So I randomly go this idea from something similar in the Suits fandom. Then I tweaked it to fit the Avengers and this happened… Yeah…

Disclaimer: I don't own the Avengers! I'd have a bigger bank account if I did…

It was Tony and Pepper who started it. They both had hectic schedules, and he generally went to bed just a few hours before she left for work. So she took to leaving Post-it notes on the wall just outside their room. Little things, like what he needed to do, threats to make him eat, and reminders of events. He would generally reply, and the conversation would continue for some time. Tony had even installed a convenient holder for Post-its and pencils.

Bruce was walking down the hall when he noticed the bright yellow notes lining the wall. He began to read, suddenly curious.

Tony, if I hear about another explosion, I will hurt you. Badly. –PP

Ooh, is that a promise? –TS

It is. And you won't like it. I can guarantee that. –PP

Fine. I'll do my best. But for the record, the last one was totally Bruce's fault. –TS

Bruce rolled his eyes at the last one and grabbed a Post-it and pencil.

He's lying, Miss Potts. That explosion was a combination of him and Dummy. –BB

Bruce added it to the wall and walked away whistling. His work here was done.

Clint was the next to notice. He was walking down the hall, headed towards the kitchen. He usually used the vents, but Tony had fixed locks to all of them and he hadn't picked them out. He stopped to read out of boredom.

Tony, Bruce, don't forget to eat today. And Tony, you have a presentation to make to the Board, so be there on time! –PP

Ah, c'mon. Can't you do it? –TS

No, I cannot. The Board has to know that you are still alive. –PP

Don't worry Miss Potts, I'll get him there. –BB

Thank you Bruce. And what did I tell you about calling me Miss Potts? –PP

Sorry Miss Pepper. And I'll make sure he eats too. –BB

Clint shook his head before writing his own note and ambling away.

You two are so whipped. –CB

Natasha came down the hall a few minutes later and read over the notes, smirking at Clint's declaration.

Clint, don't forget to go get my new knife from SHIELD. And while you're at it, get some decent food. –NR

HA! Who's whipped now, Birdbrain? –TS

Gotta go with Tony on this one. –BB

Shut it. Both of you. I'm not too scared to beat the crap out of both of you. –CB

Ooh, Feathers said a bad word! Somebody tell Cap! –TS

First off, why do I care if Clint said a bad word? I'm from 1940s BROOKLYN. Not the Dark Ages. Secondly, why aren't we just talking? –SR

Because then we'd have to all get together, and that's just way too much effort. And are you telling us that you're not a prude? –TS

No Tony, I'm not a prude. I was in the army, remember? –SR

Cap has a point. Army guys aren't really modest about their language. Or sexual lives. –CB

You served? –SR

A little while, as an assassin. –CB

As much as I hate to interrupt this bonding moment, I seem to have lost a small robot… -TS

About that… How much did you like that robot? –BB

It was a model for a bigger version, so a lot. –TS

In that case, Thor squashed it with Mjolnir. I had nothing to do with it. –BB

I did so only because Lady Potts believed it was a bug! –TS

Tony, he was being a gentleman. Besides, you should keep better track of your toys. –PP

But he broke my Tower! –TS

Take it out of my 12%. –PP

I still can't believe she only has 12%. Aren't couples supposed to split it in half? –CB

This is Tony. His ego is too large for that. –NR

Tony. Why is my hair purple? –BB

That's all for now folks! Let me know what you think!