A/N: Hello all! Say hello to a new story! Based on Rise of the Guardians! I hope you enjoy the first chapter! Jack/OC. RATED M. More at the bottom for those who care!

Preface: Pitch Black

"Mora Logan."

My name rang out in the dark hallway, causing a shiver to run down my back. "Hello?" I responded, my voice small. I cursed how weak and insignificant my speech sounded; something inside of me told me that I was a superior being than the voice, but I could not find the will in me to be brave. It was like it was… stolen out of me.

"Ah, so you can hear me," the ominous voice replied. "Then dear Jack had been lying about your ignorance. You are quite aware of what we are, what we do." I felt something stir inside me at the mention of that name – Jack.

You know him, Mora, a voice told me inside, you have to know him!

But I didn't. As much as I felt like that name meant something to me, I could not remember why. Instead of focusing on how and why I knew that name, I directed my attention at the evil voice that was stalking me. "W-what are you? W-who are you?" My voice cracked in both instances, causing me to flinch. I almost wanted to roll my eyes at how tiny I sounded. "W-what do you want with me?"

A shadow flew by me, causing me to yelp. I whirled around, looking blindly for something, cursing my fear. I had an instinct deep inside of me, telling me to run away, but I ignored it, still blindly looking. "Do as your instincts say, girl!" the voice yelled gleefully, echoing around me. "Give me a chase!" I felt a fresh wave of fear roll through me; could this... thing, whatever it was, hear my thoughts?

"What are you?" I cried out, hitting blindly as I felt a rush of air around me. "Who are you? What do you want?" I was screaming now, desperately trying to make sense of what was happening. "I have nothing – nothing at all!"

"Ah, but you do, Ms. Logan," the voice whispered. It was in my ear, and I whipped around to see a tall, dark figure standing behind me. I had to crane my neck to see the dark face of the shadow, which scared me even more. "You are the key to bringing down Jack Frost, and – now – you are mine."

I screamed as the figure lunched at me, placing its evil hands on my eyes and mouth, but there was no air. I thrashed, but my muscles were frozen in place, angering me more. And, in that moment, a man – a beautiful man – appeared in my mind. The man had snow white hair that was styled so perfectly that a male model would be excruciatingly jealous about; his skin was so pale that it looked like he was without warmth, and his smile was blinding. But those features were nothing to me; what I was looking at were his eyes – his electric blue eyes.

And, with that beautiful man in my mind, I fell into an evil, sinister darkness that could only be described as pitch black.

A/N: Okay, guys, what d'you think? I am so incredibly excited for this story! As you probably figured out, the main character's name is Mora Logan, but how she knows Jack Frost... well, that will come later! I hoped you guys enjoyed this! I will updating around the same time as S.B. is being updated. I know my regular readers are anxious for my next S.B. update, and I am working on it. My mind is sorta pissed off at me for making Damon leave. :P I will have it up ASAP.