Digimon's not mine. Don't sue. ;_;

Shi-chan: I'm baaaaack...

(I requiem)
By Shimegami-chan

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Ohisashiburi! It's been a while. I've been busy doing non-fanficcing things; translating and working part-time and becoming addicted to IRC. (Join us in #wolfpackproductions [key = wolfpack] on Dalnet!) I've also broken my wrist and am wearing a rather annoying cast on it, so that puts a (literal) crimp in my plans. I don't type too well one-handed. ^^;; And my laziness is letting my Support Services go to waste, so...

This chapter was promised to several people. :) Hope you like.

wander~ hitori de

I am walking Death.


I am spirit constantly searching for release.

I am a child, orphaned and abandoned.

I will always be alone..

This was all my fault.

I've had the past few years to think about what-could-have-been, and what-have-I-done. All regrets...I whisper brokenly, but I've forgotten how to speak. I cry out, but no one hears my voice. I reach out to touch...I feel nothing. My sight and hearing exist only as a cruel reminder of the damage I have done simply by existing.

Would I choose not to exist, if given the chance to do it again? I suppose things could have turned out differently if I didn't. So much has been sacraficed for me that I can't help but wish I really had never been born. Or at least that I never had died.

Right now I'm in a mental hospital, plain and simple. I'm not a patient. I come here voluntarily, every day, to punish myself.

I sit quietly in the plain white room and watch the doctors perform the most idiotic of tests on my little brother. They ask him his name -- no problem, the Evil inside him knows that he must answer correctly if he wants to get his way. They ask him about his friends--and he almost always forces the demon away long enough to babble about his best friend Daisuke--and sometimes about me, though those questions are usually headed off by the Evil before he gets too emotional. Then they give him a picture to color or some equally stupid intelligence test, and he blithly finishes it--he has no choice. Imagine, the most intelligent mind in Tamachi coloring pictures like a second-grader! It humiliates him, but he knows there is no other way.

He sits, then, in his room, and waits for Daisuke to come--often having an internal-but-out-loud arguement with the Evil inside him. He calls it Cruelty, while Daisuke refers to it as the Kaizer, but who or what it is makes no difference to me. I want it out of my little brother, but it will not go--while he sleeps I often plead with it, and it finds humor in my appeals. I can only speak with it--him, the Kaizer--while Ken is unconscious, as it is the only time when he has free reign of Ken's body. As one spirit to another, he talks to me--often taunting his hold over Ken, and my powerlessness. Though I would love to equally anger him mentioning how much control Ken has gotten back, and the likelihood of him forcing the Kaizer out forever, I do not, for fear he will inflict his anger on the boy whose body he inhibits. I can only be secretly glad that Ken is regaining strength and confidence.

And so I sit here, night after endless night, day after day, unseen, unheard--listening. I cannot atone for what I have done to Ken, even in the past; my treatment of him as a child, confiscating his Digivice, scolding him for things any child does. For driving him over the edge, into this timid child with a raging maniac inside of him.

Every hardship Ichijouji Ken must go through, I go through by his side. I watch his misery. I feel his pain. I long, but I cannot touch him, or speak to him, or even communicate that I am by his side.

I force myself to, because it is my fault Ken has come to this.

I can never hug my little brother again.

This is my punishment.

Shi-chan: Hands up who guessed Osamu before paragraph three... Seki: Short, but we (That's a royal we of course :P) spent most of the night working on Ryo's. Read on...