Important Author's Note: Here is the first chapter of my new story "Sequel to Abandoned." I may change the title later if I can think of a good title for it instead of just calling it the sequel for Abandoned! Enjoy and review, please! Okay, here is the important part: Jack and Kim were not a couple in "Abandoned," but I am making them a couple in this story! Hey, they've lived in the same house for a year now; they've grown some stronger feelings towards each other!

Kim's POV

"Jack, come on, we're going to be late!" I yell, pounding on the door. "JACK!" A minute later, my boyfriend emerges from the guest room of my house, which had been his room for a little over a year now. "Kim, relax! We are not going to be late! Practice doesn't start for another . . ." he pauses, looking at the time on his cell phone. "Holy crap Kim, hurry up we're gonna be late!" he says, grabbing my hand and pulling me downstairs. Today was the first day of our 3-week Christmas vacation, and we were of course still having karate practice; Rudy didn't particularly like it when any of us were late, either.

"Jack, slow down!" I scream at him as he drags me down the street in a run. "Sorry, Kimmy," he apologizes, slowing down. "You know Jack, normally it's me who makes us late; it's nice to have it reversed for once," I say, smirking. "That's it, Kimmy!" he says, and starts to chase me down the street. I run away, my smirk turning into a full-blown smile. "You know I'm faster than you Jackson!" I call to him, laughing and continuing to run down the street. I run all the way to the strip mall, but instead of going right into the dojo, I stop at one of the window displays of a clothing store, looking at a really nice sweater. "Jack, I'll be right back; I wanna go see how much that costs," I say when Jack runs up behind me.

He grumbles about me making us even more late if I go in there, so I tell him to go to the dojo without me if he's that worried. Just like I thought, though, he comes into the store with me. "Excuse me, how much does that blue sweater in the window display cost?" I ask the first employee I see. "15 dollars, hun," the saleslady replies. Great, I had that much! "Cool, do you have any more that aren't on display?" I ask. She tells me to wait there while she checks in the back. "Kim . . . we really should get to practice," Jack warns. I am about to go off on him when I hear a baby start to scream. Turning towards where I hear the child, I see a man who is obviously the father bouncing a baby girl in his arms, desperately trying to quiet her down. I walk over there, Jack tailing behind me asking what the heck I am doing; I ignore him.

"Having trouble?" I ask the frustrated man. "Yeah, just a little," he says, looking at Jack with an expression on his face that I can't identify; was it recognition? I don't know, so ignoring it, I say, "Do you mind if I try?"

Giving one more glance at Jack, he says, "Be my guest," and hands the screaming child over to me. Smiling at the adorable baby girl, I start to coo at her a little and bounce her up and down; seconds later, she gives one last little wail and then quiets down, smiling and laughing at me, and I can't help but realize that she looks a little like Jack: she has the same shaped nose, that same incredible smile that could make anyone happy, the brown hair starting to sprout on her head . . . actually, she looks a lot like Jack; the only huge difference was that she had pretty, deep blue colored eyes instead of his chocolate brown.

"Wow, she's so beautiful," I tell the man. Then to Jack I say, "Look, Jack, doesn't she look like you?" Jack walks over and inspects the baby, and when he realizes that I'm right, he looks a little freaked out. We look to the man, who is looking from Jack, to his daughter, and then back to Jack.

"You wouldn't happen to be Jackson Brewer, would you?" he asks. Jack looks even more freaked out and now a little suspicious when the man knows his name. "How do you know who I am?" he demands. I finally realize what is going on when the mother of the child comes out of the dressing room and kisses the father; Jack realizes a second later when she turns toward him and says, "Jack!"

"Mom?!" he replies, surprise and confusion evident in his voice.

I just stare open mouthed at the woman who had left Jack, sweet Jack, a little over a year ago with only so much as a note to explain her disappearance; she couldn't handle the "burden" of raising him anymore and just left without trace, and now here she was standing right in front of us. "Hi, honey!" she comes forward and hugs Jack, who is too shocked to even attempt to move away from her, but he doesn't hug back either. "It's been a while, huh, Jack?" she asks. "Well, I would like you to meet James, my husband, and, well, I see you've already met little Erin! She's your half-sister, Jack! Isn't that exciting!?" Jack just stares blankly back at his mother, then James, and then down at little Erin still smiling in my arms; then he just walks out of the store.

I hand Erin back to James and follow after Jack, passing the store employee with my sweater on the way out. "I'll be back for that later!" I say as I power walk out of the store after seeing her confused expression. I look around for Jack, and I see him disappear into the dojo, so I run there and enter. Once inside, I see him beating up a punching dummy while the rest of the guys converge on him, asking him where he has been and why he is late. He doesn't answer them, so when they see me standing there, they circle around me and ask me the same question.

"Rudy, I need to talk to you in your office for a sec, okay?" I ask. Rudy nods, and I follow him towards his office, grabbing a hold of Jack's arm and pulling him in with us, and then close the door behind us. "So, what's the matter?" Rudy asks. Jack just plops down on the couch and stares off into space, obviously lost in his own thoughts, so I guess it's up to me to explain the entire situation; I figured he would at least help a little bit once we were in private.

"Jack's mom is back here in Seaford, Rudy; we just ran into her at that little clothing shop a few stores down from here. She's acting like it was no big deal not being in his life for over a year, and on top of that she is now remarried and Jack has a half-sister," I explain to Rudy. Obviously Rudy was not expecting this, because all he can say at first is "oh." His mature side kicks in, though, and he kneels down next to Jack and says, "It's okay to be a little shocked or upset about this, Jack, but we'll work it out, okay? Just don't go running off like last year, okay?" Rudy says kindly to him; Jack just nods and walks back out into the main part of the dojo, going right back to beating up a punching dummy, just leaving Rudy and me to share a worried glance and wonder how this whole situation is going to play out.

Author's Note: So, how was that for the first chapter? Was it exciting enough? I hope so! Please review!