Just a little scenario I dreamed up after watching 4x07. As much as I loved their date I can't help but feel Caroline is setting herself up for a fall by playing along with the ruse and this is how I see it playing out. This is my first VD fanfic so please be kind –


Caroline had woken up that morning with one of those gut feelings that it was going to be a bad day. And sure enough she had been right.

She fled the Lockwood mansion in a supernatural blur, her head was spinning in a confusing turmoil of emotions as she tried to process what she had just seen. She didn't stop running until she was deep in the woods far enough from the mansion that Tyler wouldn't follow her. She had heard him come after her as she burst out the front door but she couldn't face him, she was too angry. How could I have been so stupid she thought to herself? She replayed the scene in her head one more time as though to convince herself it had really happened.

Caroline had walked into the study to find that whore wolf Hayley sprawled on top of a topless Tyler as they lounged across one of the couches. They had been so immersed in their heated make out session they hadn't even heard her come in. But Caroline quickly resolved that mistake by throwing a large vase of flowers into the wall behind them showering them in flowers and shards of glass as they jumped apart. She hadn't shouted, hadn't cried, she just shot them both a disgusted glare and fled.

After taking a moment to get over the shock, to let it sink in and to make sure she was in control of her emotions Caroline headed back to town. A mix of betrayal, hurt, humiliation and rage were looping through her heart in a continuous cycle but she was managing to keep it bottled up for now. Ice-cream she decided. Teenage boy drama always required ice-cream to numb the pain. As she marched into the store she pulled out her cell and called Elena. A girls' night was definitely what she needed. She needed to talk everything out, all the confusing thoughts and feelings whirling inside her head. She wanted to rant, bitch, cry, scream, punch, kick... Basically express all her pent up emotions and then wash it all away with some ice-cream, tequila and maybe a twilight movie marathon. Her friends would get her through this; they would calm her down, be there for her and help her figure things out. Or so she thought.

The second Elena answered the phone she launched into explaining her latest love triangle dramas. Once she finally stopped moaning about how hard it was to be causing the wedge between the two Salvatore brothers Caroline managed to get a word in.

"Do you think we could do something tonight I could really use some girl talk?"

"Oh I'm sorry Caroline I told Damon I'd go hunting with him tonight, I'm still trying to gain some control. Maybe tomorrow night?" Caroline started thinking that maybe it wasn't a good idea to spend time with Elena after all. She just wasn't in the mood to listen to Elena trying to explain why she was ruining things with Stefan for a shot with Damon.

"Sure ok I'll talk to you later."

As soon as Elena hung up Caroline called Bonnie.


"Bonnie, I just broke up with Tyler." Caroline blurted out straight away deciding to go for a more direct approach this time.

"Oh Care I'm so sorry."

"Can we have a girls' night I could use the company?"

"Caroline I'm sorry I'm supper busy, Stefan and Damon have me doing research on the five. We're really worried about Jeremy so I'm sifting through old grimoires trying to find something. You could come over here if you want?

"Oh. No that's ok your working on something and I'm not really in the mood to be productive. Maybe I'll just stay in, have some quality 'me' time you know."

"OK. I'll come and see you tomorrow we could go shopping or something? And listen don't worry about Tyler you guys will make up again. I know it."

Shows what you know Caroline thought bitterly stuffing her phone back in her bag.

As usual her two best friends were too wrapped up in their own little worlds to come to her in her hour of need and thanks to that cheating son-of- a-bitch ex-boyfriend, the one person she actually wanted to call most was the one person she was now to afraid to face. Thanks to that selfish ass and his slut wolf she was now going to lose the one person who would actually come to her if she asked because she was stupid enough to go along with their plan.

And that's when it hit her - as she stood at the checkout counter with two pints of ice-cream and two bottles of tequila - she had just found her boyfriend cheating on her and she was more upset about how Klaus was going to react when he found out the truth about the whole ruse. With that realisation her calm and composed mask began to crack as her feelings bubbled over and the first tears began clouding her vision.

By the time the door bell rang that evening Caroline had finished the tub of chocolate ice-cream, was starting on the tub of strawberry and had drank about three-quarters of her first bottle of tequila. She was still miserable and now felt like a slob. No doubt looked like one too with her tear streaked face, puffy red eyes and oversized sweatshirt. She considered just ignoring whoever was at her door but then she thought that maybe Elena and Bonnie had come to her aid after all so she dragged herself off the couch to answer it.

When she found a sinfully handsome Klaus grinning back at her from her porch Caroline wished more than anything that she had given into the laziness and ignored the doorbell. The plus side was that now with Tyler out of the picture she didn't have to be in denial about the swarm of butterflies that flitted into her stomach at the sight of him. But at that moment she was more preoccupied by the guilt, regret and dread that were pressing heavily on her heart making it hard to breath.

It only took a second for him to properly register her uncharacteristically rumpled appearance and he thought how sexy she looked with her hair all mused. But his smile fell away a second later to be replaced by a dark look that threatened all kinds of pain as he realised she was upset.

"Caroline love, what's wrong?" he asked softly, his concern clear on his face. That sexy accent melted her insides.

"Oh its nothing." She quickly wiped at her eyes self-consciously and tried to smile but it was a weak and watery smile. He reached out to her caressing her cheek soothingly with his thumb. His bright blue eyes were questioning and tender and her legs seemed to weaken.

"Come on Caroline I thought we were getting along? Didn't you enjoy our date?" he asked tentatively. Klaus wanted so much for her to open up to him.

"I did." She responded in little more than a whisper and he didn't miss the hint of pain in her eyes or the fresh wave of tears that spilled over her lashes. A stab of regret cut through her at the mention of the date that she hadn't been able to stop thinking about for the last three days and she knew that she had to tell him now.

"So talk to me." he whispered back dropping his hand from her cheek to take her hand. She nodded then silently stepped back to let him in and led him through to the living room. Only once they were both seated on the couch and she'd taken another large gulp of tequila did she begin.

"Ok I'll tell you but you're not going to like it." She said in a voice far too timid to be her own. Klaus' concern was growing by the minute as he watched her. Even when she had been nearing death from the werewolf bite she hadn't looked as upset and vulnerable as this. "But you have to let me explain." She took a deep calming breath then continued. "Tyler and I hadn't really broken up. He told me that nothing was going on between him and Hayley but they wanted you to think there was to hide the fact that they are working together to help your hybrids break the sire bond. You know I don't like the sire bond and how it gives you total control over someone's freewill and Tyler was my boyfriend so I agreed to play along to help him. Only it turns out he wasn't so honest with me."

Equal measures of anger and pain burned in Klaus' chest. Caroline felt sick as she watched the fury and betrayal blaze in his eyes. They sat frozen in place for several minutes as Klaus let the blow sink in and attempted to reign in his automatic instinct to kill someone. If it had been anyone else who played him like this they would have been dead seconds after the confession. But this was Caroline which made it impossible for him to lash out and yet also made the betrayal that much more painful.

Caroline thought her heart was actually breaking from the stress and anguish of it all as she helplessly watched Klaus' chest heave with pants of anger. He hadn't looked at her since she finished her first sentence, he had jerked back from her listening to the rest with his face turned away. His jaw was clenched and his shoulders tensed.

"He really did cheat on you." He finally said and she nodded in answer. She was upset because she was still in love with Tyler he realised and jealousy consumed him. "I see so you're throwing yourself a little pity party." He bit out, abruptly standing and heading for the door.

"No!" Caroline shouted at his retreating back. He stopped and looked back over his shoulder at her, his face contorted with rage and hurt.

"Then why are you upset?" he growled and seeing him standing at the door ready to walk out of her life she decided to open her heart and tell him everything.

"Because I feel terrible!" she shouted and he had to turn away from her pleading eyes "I am so so sorry I lied to you." Her voice quivered with emotion and he finally looked back to her eyes only to see tears spilling out. "I really enjoyed spending time with you Klaus, you have to believe that." She spoke more strongly now, like her normal confident self. "It wasn't an act with you. None of it was an act. I just need you to know how sorry I am for deceiving you like that. But I don't regret a second of it because for the first time I got to see the real you." Slowly he walked back into the room. Here she was confessing to deceiving him and still he couldn't walk away from her. Was it just his hopeful imagination or did she actually sound like she cared?

"You keep betraying me Caroline. Using my affections for you against me." he couldn't keep the anger and hurt out of his voice and she flinched at his words.

"I know. I'm a horrible person." She hung her head in shame as tears continued to leak from her eyes. Klaus sighed. Regardless of what she had done to him he couldn't bear to see her so distraught. Distraught over hurting him? He thought to himself.

"You're not a horrible person Caroline. You did a horrible thing but you could never be a horrible person, it's not in your nature."

"I'm sorry." She murmured wiping her eyes on the back of her sleeve and grabbing the tub of ice-cream.

"Let me ask you something, why did you tell me about what that mutt and his whore are doing with my hybrids? Is it some sort of revenge for him cheating?" his voice was still an angry growl.

"No." She said adamantly.

"Then why tell me?"

"Because I don't want to lie to you." She said simply and for a moment she thought his hard expression softened.

Sweet sweet Caroline, he thought. Revenge probably hadn't even crossed her mind. He paused as he realised that Caroline didn't even seem to be angry about the stupid mutt's indiscretions.

"Why not?" his eyes bore into her intensely, desperately trying to understand her.

"Like I said it wasn't an act Klaus, I really did enjoy our date. I like that nice side of you who is so attentive and treats me like I matter." She seemed so genuine but did he dare to believe it?

"What would all your little friends think about that I wonder?" he sneered bitterly, his defensive walls automatically coming back up.

"I don't care!" Caroline suddenly shouted slamming the ice-cream tub on the table and jumping up from the couch to face him. "I am sick and tired of all the scheming and the plotting. I don't want to be dragged into it anymore. You saved my life when you didn't have to and since then you've only ever been nice to me so I don't want to lie to you. I've decided I don't care anymore about plots for revenge or taking sides. Do you know that everyone, all my friends view me as 'the distraction'. The only one who doesn't is you and through some stupid loyalty to my friends I hurt the one person who treats me like I matter. No one else thinks about me so from now on I'm only looking out for myself." Stunned, Klaus watched her with fascination as she ranted animatedly, her sadness having momentarily given way to anger and tequila. He was stunned by her openness and had a sudden urge to kiss her.