Author's notes: I just realised that I haven't created a story for so long regarding Sun Ce and Da Qiao. After being inspired by the awesome Wayne Brady's Disney Song 'Beautiful' and rewatching the Disney 1997 television film 'Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella' staring Brandy and Paolo Montalban, I decided to take a chance and write this story. Zhou Yu and Xiao Qiao will always be my favourite pairing but Sun Ce and Da Qiao also look so beautiful together and so I dedicate this story to them :) I also must admit that the school setting was partially inspired by their DLC School costumes pack in Dynasty Warriors 7 and the ball scenes from the My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic episode The Best Night Ever.

Now this started out as an intended one-shot but as I progressed with editing, it started to turn into a chaptered story. I blame my imagination and my obsession in going into detail when I write.

Main story notes: This is an AU chaptered story that takes place in a fictional Japanese high school setting so I would imagine the characters as teenagers and have a chance to use their Japanese styled names. There might be OOC in the story as I'm writing in how I see the characters. But hopefully it should turn out ok :) This is written in Da Qiao's aka Daikyou's POV.

Each chapter will outline its cast of extra characters. For now, here are the main characters:

Da Qiao: Daikyou

Xiao Qiao: Shoukyou

Sun Ce: Son Saku

Zhou Yu: Shuu Yu

Other characters in Chapter 1 are as follows:

Cai Wenji: Sai Bunki

Bao Sanniang: Hou Sanjou

Guan Suo: Kan Saku (mention)

Other essential notes: I do know that Japanese schools do not really organise proms, balls or other such similar social events. But since there is a rare case where a school does it so I decided to make a play on it and imagine that this school that they're attending has tons of money and the capacity to organize this fancy social event so don't kill me for my imagination :)

Disclaimer: I do not own Dynasty Warriors by KOEI. If they did, I would let them live in my apartment for all eternity. All I own is the plot plus the romantic sap and teenage drama that comes with it.

Update: I will be re-editing the content of the chapters if I feel they need some expanding or fixes in grammar, spelling and other such so do check back every now and then :)

Beautiful Cinderella - A High School Story

Chapter 1 - An Invitation to the School Ball

I hummed softly as I let my hands work their magic across the piano keys. I was most excited that I was chosen by the Elite Piano club to be one of the representatives for the upcoming piano nationals competition in April. Of course, it meant more trips to the music room for more piano practice since our home was too small to house a proper instrument. I had a keyboard but it just wasn't the same of feeling the press of solid keys to create a beautiful tune. I had chosen 'Clair de Lune' as my piece to play in the competition. I smiled fondly because this was both my little sister's and my favorite piece of classical music and it always put my mind at ease.

Today after school, Sai Bunki-chan offered to accompany today to help get over my stage fright tendencies. I did get very nervous with strangers watching me play but I tried to remember that these strangers really want to hear me play music and absorb the feelings conveyed behind them. So I focused on those wonderful feelings as I played right to the end. I smiled at the soft applause that greeted me at the end.

"Daikyou-chan, your music was most inspirational and a pleasure to watch you play the piano," Sai Bunki-chan complimented me as we left the music room together, "I'm sure you'll be a great contender for the upcoming piano nationals."

"Your support is much appreciated, Sai Bunki-chan...but there are much better players than I am."

"Nonsense, Daikyou-chan, you're just as good as the professionals, no matter what, Hou Sanjou-chan and I will always be there to give you a cheer."

"Speaking of Hou Sanjou-chan..."

"Daikyou-chan! Sai Bunki-chan!"

We giggled as Hou Sanjou-chan gave us a huge hug from behind as we made our way to the school gates.

"Ooh! Guess what?! Guess what?! Kan Saku-kun asked me out for a date this weekend! Its official! He said he likes likes me! Ooh! I can't wait for tomorrow to come!"

"I'm so happy for you, Hou Sanjou-chan..." I smiled. She had a crush on Kan Saku-kun since his arrival as a transfer student in our last year in junior high and it seemed that he truly liked her in return after all this time.

"This calls for some fun. Let's go for karaoke, girls! Would your little sister like to come with us, Daikyou-chan?"

I shook my head at my best friend's invitation.

"I'm sorry, Hou Sanjou-chan...perhaps another time. Otousan is coming to pick us up tonight. He's finished work early tonight and he's going to take us out for dinner."

"Lucky! I wish my parents could take me out like your dad does. Alrighty...see you Monday, Daikyou-chan!"

"Take care, Daikyou-chan! Please send our regards to Shoukyou-chan for us!"

I watched as my best friends walked off to the train station. We usually go off to sing karaoke or eat desserts together on Fridays before heading home but for tonight, Otousan was picking us up for dinner. He rarely finished work early and my sister and I often looked forward to days like these to spend time with him. It hadn't been easy for us since Okasan died in a car crash three years ago. Yet Otousan stood strong and admirably kept going to raise the both of us. He still managed to bring a genuine smile on his face and keep my sister and I in good spirits and in memory of Okasan...

It was early February and Spring had slowly made its arrival. The weather was pleasantly getting warmer. I closed my eyes and allowed the late afternoon sunshine to shower me tenderly...

"Onechan! Wait up!"

I smiled and snapped out of my reverie as Shoukyou ran up to catch up with me after saying goodbye to her group of friends. She looked excited about something.

"Why are you so excited today, imouto?" I asked as we started our walk home, "Did something good happen in school?"

"No, even better! There's going to be a huge super-rare, once-in-a-lifetime golden ball that's going to be organised by the school!"

"Huh?" I looked at her blankly at what my sister said.

"Ne ne, let's go to the Royal Masquerade Ball together!" Shoukyou immediately held up a poster to my face, "Look look! It says that you have to wear masks too."

I quickly pushed her back so that I could take a closer look at the poster. It showed several images of beautiful princesses and handsome princes and written in bold elegant script read 'The Royal Masquerade Ball: Come one, come all! Please RSVP at the school office by 24th February. Masks will be provided!". I saw that it was going to be held in the new gigantic drama theatre that was constructed near the school gardens. The night of the ball was right on White Day, 14th March…

"It all sounds lovely but…" I fiddled with my glasses resting on my nose, "Why don't you go with your friends instead? I'm not really into parties…"

"No. It won't be the same without you…and besides it's not like we have anything major to study for…why do you think the school organised it during that period?"

"Imouto, I have too much on my hands right now, what with me just chosen by the school's Piano Elite Club for the upcoming piano nationals in April, not to mention the Literature Society and-"

"The ball is on Saturday! You study too hard and…I just want you to have fun…" Shoukyou gripped my hands and swung them around, "Come on, do you remember when we were little and we would dress up as princesses like in the cartoons and movies we used to watch? This is the real thing. This is the chance for us to become real princesses…can we go please?"

It did sound sister and I were so caught up in school life that we hardly spent any time together...

"This is also your chance to let your beauty show, onechan..." I looked at her in surprise, "Be Cinderella for that one night..."

I glanced at Shoukyou's face to find her pouting at me and flashing her puppy dog look. I sighed. She often used this look to get what she wanted and I knew she wouldn't stop using it until I gave in. I squeezed her hands back and smiled, "Alright…if that's what you want, let's go to the school ball…"

"Yay! You're the best, onechan. I already RSVP for the both of us, the places were taken up so quickly!"

My eyes widened, "What?!"

"And you know what the best part is? I took a peek on the RSVP list. I saw Son Saku-kun's and Shuu Yu-kun's names there too…Shuu Yu-kun..."

I watched my sister's eyes soften and her cheeks blush. Ah yes...she had a crush on Shuu Yu-kun ever since she saw him in the sports hall a year ago. I recalled that some of the older girls who idolized Shuu Yu-kun scoffed at her due to the apparent age gap between them and the huge differences of their personalities. My sister was a bubbly and cheerful girl in her prime, finishing her final year in junior high and was due to join high school next year while Shuu Yu-kun was mature, serious and one of the most sought-after and popular high school boys. Although she had brushed off the cruel remarks like water on a duck's back, I knew deep inside she was hurting. I blamed myself for not being there to defend her from those awful girls because her sadness was most unbecoming for her sweet cheerful self...

"Gosh…I really hope I get to see Shuu Yu-kun there…I bet he'll be a really handsome prince…"

I also found myself blushing at the mention of Son Saku-kun. He was the captain of the high school basketball team with Shuu Yu-kun in second command. Son Saku-kun was also one of the most popular boys in school. He was respected and admired by the younger students, polite to his seniors and teachers if a bit rude and blunt at times and…really handsome and tall.

Without realizing, I switched to reminiscing mode, not noticing my sister's strange and serious look of concern fleeting in my direction.

I recalled briefly on how I came to know Son Saku-kun. My first year of high school changed the moment he was introduced in my class as a new student. He looked at me and smiled at me. He was the first to make my heart flutter and suddenly my history book wasn't interesting to read's already been a whole year since he arrived and we had fallen into a routine of brief glances, chance encounters and meetings.

Each time I was charged in tidying up the home room after final period, he would stop by and offer to help out even though he didn't need to. Every now and then when I would go to the school library to read, he would sit next to me and ask what book I was reading. Sometimes when I would practice at the piano in the music room, I would see him lingering around the corridor, watching me play before he left with his friends.

As I found myself liking Son Saku-kun more and more…I also felt a bit sad. I could never find the courage to really talk to him and to get to know him like the other girls did. During my entire school life up until now, my books and music were my constant companions…Sai Bunki-chan and Hou Sanjou-chan were my only true friends who I met in kindergarden and had been inseparable ever since. This was a huge contrast to my little sister who had a larger circle of friends and was deeply admired by her peers for being the star ribbon-dancer in her junior high school gymnastics team. I had a feeling that she would fare well in high school gymnastics once she joins high school next year.

I was just like Clytie, the Greek water nymph who was forever entranced by the Sun God that is Son Saku-kun but could never voice the longing in her heart. He deserved a girl who was beautiful….outgoing…who could laugh and smile with him…not like me…I had glasses…my long hair was always tied in ordinary voice was too soft…and some of the older girls teased me because I looked like a ghost due to my very pale skin and boring dark eyes…maybe they were right…Son Saku-kun wouldn't like a girl like me even though he was so nice to me…

"Onechan? You okay?" Shoukyou's face was filled with concern, "You spaced out…"

"Yes, imouto…I'm okay, really," then I remembered about my best friends, "Oh yes, Sai Bunki-chan and Hou Sanjou-chan send you their regards."

"Your friends are so always nice to me, onechan...I wonder if they're going to the ball too..."

"I can ask them next Monday and see whether we can put their names on the RSVP list if they're interested...oh look! Otousan's here!" we saw a huge black car approaching us. Otousan waved at us, "Come on, let's not keep Otousan waiting."

We stopped at our favourite sushi restaurant for dinner. Them we went to an ice cream parlor where my sister and I shared a strawberry and vanilla ice cream parfait while Otousan had a black coffee. It was then Shoukyou broke the news to Otousan about the masquerade ball. After some negotiating and reassuring that we wouldn't do anything silly on the night, he agreed to let us go to the school ball and help provide the funds for the dresses, accessories, shoes and the salon appointments, provided that we'd go straight home the moment he was in school to pick us up at the appointed time he set.

As we hugged Otousan with all our combined might, we decided that we would make Otousan his favorite dessert for his upcoming birthday to repay his generosity.

That night, my sister and I huddled together in the sitting room to watch the Walt Disney televised movie of Rodger and Hammerstein's Cinderella on the DVD player as our nighttime bonding activity. The Disney movie never failed to enchant us, since it was one of many classics that got us hooked on princesses when we were little. We held our breaths as the ballroom scene came into play. It was so lovely to watch and our most favorite part of the movie was when Cinderella and the Prince sang their love for each other before the clock struck midnight, breaking the magic spell in the air.


"Yes, what is it, imouto?"

"Do you think the Royal Masquerade Ball will be as lovely as the one we're watching now?"

"I think it will be, although it won't be very grand as the one in the movie," I said thoughtfully.

"Just think, onechan...we get to be princesses for one magical night," Shoukyou momentarily pulled her head up to look at me seriously in the eyes, "And you'll show those mean girls that you are the beautiful girl Otousan and I say you are."

"Shoukyou..." I smiled at her even though it didn't reach my eyes...Otousan and Shoukyou often told me how truly beautiful I was. But I just didn't feel that way. The other girls were far prettier than me in every way. All the same, I was so grateful for her sincere praise and hugged her sweet little sister, "Thanks, imouto..."

As Shoukyou placed her head back against my shoulder, I sang along with the lyrics of Cinderella and her Prince's love ballad...all the while, I imagined that it could be me and Son Saku-kun dancing together...and being together just like they were...

I sighed and shook my head...if only it were true...but I could only hope and wish that it would someday come true while counting down the days to the Royal Masquerade Ball...

To be continued...

Author's notes: I think that should be enough to give the premise of the story. I apologize if the plot's going to be similiar to any other Cinderella Story movies but this is my imagination at work here, so please give it a chance :) I am going to make an effort to update this story every week, depending on how busy I get during the Christmas holidays and Chinese New Year in 2013. So do check back to see if there's a new chapter :)

Anyhow, I accept positive and constructive feedback and reviews and please don't send flamers. It's a waste of time and you can always click on the back button if you don't like the story. Favorites are nice too! Anyway, have a great day!