This chapter was prompted by pizzafan123. S/He wanted to see Shanks' reaction to his Look-a-like. So here it is. In Shanks' point of view, no less.

Why is my heartbeat so loud? I mentally moaned, my heartbeat was pounding in my head. My crew knew well enough to keep it down. Most of them had hangovers too. The only one's that didn't were Benn, Lucky Roo, and Yassop. They drank until they were buzzed then stopped, smartly.

Why hadn't I done the same?

What's life without a little risk, a little fun?

We were currently stopped on a small island, exercising our land legs that way we wouldn't lose them.

"BOSS!" One of the newer recruits came rushing to fetch me. He was breathing harshly.

He stumbled and dropped in front of me panting harshly.

I thumped down my still full mug of water in front of him.

He grasped it eagerly chugging down the contents before wiping his lips with the back of his hand. He pointed behind he gasping out "Hawk Eyes!" Only to scramble out of the way as he realized Mihawk was behind him.

"Yo! Hawk Eyes. Long time no see." I greeted him, gruffly. My hangover was acting up more than ever, especially with the recruits yells. "I'm not feeling too good right now. Did you come for a match?"

"I have no interest in challenging a one-armed man such as yourself." He answered before reaching in to his inner shirt pocket and grabbing two scrolls holding them inbetween his pointer, middle and ring fingers and holding them out so I could see them. "However, I came across some interesting pirates. And it reminded me of something you told me a long time ago. A story about a small village, and an amusing little kid." He unrolled one of the scrolls revealing Luffy's grinning visage, printed for the whole world to see with a sizable bounty under his name.

My eyes widened in surprise.

"No way!" Lucky breathed from behind his mouthful of meat.

A grin spread across my face. "So you've come, Luffy!" Then I turned my attention back to Hawk Eyes. "That's one poster. What's on the other?" I was really curious, what sort of person had Luffy gathered on his crew to warrant a wanted poster as well?

A small wicked looking grin quirked at the corners of Mihawk's mouth. "Well this one's more for your crew's amusement than yours. Though I do believe you'll get a kick out of it. After all, she is on your kid's crew." And with that he unrolled the second poster.

For a moment I thought he was fucking with me. It looked like one of my bounty posters except reversed and without my hat then I realized that the person on the poster was a GIRL.

Her hair was slightly curling at the ends and cascaded over her shoulders freely. He head was thrown back laughing at something, her eyes were closed, and her scars were fresher and on the wrong side of her face to have been mine. My eyes darted down to the name and bounty. Hikari the Look-a-like? 20,000,000 beri. Not bad at all for a first bounty.

"She doesn't have a last name or something?" I asked.

The crew was still staring at it like it was an abstract piece of art they couldn't work out.

"Her name is Akai D. Hikari. The name on her poster is partially my fault. I called her the look a like when she was patching up your kid's swordsman. Apparently it stuck." He stated blandly, but there was a wicked amusement in his eyes.

"You enjoy fucking with me don't you Hawk Eyes?" I asked in a deadpan.

The crew members closest to me burst into laughter.

"That poor girl's gonna get stuck with the name the Look-a-like until she dies." I added.

The laughter died down some at that but there was still some snickers.

I turned back to Mihawk who looked like he was getting ready to leave.

"Well then, Hawk Eyes. I can't let you go just like that." I quickly filled a mug with sake and pushed it into his hand. "So Hawk Eyes. C'mon, drink up! Drink, drink!" I insisted. "We're gonna party today! Luffy's got his bounty!"

The crew cheered at this.

"You seemed to have already done so." He stated turning to look at me.

"Don't mind me. This is a time to celebrate! C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon! CHUG CHUG CHUG! DAHAHAHAHA! I like it! PARTY! PARTY!" I crowed out as Mihawk drank as he was told and then stared down into the mug as if wondering what the hell he had just drank.

"But, boss! You said you had a hangover from drinking too much!" Lucky howled in protest. Not wanting to hear me complain tomorrow, most likely.

"Dumbass! Don't go ruining my fun here!" I ordered.

"Don't you think it's rather early?" Mihawk asked.

"Don't worry about it!" I replied. "Let's get WASTED!" I cheered.

So, what do you think? Hey, pizzafan123, was it any good? Send in some more prompts if you wanna see something. I'll try to get to them.