Hey guys I decided to rewright charmed and dangerous because I couldn't find any inspiration in it and was really bored with my former plot so here it is the new and improved Charmed and Dangerous.


Pain spasmed across Prue's back and she cried out as she was thrown into the grandfather clock. Her opponent smiled.

"Your no match for me little witch." The demon taunted.

"True but are you a match for my brothers as well." She responded grinning as two tall figure orbed in, on either side of her. She threw the stunning potion at the demon. Her brothers grabbed her hands and they chanted together.

"Hellspawn demon creature of death

Fire shall take your every breath"

The demon burst into flames and vanished.

"Pretty tough for a lower level demon." Chris said and helped her up. "Sure was." Prue agreed. "Wyatt would you mind healing me." Prue said turning to her older brother who just nodded his head. Prue sighed once her back was healed.

She walked over to the stairs and shouted up. "Mom, Dad you can come down now demons gone."

Her parents walked hand in hand down the stairs. Her mother was Piper Halliwell a charmed one. Her father a former elder/whitlighter. She was their youngest child. Prudence Marie Halliwell. Or as most of you probably know her by, Mary-Lynnette Carter.

5 years ago shortly after Ash left Prue (M'lin) discovered she was adopted. Her parents sent her the Carters who were innocents the Charmed ones had saved to protect her from Zankou. Her twin brother Chris though remained with them. Now 5 years later her and her brothers continued the Charmed legacy vanquishing demons. She had her mother's powers along with premonitions and her father's previous orbing abilities. Unlike her brothers she couldn't move objects with her mind but she could heal others like Wyatt.

"Are any of you hurt?" Her mother asked concerned like always.

"None of us got so much as a bruise." Prue lied not wanting her mother to overreact like usual.

"Good." Her mother answered smilng. But then she looked at the remanents of the clock and the smiled disappeared. "Why is it always the clock." She groaned. "I'm going to call the repair guy." She sighed disappearing into the kitchen.

Prue and her brothers laughed. Prue suggested to her father that they should probably buy stalk in the company seeing as it was the 3rd time this month the clock had been destroyed. He laughed.

Wyatt turned to her and looked like he was about to make a joke when Prue was suddenly pulled into a premonition. The images flashed in her mind. Her brother not Chris nor Wyatt but Mark her adoptive brother was standing in Mrs. B's garden and all of a sudden a man appeared out of thin air. Mark shouted and called for Jade. Just as she came running out the demon grabbed Mark and disappeared again. Jade fell to the ground screaming Marks name.

Please review.