme joked. Nessie just nodded in agreement.

"What are we doing tonight? Can we please watch some Christmas movies?"

"Of course darling. Want to invite some of our friends to join us?" Nessie nodded, hesitantly. "I'm sure they will love to." Nessie smiled at the thought then ran. She first went to Benjamin and touched his face. He smiled and nodded.

"Renesmee would like to know if any of us would like to watch Christmas movies with her. It is her first Christmas. I agreed but the choice is up to you." Benjamin spoke out to the group.

"We would love to watch movies with you little lass." The irish clan spoke first. The Denali family said yes too. The whole room ended up saying yes. They all loved little Renesmee and were wrapped around her finger. She smiled in joy.

When Edward and Bella came back from their cottage, the saw Carlisle first. The house was quieter then usual.

"Carlisle, where is everyone?" All Edward could hear was a Christmas movie.

"Just go into the living room. Nessie has made a lot of friends. I have to go finish some work in my study. Don't let Esme know though. I'm not suppose to be working." Carlisle fled upstairs to his study.

"Come on, let's go see what our daughter roped everyone into?" Bella said. Edward followed her into the living room, stopping at the door to chuckle. In the huge living room, all the vampires visiting were sitting down either on a couch, chair or the floor. Mates sat on each other's laps. Nessie sat on Rosalie's lap and Emmett's arm was wrapped around them both. The group was currently watching White Christmas with Bing Crosby.

"I see what Carlisle means now." Bella laughed at the sight.

"Our daughter is truly magnificent." Edward whispered.

"That she is. We are doing good." And Edward just nodded.

In this family, they saw the good that could come out of a bad situation. Yes, the Volturi may kill them all. And yes, their entire family wasn't their. But it was Christmas, and the best thing about it was treasuring the moments that they could make, and the joy they could bring.

A/N: And that is the end of it! I hope you enjoyed it. It was fun writing it though I certainly did have some bumps in the road. This month went by really fast. Thank you for all the reviews, the favorites, the follows I really love them and they mean a lot. I hope you all have a good year and hopefully I will see you next time I write.

Have a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Until we write/read again,
-KBRCKCBlack ~.~