Emily wasn't quite sure when her feelings for JJ had started, but what she did know was that they were getting stronger. She was unsure about what to do about them, though. Especially considering JJ was pregnant with Will LaMontagne's baby. The two had had a long talk after JJ told him she was pregnant and decided that their relationship wasn't strong enough for them to stay together, but that they would co-parent their child when it was born. Will agreed to move to Virginia at least for the foreseeable future in order to make co-parenting easier. That had been four months ago and they had managed to remain good friends. The media liaison was now six months pregnant and Emily couldn't help but stare at her body as it changed with the pregnancy and she couldn't help but become even more attracted to the blonde. The profiler thought she'd been doing a good job of hiding her feelings until Garcia cornered her one day the week before.


"When are you going to tell my little mama to be that you're in love with her?" Garcia demanded as she and Emily sat in her office for a brief bit of girl talk before the day started. Normally JJ would be with them, but she'd caught a cold and had taken a couple of days off. The brunette choked on her coffee at the tech's words and her eyes widened in shock. Reaching out, Garcia patted the other woman on the back while trying to suppress a smile.

"I'm sorry, what makes you think I'm in love with JJ and for that matter that I like women?" Emily wondered.

"First of all you let it slip during one of our girl's nights," Garcia began. The profiler groaned and dropped her head into her hands. If she'd done that, then it was likely that JJ knew as well.

"Oh crap, that means she knows," Emily said horrified.

"Yeah and I don't think she has a problem with it. In fact I think it's quite the opposite. I think she's just as attracted to you as you are to her," the computer tech argued. "As for how else I know you like her you stare at her when you think no one else is looking."

"So what should I do, PG?"

"Ask her out to dinner," Garcia suggested.

"What if she says no?" Emily worried.

"I doubt she will but if she does then you'll still be friends, but trust me, she'll say yes. I know my angel fish and she wants to go out with you just as badly as you want to go out with her," the tech assured her friend.

"Okay, I'll ask her out to dinner, are you happy?" Emily asked trying to sound frustrated but in reality she was jumping for joy with the possibility that she and JJ might be able to start a relationship. It was now a week later and Emily knew it was now or never. Taking a deep breath she got up from her desk and headed for JJ's office. She was glad it was after 5:00 the only ones still in the BAU were herself, Hotch, and JJ and she knew Hotch wouldn't pay any attention to the two women walking out together. Reaching JJ's office, the brunette took a fortifying breath before reaching out and knocking on the door.


"Come in," came JJ's voice. Opening the door Emily made her way into the office and smiled at her best friend as she sat behind her desk working on a file.

"Hey Em, what can I do for you?" JJ asked with a bright but tired smile.

"I was wondering if you wanted to get dinner with me? Just the two of us?" Emily asked nervously. The blonde dropped her pen and looked up in surprise mixed with hope.

"Really?" she checked. Nodding Emily began to bite her nails.

"I'd love to, Em," JJ said softly. A relieved smile crossed the profiler's lips.

"Where do you want to go?" she questioned.

"The baby is really craving Chinese how does that sound to you?" the other woman wondered.

"Delicious, I'll meet you in the parking garage in five minutes?" Emily suggested.

"That's fine, we can take my car if you want and I can give you a ride to work tomorrow?" JJ offered.

"Sure that's fine with me. I'll see you downstairs," Emily replied. JJ nodded as she began putting files away for the night and gathering up her things. She couldn't believe that she'd finally gotten what she wanted, a date with Emily Prentiss.


"Are you ready to go?" JJ inquired as she walked up to the woman leaning casually against her car. Emily nodded and climbed in, buckling up, and resting her hand on the console wondering if it would be appropriate to hold the other woman's hand. The drive was silent and JJ saw Emily moving her hand closer to hers then just as quickly moving it back. After the third time of seeing Emily do this, she reached out and placed her hand on top of Emily's before clasping them gently. A gasp escaped Emily's lips and she blushed slightly.

"This is nice," JJ murmured as she squeezed Emily's hand.

"Mmm, yes it is," Emily agreed. Pulling up outside the restaurant Emily got out of the car and quickly headed around to JJ's side before she could open the door. Opening the door she held her hand out to the expectant mother to give her a hand out of the car.

"Thanks, it's getting harder and harder to do that," JJ said as she gently rubbed her ever-expanding stomach.

"When is your next appointment?" Emily asked.

"Two weeks from now. I'll be seven months along then. I can't believe in a little over two months Will and I will be bringing a baby into the world." A few tears came to her eyes and the expectant mother cursed her hormones. Quickly wiping away the tears, she smiled at Emily. "I'm terrified and excited all at once. I can't believe there's a tiny human growing inside me and in just a matter of months he or she will be here," JJ said in awe.

"It's pretty amazing, huh?" Emily questioned. JJ nodded as she opened the door and held it for Emily to walk through.


"Good evening, just the two of you?" the hostess greeted.

"Yes, ma'am," Emily responded.

"Right this way, please," the hostess said guiding them to a table in a quiet corner of the restaurant. "Jackson will be your server and he will be right with you," the redhead said giving them a smile as she placed two menus on the table. After they placed their orders they began talking about anything and everything. During a lul in conversation JJ thought of a question but she wasn't sure how to ask it.

"Hey Em, I've got a question but I'm not sure how to ask it," the blonde began.

"Just ask it and I'll do my best to answer it."

"How do I explain this to will? I mean I never told him I was bisexual. I admitted that I'd experimented some in college, but I let him think that was all. I don't know how he will react. What if he threatens to take the baby away from me because I'm involved with a woman?" The media liaison bit her bottom lip in worry.

"He won't do that. I can promise you, sweetheart," Emily soothed. Neither woman noticed the term of indearment slip out.

"How in the world could you know that?" JJ responded. At the question Emily looked down unable to meet JJ's eyes. "Emily?" JJ called gently lifting Emily's face so she could look into her eyes.

"Um, uh, well we might have had a conversation about us dating and making sure he was okay with it," Emily reluctantly admitted.

"You did what?" JJ exclaimed.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you," Emily apologized as she saw the tears fill JJ's eyes.

"Oh, I'm not upset, I'm touched that you cared about me so much that you had a conversation with my ex-boyfriend who also happens to be the father of my child," she said in amazement.

"I wanted to make sure he was okay with us if there ever was an us," the brunette explained.

"And what did he say? How did the conversation go?" JJ wondered. By this time they had finished their food and much to JJ's chagrin, Emily paid for the meal. Once that was taken care of they got into JJ's car and began driving towards Emily's place.

"Well…" Emily began, remembering the conversation.


It was the Wednesday after she and Garcia had talked and Emily knew there was one more thing she had to do before she asked JJ out. Picking up her phone she dialed a number she had managed to get from JJ's phone when she was distracted.

"Detective LaMontagne," came his thick New Orleans accent.

"Hi Will, uh, it's Emily," she began hesitantly.

"Hey Emily, is everything okay? Are JJ and the baby okay?" he asked anxiously.

"Yes, they're both okay. I'm sorry to worry you like that. I do need to talk to you about something, but I'm not sure how to do so," she explained.

"Let me guess you want to talk to me about dating JJ and if I'm okay with you being in my babies life?" he asked. Emily's jaw dropped and she found herself speechless for the second time in a week.

"But, how… I mean, I…" She broke off unable to finish her sentence. A throaty chuckle reached her ears and she relaxed.

"I'm a detective after all," he teased.

"Will," Emily protested laughing slightly. Will relinted and gave her the answer she was looking for.

"It wasn't obvious to everyone, but to me it was. I saw how you looked at her and in return how she looked at you. I was just waiting to see who would make the first move. I have no problem with you two being together and I definitely don't have a problem with you being in my child's life. The little one can use all the love and support in the world. It takes a village to raise a child and this village just happens to include three people instead of two," Will replied.

"Y-y-You really mean it? You'd be okay if Jen and I start a relationship?" she checked.

"Yes, Emily, I'd be more than okay with you and JJ in a relationship. All that matters to me is that JJ is happy and I believe you and she would make each other very happy."

"Thank you, Will," Emily breathed.

"No thanks necessary just make her happy like I never could. We make good friends but we weren't meant to be together," Will said wistfully.

"I'm sorry," Emily replied.

"It's okay, so when are you gonna ask her out?" the Louisiana native questioned.

"Tomorrow at work, if I can get the nerve to do it," Emily admitted sheepishly.

"You can do it and I'm sure she'll say yes," Will assured the anxious agent.

"You and Garcia both," Emily responded with a chuckle.

"Perhaps we know what we're talking about and you should listen to us," he teased.

"Maybe so," Emily agreed as she thanked Will for talking to her and hung up finally feeling ready to take that leap of faith and ask JJ out.


"So he knew all along about my feelings for you?" JJ asked then clapped a hand to her mouth after the admission.

"Yeah, he did," Emily said pulling JJ's hand from her mouth and clasping it in her own. Noticing they had arrived at her place, Emily turned to JJ and spoke. "Will you be my girlfriend, Jennifer Jareau?" she asked smiling brightly.

"Yes I will, Emily Prentiss," JJ said leaning in for a kiss before pulling back and letting Emily climb out of the car promising to see each other in the morning when JJ picked her up for work. Neither of them could wipe the smiles off their faces as they went their separate ways for the night.