Warren was still shaking the ice off his wings as he put on his suit. Bobby was a jerk but he always had known that and besides nothing was going to ruin his good mood . Today was ladies night at the club which meant cheap booze and loose morals, a combination near and dear to Warren's heart. If he had his way tonight there would be an after party at his apartment in New York that would make Caligula scream for some shred of decency.

Bobby ruined Warren's mood. He ruined it in less than a split second by emerging from his room with chopper glasses and a Hawaiian shirt.

"What the Hell, Bobby ?" Warren tried to maintain his cool and not wrinkle the suit.

"I'm going for that Hawaii 5-0, Magnum PI kinda look." Bobby grinned and puffed out his chest.

" One, I am cutting the cable off to your room. Two, do you understand the club women at all. Here's a refresher …. if it's not part of popular culture, they don't know it at all. So unless you can sparkle and brood or be ..." he pointed to himself "Christian Grey with all his millions and his kinks, you gotta up your game. You dress in a suit, you buy them drinks, you talk about how pretty their hair and outfit is and BAM you close the deal followed by empty promises of keeping in touch" Warren poked him in the chest for emphasis " Have you learned nothing under my wise tutelage, young Jedi?"

Bobby poked back as he smirked behind his mirrored glasses " This all stays, Warren"

"Seriously Bobby , you are KILLING me," Warren threw up his hands and continued ranting "What am I supposed to do here 'Hi ladies , my name is Mr Rourke , have you met my assistant Tattoo'?"

"Huh?" Bobby replied

" Seriously , you get Magnum PI but I make one reference to Fantasy..."

As the arguing continued they walked out into the hall not noticing they were about to run smack dab into Tabby and Amara who weren't paying attention as well.

They bumped into each other and the side conversations stopped and Tabby grinned widely at the two men.

"Seriously , you guys argue like an old married couple … it's so cute" She smiled

"Wha...wait … were not … not that there is anything wrong with that … wha ..." Warren stammered out

"It's OK . We got used to Logan and Storm and Hank and the ice princess so you guys were a piece of cake" Tabby continued shrugging

Warren was frozen to his spot and couldn't do much of anything as he elbowed Bobby in the ribs " Do Something !" He hissed as Bobby was just as flabbergasted as he was.

The Bobby looked back and forth from Tabby and a still silent and shy Amara and did what he immdeiately thought would remedy this line of questioning.

He grabbed Amara by the shoulders and roughly pulled the surprised girl into an embrace.

It was almost a chaste kiss at first, Bobby holding her shoulders and she wide eyed and shocked. But the her eyelids drooped and his arms went around her as the peck intensified and their was no room left for doubt as actual steam began to rise between them. Warren and Tabby just stood their slack-jawed at what was going on before them and all were speechless as they slowly broke apart and blinked at each other.

The color in Amara's cheeks rose to the surface and she sprinted off towards the stairs. She stopped at the top and turned back and smiled as she tucked her hair behind her ear and then descended down them. Bobby could only stand there with dreamy eyes and a goofy grin , totally oblivious to Warren's hand waiving in front of his face.

"Bobby ... BOBBY … Hello?...Ladies Night? …" Warren shook Bobby until some semblance of intelligence returned to his face. "Wha...Warren? … oh yeah … you go without me … I … I … don't feel much like going ..." He said hazily as he made his exit from the scene off towards the same stairs Amara had just gone down.

Warren's shoulders sagged and he shook his head "Another good man brought down in his prime by a pretty smile and a leash called monogamy" He sighed as Tabby patted his shoulder and tisked in mock sympathy. "Looks like you got a free dinner card and a limo to New York waiting" She smirked " Better get your platinum card out Angel baby cause I like to be pampered".

"Oh , is that right?" Warren raised his eyebrow and looked at her smugly.

"Warren darling, you're about to see the benefits of having a wingwoman over a wingman " She fluttered her lashes, "The combinations are a lot more multiple and fun ..."

She gave him a smile that would make a man's knees buckle and his mouth go dry but Warren Worthington lived for a challenge.

"Let the games begin" He laughed as he motioned her towards the front door and the waiting car.