Title: A Romanian and the She-wolf

Rating: T

Pairing: Leah/Vladmir (Friendship at first before it becomes more later on.)

Summary: Leah encounters Vladmir in the woods and they talk about the upcoming fight with the Volturi. Can a string of conversations turn in to something more and what will happen after?

Disclaimer: I do not own anyone or anything from Twilight!

Red eyes here, red eyes there, red eyes were everywhere. I don't know how Jacob could stand it. I'm just glad that I don't have to be stuck in the house full of bloodsuckers. Some of them were downright creepy. My alpha didn't like the Romanians, but if I chose ones I didn't hate as much as the others it would have to be them. They were entertaining and they didn't lie about what they were or what they wanted. They acted like bloodsuckers should and I could appreciate that. The one who lived in the attic most of the time was alright as well and maybe the one who liked to play with the elements, but I only say him because I think his power is pretty kickass. All of the others just grated on my nerves for various reasons hence my reason for staying in the forest most of the time.

Speaking of the forest, I happened to be there right now. I should be patrolling, but I blew it off since Forks was crawling with vampires right now. It wasn't as if they would break the deal they made with the Cullen's about not hunting in this area so really there was no reason to patrol. Besides, it gave the young wolves something to do instead of hitting on me and following me around as most of them had started doing, especially Collin and Brady. They were good kids and yet they were young teenagers who happened to be horny most of the time and considering I was the only she-wolf around they thought that meant it was perfectly alright to ogle me. The only reason I didn't knock out their front two teeth was because they were new and I remember what it was like when I first phased in to a wolf so I could cut them a break for the time being, but this kindness would not last forever.

"Ah it is the female puppy." I growled and whirled around looking for the vampire I now smelt. When I didn't spot him right away I looked up to the trees and saw Vladmir sitting on one of the higher branches as he wolf whistled at me. "I am surprised you are not off cooing over the half child. Isn't that what you female types do?"

I snapped my teeth at him before going behind a tree and phasing back to my human form. It would at the very least stop the wolf whistles. I quickly pulled on my shorts and a tank top before reappearing from behind the tree and gazing up at the blond Romanian. "If I wanted to see the Lochness monster I'd go to Scotland. Why are you bothering me? Where is your lover? Did he ditch you for someone prettier?"

"Stephan went hunting in Seattle." He answered jumping down from the tree and landing on his feet like a cat gracefully. "He enjoys the taste of people from the big city. You are rather snippy today, but from what I hear it isn't anything new for you. I on the other hand needed some time to myself away from the others. The worst thing in the world is a vampire pretending to be human. I know they all think I should do the same, but I don't feel we should hide our true nature. I do not hide what I am and I do not pretend to be something other than a vampire. That Italian scum like to act like they are noble and try to pretend they do what is best for our kind yet I know the truth. That is why they attacked us all those years ago. They were intimidated by the fact we embraced what we are. They feared us and knew it came to a real fight we would win. I suppose that is why they took the coward's way out and came after when we were at our weakest. They will learn that the Romanians always come out on top even if we had to wait 1500 years to get revenge."

"At least you are honest about what you want." I replied with a shrug. This is one of the reasons I didn't hate him as much as the others. Vladmir was brutally honest like me and he didn't care what people thought of him which was another thing that we had in common. "I'll just be glad to kill some leeches. I haven't had a good brawl since that Victoria chick created a newborn army and tried to take the Cullen's out when Isabitch AKA Bella was still human. It will be nice to do some killing instead of being the Cullen's lapdog like Jake has become."

The blond Romanian leech laughed which had to be one of the weirdest sounds I had ever heard because of his accent. "You are a woman after my own heart. You embrace what you are and you're not ashamed of it. You would have made an amazing Romanian. We could have used someone like you in our ranks. Maybe if we'd had someone like you there would be more than only two of us left."

I shrugged not wanting to admit that I found it to be a pretty nice compliment. "Well I am the only one of my kind so technically you have a larger number of Romanians than She-wolves."

Red eyes met mine and for a moment I felt lost in them before I realized what I was thinking and looked away. "You are a rarity and you should be proud. Do not be ashamed of what you are. Never be ashamed of what you are. A word of advice, when the fight starts take out Aro if you can because if he lives and he knows you are the only one of your kind he will come for you. Actually you don't have to worry about him. I will deal with the Italian scum of a leader for you. It will be my pleasure."

"Do whatever you want." I told him shoving my hands in my pocket. I think that I have had enough of talking to Dracula one for the time being. "I'm going to head and find something more interesting to do because to be honest you smell and I doubt you want me to barf on your expensive looking shoes. I'll catch you later Dracula."


AN: I know, I know I shouldn't have started another story, but I love Breaking Dawn part 2 and I love Vladmir. I loved him in the book as well and I really wanted to write something Vladmir and Leah. This won't be a particularly long story since I was going to have it be a one-shot, but then I thought I should extend it and so it will be five chapters or maybe longer depending on how it goes as I write it. I do hope that you all liked it. I would love to hear you thoughts on the pairing and the chapter.

Please R&R like always!