Disclaimer: All this genius belongs to Stephanie Meyer. Sorry for Bad spelling and Grammar.

AN- Please, No Rude Comments when Reviewing

Chapter 12 - Goodbye - EPOV -

It has been a year since Esme joined our family, and become a vampire. I must say that she has taken on our lifestyle very well, and fits with Carlisle well. It makes me happy to see him find his love after all the years he has been alone. Bella was very happy when she found out that Carlisle and Esme were dating, Bella since then see's Esme her Mother and they have grown a very strong bond.

It was 6 am in the morning, a school day and while Bella was getting ready while talking to Esme when I heard Carlisle wanting to talk to me. When I went into his office he smiled, to say that he was blocking thoughts was an understatement. The past few weeks he had been going to work more and avoiding me, so I was not surprised when I heard he wanted to talk to me."Son, Come sit down, I have no doubt you know I want to talk to you about something." He smiled and sat down behind his desk. "Yes, You have been blocking your thoughts from me. Not that I try to listen but sometimes I can not help it as I am still getting use to it. Why? Is there something wrong?" I look up at him and he shakes his head "No son, I sorry if I caused you to worry but I had to think a little before I wanted to tell anyone." And with that he opened his mind and showed me what his was thinking. 'Marrying, Esme, I love you with all my heart...Marry me...I will never hurt you...' I was not shocked, I knew that they were going to get married eventually, and I was very happy for them. "Carlisle I am very happy for you and Esme." He smiled at me and gave a little chuckle "Well I was wondering If you would be My best man? I believe We are going to just have a small wedding with just the four of us and the priest." I gave a big grin back and walked over to where Carlisle was now standing "I would love to" We gave each other a quick friendly hug, Something I do not give other the pleasure of other than my family. "I am very proud of you Edward. Thank you" I walk back over to the door, It must be nearly time to go to school "Well I better check on Bella, It is about time we left for school" He nod's and while sitting back down at his desk "Have a good day".

School was well, the same as it always has been, Boring, A waste of my time and If it was not for Bella I would not be here. It was lunch time and I was walking with my love Bella holding hands while we walked across the room in the canteen to sit down. But before I had the chance to react or should I say react "Humanly" some stupid jocks through it would be funny to grab Bella and give her a kiss in front the whole grade before he could blink an eye I grabbed him by the neck and pinned him up against the wall nearby. "If you ever touch my Girl again I will personally make sure it is the last thing you do." I could hear Bella called my name in a whisper trying to let me know not to blow our cover. "Come on Edward, He just jealous Lets go" She pulled on my arm and we quickly walk out before anyone noticed what was happening. As soon as we were out of prying eyes Bella quickly gave me a hug trying to stop me from going back over to rip those guys heads off. I knew going to back to school after see those in-mature guys was a bad Idea but I knew Bella wanted to stay but now no, I would not let anyone touch my woman like that. Not while I could not rip their heads off without showing them what we truly are. We are not even the worst out their, low lives like that grow up to become murders, rapists and criminals, they are the ones that deserve the pain we deliver. I could sense Bella getting worried beside me "Edward, don't worry about them, they are just jealous" I smiled at her, she was trying to calm me down. "I only love you, I am yours don't worry about them" She lent up on her tip toes and lent in for a kiss. As our lips touched everything else disappeared she was why I was here and I would do anything for her. I had to keep her away from other and make sure they knew she was mine "I love you" I smiled at her and quickly replied "I love you too, Lets go home, I do not want to be here any more, I think it is time we go away from a little while" She nodded "I will follow you were ever, you know that, But promise me we will stay for Carlisle and Esme wedding." I smiled at her, Yes and I wonder if they would be up to a double wedding. As we near the house I stop and wrap my arms around her waist, "Bella, I was thinking, Would you be okay to have a double wedding, Get married at the same time as Esme and Carlisle." She giggled "I thought you would never asked, I don't think They would be happy if they were not invited to our wedding while we're away, I think that is a perfect plan." I nod "I'll let Carlisle know and make the preparations for our departure."

I knocked at the door to Carlisle study once again for today,"Come in Edward" I walked in to see him reading sitting at his desk. He looks up me and puts the book down "What can I help you with, I see you are home early from school. Did something happen...?" His mind races through different scenarios and I quickly shake my head "No, Nothing like that I wish tell let you know that Bella and my self will be leaving. I can not live this lifestyle any more and Bella wont leave my side. We are going away for a little while and I don't know when we will see you again." He lets out a sigh and I hear his mind 'If this is what you think is best then I wish you two all the best.' "Thanks you Carlisle, We're still wanting you to be there for us too, so we thought a double wedding ceremony would be the perfect goodbye." I see a big gin come across his face "That is a great Idea, I can give the priest a ring and ask him if he is free for tonight?" "yes that would be great, I'll Let Bella know"

- BPOV -

I Never wanted a big wedding, Something small in a church with my closest family was always the way I wanted. We stood at the front of the church my hands in Edward's and Esme's In Carlisle's repeating what the Priest says, It is the most wonderful day in my new life and I was doing it my my family at our side. "I now pronounce you husbands and wives, You may kiss you wives. I look into Edward's eyes and see all the love for him, I do not care what lifestyle he wants or does, I will love him for all eternity. As he leans down I lean forward and our lips touch, I put my arms around his neck and his move to around my waist. "I love you Mrs Cullen" I see his smirk "I love you too kind sir" I let out a giggle and he tucks his arm around mine and we walk out of the church together as one for all eternity...

AN - There you go! Merry Christmas Everyone...Hope you enjoy all your present's...Please read and Review! :)