Phil's POV

I'm alone again. Dan left about an hour ago with his date. He's been dating her for about 2 weeks now. I know it may not seem long, but every minute he spends with her... Every minute it hurts me more. Every time he goes out with her, I wait a few minutes after he leaves the flat. Then I go to the bathroom, and lock the door, just in case. I open the cabinets under the sink, move the supplies from underneath the sink, and find this little box. In the little box, there's a razor.. I take the razor out, and slit them against my wrist. It's painful at first, but then I feel this relief. It feels nice. Shortly after, I feel pain again, but it's worth it.
Since Dan left again, I might as well go to the bathroom, and grab the razor. I know it's bad, but what else do I have to live for? Dan's dating this girl, all the fans like Dan much more. The only reason I'm still alive, is because of Dan. But he's dating this girl now, I don't need to be here anyway. I was making my way to the bathroom, when I heard the door click. I stop for a second. I hear the door open, then close. Then I hear the keys fall on the counter, and I heard a loud sigh. Should I come out and face Dan? Or just hide in my bedroom, like I have the past few days. "Phil?" Oh, too late.
I must've been standing in the hallway, contemplating my thoughts for too long, since I didn't even notice Dan standing in front of me. "Phil, you okay?" I looked up "Yeah, I'm fine, just... thinking." Dan chuckled a little "In the middle of the hallway?" I looked back down, trying to think of something to change the subject "What are you doing here? I thought you went out with your girlfriend." I said kind of coldly. I didn't care. Dan chuckled again. Damn him "Why? You don't want me here?" I looked up and stared at him "She's not my girlfriend, she's just someone I've been going out with the past few days. It's not getting serious or anything..." That didn't make me feel any better. There was another moment of silence until Dan sighed, then he said "She cancelled on me, she said that she ran into one of her old schoolmates, and she wanted to catch up with them." I looked back at the ground "Oh." I start to walk away, I don't know where, just anywhere away from Dan. Then I hear Dan's footsteps behind me, so I stop walking, again. I turn around, and then Dan gives me this angry glare "Oh? Just, Oh? What the fuck is the matter? Am I not allowed to date girls? Am I not allowed to come back to the flat after a date has been cancelled? What the fuck is your problem? Ever since I've started going out with her, you've been so cold towards me. What the fuck Phil." I just stared at him, I felt tears welling up in my eyes. I didn't know how I felt at that moment. I felt anger, and sadness, it felt like such a mystery. I hated it, when Dan yelled at me. It made me feel horrible. I felt a tear fall from my eyes. I didn't want Dan to see me crying. So I ran past him, pushing him aside. Then I started running towards the bathroom. Once I got in, I shut the door and locked it. I didn't care if Dan was home or not. I ran to the cabinets, and started frantically pushing the items inside, until I found the little box. I heard Dan knocking on the door, and then slightly yelling "Phil! Phil, please unlock the door." I grabbed the razor, then I stood up, so I'd be facing the mirror. I rolled up my sleeves, and put the razor against my skin, it was a little painful at first, but then I could feel all my problems, just running out with my blood. I closed my eyes, just for a second. I could feel the tears run down my face, as I pushed the razor deeper into my wrist. That was the last thing I remember.

The next day

I woke up on the bathroom floor. I didn't remember anything that has happened at all. I didn't even know where I was for a few minutes. I looked around, and I saw the bloody razor near me. I must've fainted. I looked at my wrist. It was covered in blood. I could feel myself starting to get woozy again. I slowly got up, and then washed my wrist. It started stinging, a lot. I looked around the bathroom a little bit, then I found a bandage I could use to wrap around my wrist to keep it from bleeding anymore. I picked up the razor from the floor, and then washed it. After I washed it, I put it in it's box, and hid it again. I wasn't sure if I should leave the bathroom or not.
I opened the door, and walked out of the bathroom. It seemed bright. I must've passed out till the next day. I was scared of running into Dan, I don't exactly remember what had happened last night, but I remember that we got into a fight. The reason why I ended up cutting my wrist.
I walked to my room, and decided to change clothes, since I was still wearing the clothes from last night. I walked out of my room, and passed Dan's room. His door was left wide open. I decided to take a peek, to see if he was in his room or not. I didn't see him. He's probably in the living room.
I walked towards the living room, once I got near the entrance, I started walking very slowly. I was scared to run into Dan. I finally walked in there. He wasn't there either. I checked all the other rooms earlier, he probably went out. Maybe he went out with his girlfriend. The thought of it made me shiver, I wanted to go into the bathroom, and cut myself again... But I didn't feel like passing out at the moment. I decided to sit on the couch, and watch some television. I stared at the tv, until I noticed that everything started getting darker and darker and darker, until everything went black. I didn't know what was going on, but I didn't care. Everything was peaceful, and quiet, and felt relaxing. I felt much better than what I have felt the past few days. Did I die?

Dan's POV

I decided to leave our flat for a little bit. I needed the fresh air. I felt bad for yelling at Phil earlier. But Phil has been acting cold lately, and someone needed to tell him that. I felt really bad when tears started falling down his eyes. I just wanted to hug him, and tell him everything was going to be okay... But it was my fault that he was crying. Why am I so stupid and heartless?!

I had to call her up, and tell her that it's over. We haven't been exactly dating, since it's only been two weeks. But I would choose Phil over anyone, if Phil doesn't like any of my dates, I shouldn't date them. I could never stand dating someone who Phil hated, or someone who hated Phil.
I grabbed my phone, and dialed her number.

"Hey... I need to tell you something."
"Sure, anything."
"I... I think we shouldn't go out anymore, you're a great girl, and nothing's wrong. I just, I don't feel anything, and I think it's best for both of us."
"Are you sure?"
"I'm sure."
"Okay... I don't know how to respond to this. I just... Um.. Okay, bye Dan."

The line went dead. I felt bad for breaking up, I can't handle doing that. It hurts me to break up with someone, but nothing would've ever happened, so it's better to break it up before anything happened. It could've been much worse.
I've been walking around for about 2 hours. I guess I should head back to the flat, and see if Phil's okay.

I finally made it to our door, I put the key in, and went into the flat. "Phil?" No response. Hmm that's weird. I took my jacket off, and put it on the hanger "Phil?" I yelled a little louder. No response. I went into the living room, to see Phil sitting on the couch, sleeping. Okay, good. He didn't leave. Then I realized that something didn't seem right. I took a little closer look at Phil... Oh my God! He isn't breathing! "Okay, don't panic. Just.. Take Phil to the A&E. He's probably still alive. Oh my God. Did our little fight last night... Did he kill himself?" I took another look at Phil, and out of nowhere, I started sobbing. I sat on the couch, and hugged him tightly. It felt so... Different. I started sobbing into his lifeless chest. I can't believe I was the the reason Phil's dead.

Oooh, should I continue the story?