"Come on Rosie, you can't back out of the Halloween Party!" freak

I rolled my eyes as my cousin, Lily Luna Potter, sat on my bed whining.

"It's tradition to go Rose! You can't miss it especially not the last one you will ever have!"

I ignored her and continued reading my favorite book, Hogwarts A History. My mum read it to me when I was little and I have loved it ever since. An unusual choice of books for a five year old to love, but I loved dreaming of Hogwarts. Now that I'm here, reading it just makes everything seem more magical.

"Rose Weasley don't you dare ignore me!" Lily yelled. "I will take that book away and throw it in the lake if you don't stop reading it and talk to me about the Halloween party."

I put my book down in an instant. I knew Lily too well. She would have definitely thrown the book in the lake if I didn't stop reading.

She did that with my Tales of Beedle and Bard book when she was a first year and I was a third year.

"Alright, Lily," I said as I put the book down on my bed. "What do you want to talk about?"

"I want to talk about why you don't want to go to the Halloween party," she said, obviously annoyed.


"YOU DON'T WANT TO GO TO THE HALLOWEEN PARTY?!" my best friend yelled as she walked in with our roommate.

"Audrey," I said as she came over and sat on my bed. Chloe, our other roommate also came over and sat on her bed, the one next to mine. "No I don't want to go-"

"Why not?!" she screeched. Merlin she has a pair of lungs on her. She said it came from years of practicing holding her breath (aka snogging boys in broom cupboards) and that it ultimately made her have a high lung capacity, which always came in handy. "We all already planned to go! We planned to FINALLY have you get a boyfriend, or at least a hook up."

"Maybe I don't want to go because it's just our classmates getting drunk and hooking up? And besides Audrey, you know that I would never hook up with someone, and maybe I'm happy being single," I said as I got off my bed and walked to the center of the room. I always got annoyed when Audrey started on about how I needed a boyfriend. Just because I've been single our entire time at Hogwarts she seems to think that I need a boyfriend. But I don't. I'm perfectly happy being single.

Most of the time.

"Rose you know you can't lie to me," Audrey said. "I see the way you look when you see a couple. You envy them. Whenever Al and Chole start acting all cutesy, you always get this weird look on your face." I started to object when she said, "And don't deny it. I don't know why you seem to think that maybe being with someone is so bad. Why are you afraid of something you never had?"

I had this conversation with Lily many times and she never got an answer out of me. So she looked up at me walking around the room, with a hopefully look on her face.

The only person who knew my reason for not being in a relationship or getting involved with a boy was Chloe. I didn't like talking about it with Audrey because why I felt that way was a sensitive topic for her.

But I decided I was done with her arguing with me about this. So I figured I would just tell her why.

I leaned on the bedpost of Audrey's bed across the room. I was looking at the ground when I said, "Maybe I just don't want to get hurt."

Lily let out an exasperated breath and slammed down into my pillow. Audrey seemed confused. "Why would you be afraid of getting hurt?" she asked. "You're entire family has been happily married. You have nothing to base getting hurt off of. So why is that your excuse?"

I looked over at Chloe, who was much better with saying the blunt truth better than I was. Especially with this topic.

"Audrey," Chloe said. "I think you know better than anyone what it's like to get your heartbroken. To be hurt because of someone you love."

Realization filled Audrey's face. Well, realization and sadness that is. All I heard was a soft, "Oh", from her direction.

"I saw what it did to you Audrey. I cried with you," I said softly. "I don't want to be in your position. It destroyed you."

So if you couldn't figure it out, Audrey had her heart broken. When we were in fifth year, she was completely head over heals in love with a boy who was in his seventh year. They were very serious, and he was the first super serious boyfriend of Audrey's. Before, she had been shy around boys, barely talking. With him, you could feel the love and happiness they had. But then, one day, it fell apart.

Audrey caught him cheating on her. She was in the library and caught them making out in the Restricted section. She ran back to the Gryffindor tower in tears. She cried constantly for days. After she said she was fine, but then in the middle of the night or in the bathrooms, you could hear her crying. Chloe and I would deal with it the best we could but she never wanted us to see her crying. So we always had to leave her alone, while she sobbed. It was hard, it was heartbreaking. She's never been the same. She is strictly a hook up only girl now because of what he did. I couldn't believe one person could cause that.

It made me not want to be in love.

"Rosie," Lily said. She was no longer annoyed. "Just because that happened to Audrey doesn't mean it will happen to you."

Audrey was sitting quietly on my bed. "Lily's right," she whispered. "Sometimes people are meant to get their heart broken, at least once. But sometimes...sometimes there are those people who are never going to be heartbroken." A tear trickled down her face.

Chloe got off her bed and sat on to mine as she wiped the tear away. I came over and put my arm around Audrey's shoulders, Chloe put hers around her waist and Lily held her hand.

"Rosie, will you please just come to the party?" Chloe asked. "Audrey will promise not to try and set you up with anyone."

I looked over at Audrey. She wasn't crying anymore, just looking at the bed. "Yeah," I said, as I squeezed her shoulders. "Yeah, I'll go."

"Good," Audrey said, smiling for the first time. It wasn't one of her normal smiles, where they light up the room. It was a small one, but there wasn't a hint of sadness in it. "Because otherwise the costume we got you will go to waste."

I looked at her and Chloe. "When did you guys get me a costume?"

Chole smiled. "At the last Hogsmeade trip while you were at the bookstore. Lily even helped us out by bringing it back to the castle."

"I knew if they got you a costume that you probably would feel guilty and go," Lily said, smirking. "So I figured I would help."

"I'll go get it," Audrey said, sadness suddenly gone as she ran out of the room.

I decided that no matter how bad the costume was, I was going to wear it. I was going to that party for Audrey.

Even though technically as Head Girl, I was supposed to stop this kind of thing from happening.

However, Audrey was more important. Besides, it's just a party. It in the Room of Requirement, which provided anything needed. None of the teachers would know we were there.

What's the worse that could happen?

"Chloe, I can't believe you made me wear this costume," I said, as I pulled down the shortest dress known to wizard kind. (Maybe that's an exaggeration but it is still really short). "I feel like a total slag."

Chloe and Audrey decided that I should be the Devil. I had on a tight, red dress with a neckline that was far too low for my taste and dress that barely covered the area that needed covering.

So maybe I'm a prude. What of it?

"Rose, you don't look like I slag," she said. I shot her a look. "Okay so maybe you look slag-ish but not completely slag like."

So while I looked slaggish, Chloe was dressed up as a fairy in an adorable green flowing dress. Green looks great with my hair. Red does not.

"Great," I mumbled, taking a sip of my drink. It smelled strongly of alcohol and tasted disgusting. For about the twentieth time that night, some guy grabbed my ass.

"I know you think you look disgusting," Chloe said. "But you are attracting a lot of attention from the male population."

I looked up and saw that a lot of guys were staring at me. Even guys who were dancing (well it wasn't really dancing. More like dry humping) with other girls were looking at me. Which felt really awkward.

A arm wrapped itself around Chloe's waist and Albus greeted his girlfriend with a kiss on the check. She started blushing and put her arms around his torso. Albus looked up and saw me and his jaw dropped.

"ROSE?!" he said. "What-why-how-WHY ARE YOU DRESSED LIKE THAT?!"

Louis, my other cousin, came up by Albus and said, "Damn, Chloe who's your fri-ROSE?! WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU WEARING THAT?"

So my family is just a little protective. As long as Hugo doesn't see I think I'll be fine.

"Why hello there hot stuff," a voice said from behind me. I turned around and came face to face with none other than Hugo.

We both jumped about 50 feet.


My family is too protective. And ew my brother just hit on me.

I'm going to be mentally scarred for that one.

"Guys, if it helps I didn't want to be dressed like this," I said to the three furious faces around me.

"THEN WHY ARE YOU?!" Hugo screamed.

"YEAH WHY ARE YOU," said the ever mature Albus.

"HEY YOU, TAKE YOUR EYES OFF OF MY COUSIN UNLESS YOU WANT TO HAVE YOUR EYES TAKEN OUT WITH A SPOON," Louis screamed. Many guys stopped looking at me. Apperently they didn't know who Louis was talking to.

"Perverts..." I heard Hugo rumble under his breath.

"Guys look, I had to come in this," I said. "I wasn't allowed to leave unless I was wearing this. Now I'm going to go. Please don't kill anyone."

I left before anyone could argue with me.

I hate confrontations. I would rather just ignore the problem or just move on.

I went to the bar and ordered another drink. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see the Head Boy, Sam Nathanson.

I liked Sam but he was a pain in the arse. He was constantly flirting with me and even tried asking me out a few times. Sadly he was roommates with Albus and Louis, so if I ever went to their dorm he was there. Maybe if he didn't ask me out all the time, I could've fallen for him. But he didn't get that no meant no. So he would keep asking until Hugo set him straight. Even though he's only a fifth year, he's huge. It might help that he eats like a pig. Some of it's muscle too, since he's keeper on the Quidditch team like Dad was.

"Hey Rose," Sam said. He looked at me up and down, taking in my costume. "Nice costume."

Now maybe I was just being paranoid, but I could swear that he was staring at my boobs. They aren't normally as...on display as they are now.

"Hey Sam," I said, crossing my arms in attempt to cover my boobs. This failed on my part because the action only pushed my boobs up more. "Enjoying the party?"

I didn't think it was appropriate to ask if he was looking at my boobs. Because that would've just been awkward.

"Yeah I am," he said. "I'm enjoying it more now that I'm talking to you."

I'm sure my eyes widened. Especially when he moved closer to me. Oh Merlin please save me.

"You should dress like that more often," he said as he put his hand on the small of my back.

Where is my overprotective family? They should be here. NOW.

"Ugh, Sam," I said as I put a hand on his chest in a failed attempt to push him away.

"Shh," he said as he leaned closer and I could smell the alcohol on his breath. "You look so hot Rose."

Merlin please, send anything to save me. Or anyone.

Honestly, just get me out of here.

I don't care how.

Just do it.

I felt a strong arm grab me out of Sam's grasp and put me behind their body. Thank god, Albus or Hugo or Louis is here.

But when did they turn into platinum blondes?

"I don't think she likes that, Nathanson," said the deep voice of Scorpius Malfoy.

Seriously, Merlin? I ask you to send me anyone and you send Malfoy?

"Well, who the hell are you, her protector? She hates you, just like you hate her," Sam asked. Normally, Sam wouldn't talk to anyone rudely. However his drunken state was making him crazy. "Unless you two have been keeping a secret relationship or some stupid shit like that."

"Maybe we have been," Scorpius said. "We obviously wouldn't tell anyone since it was a secret. But you know, sometimes when I see another guy hitting on my girl, I forget it's supposed to be a secret."

Wait did Malfoy just imply that we're in a secret relationship?!

Merlin, you have a funny sense of humor.

"Wait," Sam said. "So you have been in a secret relationship? That's why she kept turning me down?"

Sam is so dumb when he's drunk. Sober Sam would know that Malfoy and I would never go near each other.

"Maybe," Scorpius said. "But maybe she just doesn't want to date you. So why don't you go sit in the corner and wonder which one it is."

Scorpius pushed Sam backwards and into a group of people. He then grabbed my hand and took me to a part of the room that was completely deserted.

Completely deserted with the exception of snogging couples.

Oh no. Not gonna happen.

"Not gonna happen, Malfoy," I said as I tried to pull my hand out of his. However, he was a Quidditch player, so he was stronger than me. "I'm not going to hook up with you."

"Well, that's good Weasley because I'm not going to hook up with you either," he said. He stopped dragging me and turned around to look at me. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I said. Again I tried pulling my hand out of his. He didn't seem to notice. "You didn't have to do that."

"Do what?" He asked, completely oblivious to my futile attempts to regain my hand.

"Talk to Sam like that," I said, giving up hope of pulling my hand free. I mean look at all of his muscles, there's no way I can get my hand out. He has amazing muscles. They're like perfectly toned. I wonder what he looks like with his shirt off. Wait, what did I just say?! That must be the alcohol talking. "Or pretend like you're saving me. I had it perfectly handled."

Scorpius snorted. "You looked like you were scared out of your mind. You kept trying to get out of his hold but you couldn't. Trust me, you did not have it handled. By the way, love the new outfit." He winked at me.

"UGH!" I was so frustrated. "I hate this stupid outfit!"

"Well do you want me to take it off for you?" he said, suggestively.

"NO!" I yelled at him. "No this stupid outfit is horrible. I hate it. Guys keep looking at me creepily, Sam couldn't stop starting at my boobs, and now you are being all suggustive!" I tried pulling my hand free. "And I hate this stupid party! All anyone does is get drunk and hook up! As Head Girl I should shut this party down. But I don't because I came here for Audrey, who keeps insisting that I have to hook up with a boy at some point even though I don't want to! All I wanted to do tonight was read my book but I wasn't even allowed to do that!" I stomped my foot on the ground and realized that I was crying.

I shouldn't drink. I turn into such a psychopath. I'm not even drunk. Tipsy, yes but not drunk.

"So I came to this stupid party and then Audrey ditches me and then I get my ass grabbed and then Louis, Al, and Hugo yell at me for dressing like this, and then Sam was being weird, and now I'm here, with YOU of all people crying because I hate this party and this fucking dress!" By the time I finished I was out of breath but still crying.

"Hey," Scorpius said. His grip on my hand tightened. "It'll be okay. Do you want to go back to your dorm?"

I looked up at him, into his ice blue eyes. I nodded.

"Is it alright if I walk you there?" he asked. "You are a little tipsy. I'm pretty sober and can bring you back if you want."

I nodded again as I whipped the tears away with my free hand. "But if this is one of your tricks to get me in bed it won't work Malfoy."

"I would never try to get you in bed," Malfoy said. "Your father would kill me."

I laughed a little at this. It was true. I was told to hate the Malfoy's and to not get close to Scorpius.

Ironic that everyone close to me wasn't taking me back to my dorm, but the son of the family my father hates.

Scorpius pulled me towards the door. However he stopped to get a water bottle from the bar. "Here," he said. "Drink this it will help. The bar put a potion in it to make it so that you aren't drunk."

I considered the fact that being drunk was basically being dehydrated, so water would've helped normally. I took it in my free hand and drank some. "Thanks."

Scorpius pulled me out of the party and into the hallway. Already I was feeling more in control.

The hallway was completely deserted. Scorpius and I walked, hand in hand, toward the Gryffindor common room. If you didn't know better you would probably think we were a couple.

We reached the Fat Lady, Scorpius made a move to let go of my hand but I held it tighter.

"Do you wanna come in?"

The words were out before I could process what I just said. But I felt bad. He was doing all these nice things for me. The least I could do is see if he wanted to hang out.

He looked at me quizzically. "Um, sure," he said. He seemed unsure of his answer, but then he smirked. "But if this is one of your tricks to get me in bed it won't work Weasley."

I laughed at him qouting what I said earlier. It only felt fair to continue with it. ""I would never try to get you in bed," I said. "Your father would kill me."

So I had Malfoy cover his ears and then said the password. When the portrait opened I grabbed his hand and pulled him in.

The common room was deserted. It was about 11, so all the youngins were in bed but all the older kids were at the party and wouldn't be back until late, if not morning.

"So this is what the Gryffindor common room looks like," he said. "I never thought I would be here. Especially with an invitation from Rose Weasley."

"Well I never expected to go to the Halloween party like this," I said, gesturing to my outfit. "So I guess tonight is full of unexpected things."

"I don't know why you hate that outfit so much," Malfoy said. He looked at me up and down, but unlike Sam his eyes didn't rest on my boobs. His ice blue ones met my brown ones. "You look really good in it."

I couldn't stop myself from blushing. Maybe I was still drunk. "I don't like the attention it brings."

Scorpius looked down at me. "It only brings attention because you don't normally dress like that."

We stood there for a while, just looking at each other. For the first time, I didn't see Scorpius Malfoy, the boy I hate, the arrogant, rude womanizer. I saw someone I didn't recognize.

It was Scorpius who broke the silence. "Didn't you have some book you wanted to read?"

He didn't say it rudely, but it occured to me that he probably would have rather been at the party. And oddly I as hurt by that.

"Oh," I said, looking at the ground. "Yeah."

"What book is it?" Scorpius asked.

"Hogwarts, A History."

"Really?" he asked, smiling. "That's my favorite book. I would read it before I came to Hogwarts and think about coming to Hogwarts." He said more but I wasn't paying attention. Because he did the same thing as me. No one did that. As he blabbed on and on, I just looked at him because I couldn't believe that we thought exactly the same about this book. I don't know what possessed me to do it, but I did.

I kissed him. He was still talking, but I kissed him. I threw my arms around his neck and attached my lips to his. At first, he was in shock. His whole body didn't move. All of sudden though, his lips started to respond to mine and he put his arms around my waist.

I don't know how long we were in the common room kissing. At one point, we were on the couch, making out like I've seen so many others do on this exact couch.

So maybe that was what possessed to stop kissing him, grab his and pull him up to my room. I pulled him over to my bed and pulled him down on top of me and kissed him again. It was intoxicating to kiss him. Surprisingly, he didn't push me into doing anything.

I was the one who deepened the kiss.

I was the one who brought him upstairs.

I was the one who took his shirt off.

I was the one who let him take my dress off.

I wanted it. I did. So when he looked at me with a look that was asking me if I was sure, I just kissed him.

I had no idea what I had just gotten myself into.

A/N: Yay new story! I hope you enjoyed! Please review!
