"Maia! Get out of the restroom" I yelled.

She seriously needed to get out of the restroom. I was tired of waiting, and I had a shoot in less than a hour. This is the kind of thing you go through, if you are a model living with another model. The only upside was that she was my best friend in the whole entire world. And Simon of course. Whom I have not seen in weeks. Last I heard he was attending some school called City of Angels. Ew . School. Just imagining myself in a desk, with no super hot male models made me want to cry.

"Yeah, yeah" she said strolling out of the bathroom with only her undergarments, and heels. Wait a second those are my heels!

"Maia. What the heck- do you have my heels for?" I questioned, a little too angry for her taste.

"Oh these?" she said indicating the silver heels with diamond studs. "I made Magnus make me a pair like yours" she said with a purr.

"But they were specially made for me!" I wined

"Do not be such a baby, I had to almost stab him with a pen for rejecting my offer." she said with a evil smile. "He knew better -so, he just gave up and he told me to tell you 'sorry Clare-Bear'".

Knowing Magnus It was true. I had to laugh, Maia obviously had to him a lot to get the heels.

"Plus your tiny size six, can not fit my big feet".

I laughed harder. "Because your" -giggle- "feet are like" -giggle- "from here to the studio". Then I heard Maia growl, and I rushed my way into the bathroom. But not before seeing her get a pillow, and throw it towards me. Of course I was faster, so I closed the door and laughed some more.

Turning on the shower, and the radio. I sang to Halo by Beyonce, and some where in my mind I thanked the Angel I had a successful job. But I was lonely, not lack of friends - Maia and Simon were the best. It was just, I needed a relationship. A boy friend. But male models were just in it for the girls. I learned it the hard way, after losing my virginity to the 'man I loved'. I turned out to be his fling and nothing else. From there on I chose to call the shots. I had a few flings and a couple of one night stands, I turned into the worst player in the world. But I now needed a serious relationship, but with who? Certainly not another model.

I got to the shoot late of course, and found out I had been replaced with another model. I was fuming. I mean I get it I was late but only by thirty minutes.

I got to my dressing room and there was a knock on the door. "Come in" I said trying to restrain the obvious distaste in my voice.

"Aw honey, why are you mad?"

I knew that voice like no other, it was Magnus. He was fabulously gay and glittery all over. Also he was one of my closest friends. And the best wardrobe dresser and make up artist in the entire world. Maybe I am over reacting, but he is great.

"Oh Mag, they replaced me on that shoot" I said giving a defeated sigh.

"Yeah. so?" he said with a tone of non-interest.

"I WANTED IT SO BAD!" I said whining like a baby.

"It was just the cover for Vanity Fair" he laughed "Plus you would be given little space, I heard Jennifer Lopez got ¾ of that page".

"Really ?" I said looking up to him

"Yes of course" he slapped my butt "Now go on- Jacobs wants to speck with you in his office".

"Do I have to?" I said.

Jacobs was my boss. He owned the modeling business I worked in and was super annoying. He always gave me the best jobs, but for some reason he chose to replace me today. That bastard.

"Yes Clare-Bear" he said overly joyed "You are going to love what he has in store for you".

"Tell me" I said wining again.

"No" and with that he left me in my dressing room.

Huff. How I hate surprises!

I fixed my makeup, hair, and found a gorgeous dress that I decided to put on. I was ready to go see my boss.

When I finally looked up to the mirror, I whistled at myself. I wore a silver tube dress, that came up to my mid-thighs. Magnus's home made heels. Smoky black makeup. And my fiery red hair was straight, it fell like a waterfall on my shoulders to my waist.

Jacobs here I go.

I was finally there, in front his office door. For some reason I was nervous. Was he going to fire me?



Magnus was happy about what I was going to come across. I said to myself 'get a grip on it Clary'. And knocked on the door. From the other side I heard the very manly voice of Jacobs, my boss. He said "Come in".

I pulled open the door and walked in, but not before closing it behind me. Jacobs looked me over and said "Why. Don't you look lovely today?"

"Thanks sir" I said with a fake smile. He motioned me to sit in the chair on the right, in front of him. That is when I noticed I was not the only one in the room. Another person was sitting on the chair in front of Jacobs, to the left. A male, judging from behind.

When I sat down on the chair, Jacobs spoke. "So my dear, you are wondering why I replaced you?"

"Yes I am very curious" I answered.

"Well, I have a better offer for you. Actually William here chose you". He said indicating to the male next to me. I finally turned to see this so-called William.

He was drop dead gorgeous. And very deadly. He had raven black hair. And Hawaiian sea colored eyes. Just perfect. And his full pale pink lips.

"Oh I see." I answered looking back at Jacobs. "What am I chosen for?"

Finally William spoke. "You see Clarissa, I have this shoot I have to do, and I need a partner." he gave a sigh. "I have been looking all over New York for the right girl. I need a girl beautiful- enough - for me".

Just great. Another ego maniac.

"So William-" I started but was cut off by Blue Eyes.

"Call me Will."

"Okay Will. So this shoot what is it for".

"That Is the best part." he said. His blue eyes were shinning with excitement. "You will be my official partner for two years. Its a permanent job, with monthly pay".

I looked over at my boss. "So what is it for?"

"You get to be a power couple, and act as representatives for images of New York."

I turned back to Will. "Power couple?"

He looked embarrassed and said "Well yeah. We have to act like we are together".

I moved nervously in my seat. Two years with the same guy. But good pay. I also have to act as a star-crossed in love Juliet.

"Clarissa decide. Its a one in a life time opportunity." my boss Jacobs said.

"Okay." I said. "Where do I sign?"

Will looked up at Jacobs. My boss then took out a folder and opened it up. It was twenty pages long, and everything was filled out from Will's side. All it needed was my signatures. It felt like I was getting married. And Being a very confident and trusty person, I only looked at the total month's check and quickly signed all the areas that needed it.

I was now publicly known as William Herondale's girlfriend. Was this the serious relationship I need? I doubt it.

Will looked over to me, and said "Why don't we go get lunch, and I get to know my girlfriend better?"

Great. He has a huge ego...

So tell me what you think...