Sometimes I wonder what these dreams mean, are they memories of another life I had and lived or are they just illusions made up from the deepest and darkest corner of my mind. Maybe its my secret wish and hope that these are real and not just from my imagination i mean why do I dream of a land where the grass is as green as the hills on earth and why the sky shimmers in the night with the stars sparkling in the night over the lake and the moon's reflection is shown across it. I see a beautiful palace which looks more like a castle to me it makes the girls home worlds look like a pond compared to this and walk and see people bowing and kneeling before me as I walk past them each giving me a smile and are very friendly and kind to me, I hear the children's laughter like soft bells when the wind gives a gentle breeze as they play with each other and a ball comes towards me as I see it approach me cant help but smile as i give them their ball back i wonder is this all real or fantasy I make my way toward the castle to see a light come toward me and then I wake up only to see I'm just in room in the palace on Domino.

I get out of bed and walk to the balcony and open the doors to look out at the moon and the stars gazing at the with a longing and wishing to understand these dreams or are they memories or things to come I don't know all i know is that something felt different like it as if i was there but I wasn't really. I sighed and walked back to my bed but closed the door to the balcony but left the curtain a little open so that the stars and moon reflect in the room.

I close my eyes again and drift into sleep and the dreams come again only this time its different I see death ,despair the sounds and cries of the people my people fighting I see innocent people's blood being spilled and children being killed and forced into slavery in order to be able to eat and have a place to stay. This time the people look at me with hatred and fear on their faces the children are scared but try not to show it but I could see it in their eyes, I felt a wicked grin come onto my face as I looked at them barring my fangs which surprised me although i didn't show it I walked back to the palace which still looked like a castle to me and saw their two thrones both fashioned with the finest gold, silver, rich wood and platinum i had ever seen i then heard foot steps I turned around and saw a man with Black curly slick hair but what caught me were his bluish, green eyes as they looked at me with admiration and lust I couldn't see his face for it was blurry but I see that same light come towards me and I'm wake again perhaps it was but a dream that wasn't real.

Or was it?