Disclaimer: This world belongs to Stephanie Meyer. I do not own anything, even though I wish I did :)

AN -***The main character is NOT a 'Mary Sue' i.e. a 'Bella'. She may come off rather helpless and weak in the first chapters, but she will prove you wrong ;) ***

Full Summary: May Miller is half vampire, half human. She has just reached maturity at 8 years old, being physically 18. Soon vampires from all around the world are hunting her down. She flees her home in Europe and end up meeting the Cullens along with the wolf pack. Embry Call seems to be drawn to her and Renesmee becomes her best friend. Just when May's life seems to be getting better, more vampires arrive in forks with a secret vendetta. The two wolf packs are in dispute as Sam wishes to retire phasing and this leads Embry to once again question who his father is. Just when it couldn't get any worse, the Volturi arrive and Felix is assigned to protect May. (Embry x OC imprint x Felix Volturi story)


(Embry's POV)

May was the only one who got me. She understood the good and the bad in me. She recognized the greatness she swore she could see in me, just below the surface. She also acknowledged my dark side— the part I tried so hard to keep hidden. The small, miniscule shred of my existence that threatened to break free. The animal in its cage.

My wolf.

She saw him and didn't run away.

She cared for me as deeply as I did for her, despite our ups and downs. God, she was strong. She'd never admit it herself, though, but that girl could get vicious. I'd never forget the time she dismembered a rogue right in front of me. It was the night we were trapped in the forest after the bonfire. We were in my truck when the rogue vampires got to us, throwing my vehicle right into the middle of the massive cluster of trees. She saved me. Pale skin glowing in the moonlight. Dark coffee colored hair was flying wildly around her face. Her gentle features were twisted in concentration as her blue eyes locked onto their target. Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.

And now she was dying.

I knew he wasn't good. He wasn't to be trusted. Sure— he provided strength and was another fighter to help us all out...but now I hated him. I'd rip him limb from limb. The part of me that was human cringed at the thought. May would be distraught if I killed him. She didn't love him, that was certain, but she still cared about him. That was the thing about May. She cared too much. She somehow managed to have enough compassion in her heart to fit him in. She was too kind to him, in my opinion. She was always nice to everyone and anyone. Oh, how I loved that woman.

Slowly, he would die for what he was doing to her. The animal part of me snarled, frothing at the mouth due to the scene before us. I'm going to kill him. Too bad I currently can't move. My body screamed in protest. My mind screamed in horror.

He was killing my imprint.

Felix was killing May.

Chapter 1

(May's POV)

I ran.

I barely knew where I was going. I was afraid, terrified, actually.

Just hours ago, I was home. Now, I was fleeing from everything I knew and loved. Tears freely poured from my eyes and were quickly whisked off of my cheeks as the wind hit my face while I ran. I was a blur, speeding faster than a bullet. Despite my speed, the wind felt like gentle caresses.

I was leaving Europe and I was running to its western coast as fast as I could, with nothing but a backpack filled with necessities and my most prized possessions. They were kept in the pack and sealed in giant, zip-locked freezer bags. I knew otherwise they would be ruined from the saltwater.

I would have to make my escape through the ocean. It would take me a few hours, but I could do it. I had to.

Earlier in the day, before any of this seemed possible, I was happy. Me and Uncle Ted had just come from the fair and he had won a small stuffed animal for me. It was a sheep, no larger than my face. It was as soft as a cloud of cotton. Although mentally and physically I was an 18 year old young woman, I was only alive on this earth for 8 years. I still had the heart of a child and instantly loved the sheep the second I laid eyes on it. Uncle Ted had surprised me with it as we were walking home that night and I had screamed in delight and hugged him, repeating words of gratitude over and over.

I smiled sadly now, knowing that that may have been the last time I would ever hug him. Yet, I was glad I had the opportunity to have had it at all.

My smile faded though as I remembered shortly after we arrived home, everything had gone down hill. Ted was downstairs in the kitchen, preparing my favorite dinner, and I was upstairs in my room when the front door had burst open. I heard the crash and instantly everything Ted had warned me about popped into my head. He told me, should the situation ever arise, I was to run. 'Run…and don't look back. Ever' he had urged me that fateful night.

My sensitive hearing kicked in as I heard Ted and the intruder fighting through the house, breaking things while trying to get hits on each other. Instincts swarmed my mind and I was thrown into action. I slipped on my shoes and jacket and reached under the bed for my emergency backpack.

I had it packed ever since Ted first informed me this day might soon happen. I threw open my window just as my ears picked up on the assailant snarling at my uncle, "WHERE IS SHE?" and I could hear Ted's labored breaths as he struggled to fight him off. Silent tears slid down my face as I debated leaving him to a fate unknown to me. My debate ended when I heard a sound similar to a car being ripped to shreds. I pictured my uncle being torn to pieces and it nearly broke my heart. I was about to leap from the window, but at the last second I grabbed the sheep from my bed side table. I crammed it into my backpack and jumped out the window. My knees bent slightly as my legs easily absorbed the shock from the two-story fall. The jump would have injured any other human, but I was not fully human...

Coming back to the present out of my memories, my nose caught the scent of salty sea air. Just a few more seconds of running and I quickly reached the shore line.

I stopped in front of the water, closed my eyes and sighed as I slowly breathed in the sea air and listened to the waves. I tilted my head back and stretched out my neck to the open breeze that dried my tears. The sun's rays warmed my skin and my long, thick hair began to flutter in the wind.

My eyes snapped open and determination sunk in, determination to survive and fight in memory of my uncle Ted. I sprinted into the waves, cutting through them with ease. As the water passed my waist, I bent forward slightly with my arms in front of me, took in a large gulp of sea air and then dived into the cool ocean. My powerful limbs set to work, my arms steering and slicing through the water while my legs kicked with great force. I was already falling into a steady rhythm: kick, push, kick, push. I still needed to breath, but far less often than regular humans. I figured I could swim a few miles between each breath of air. I would reach my destination in a few hours.

My mind began to wander as I swam through the water, hearing the soft rumble of the ocean's movements envelope me. I thought back a few months ago to the day Ted warned me that we could be in danger: Ted had come home from work and knocked on my bedroom door. I let him in and he sat down on my bed with a sigh and I could instantly tell that something was wrong. Worry lines creased his porcelain forehead. He almost never worried; he was a vampire and had been so sure in our safety for such a long time. I quickly began to think that the Volturi had changed their minds and thought of me as a threat. Uncle Ted knew by the look on my face that that was the thought to cross my mind. He simply shook his head and I sighed slightly in relief.

I thought it could have been the Volturi because Ted had told me the story years ago about my birth and how he had saved my life. He wasn't really my uncle, but a caregiver.

Ted told me long ago that my father and I were brought to the Volturi a few days after I was born because I was half vampire and half human. The Volturi told my father they would have killed us both, but apparently a case similar to mine had occurred a few months prior in the United States in a town named "Forks". They deemed that I posed no threat to them and announced I was to live. My father, was not so lucky. He was promptly executed. This is where my uncle, Ted Miller, comes into the picture. He had worked for the Volturi for a short while and had volunteered to care for me. He raised me like a daughter, but urged me to call him 'Uncle Ted'.

That was the only thing I could think of as a threat to us and Ted's worry puzzled me. He then told me that he had an anonymously been tipped off as he was leaving work one night. Ted said the person had warned him that when I reached 18 and stopped aging, people…as in other vampires… would start looking for me. Uncle Ted wouldn't look me in the eyes as sorrow dominated his features. He said we were in danger and people wouldn't stop until they reached me, but he would tell me more when the time was right. Were people coming to kill me for reasons unknown? What had I ever done to anyone?

Well, apparently the time was never right for Ted because our house was broken into just a few hours ago and now I was running away before he even had the chance to finish telling me what was going to happen to us...or to me. Earlier, I thought I had nowhere to go but then I remembered that in the story of how Ted became my uncle, the town of Forks had a similar situation.

I, May Miller, would be going there...to Forks to seek help, understanding, and closure.

AN- Questions to be answered as the story progresses: what really happened to May's parents? Why are vampires from all over the world searching for her? Why did Uncle Ted volunteer to be her caregiver? Find out as the story progresses!