Kneeling at the knees of his companion, Berwald draped his arms leisurely over the naked legs in front of him.

"So tell me," purred the man, "Where d'you like being touched? Yeh may have to... help me around..."

Berwald's fingertips played at the delicate flesh where his companion's thighs merged with their respective hipbones. Adrenaline saturated Tino's blood vessels, then, and a wild quivering occupied him; he clutched one of Berwald's hands, pulling it up to his cheek, rubbing its kindly surface against his countenance.

"Darling..." he breathed, kissing his companion's fingers, "Feel free to explore me as you wish. But nothing goes inside of me, okay? That's my one rule. And be gentle."

"Mmm," Berwald agreed. His eyes were riveted on the private forms of his partner's bare physique. Tino relinquished Berwald's hand, and it drifted down, down to between the young man's legs, a single, willowy index finger tracing its way over flesh and fine hairs as it descended. The wandering appendage ultimately alighted upon a roused form, and there it paused, resting while Berwald pondered curiously the warm organ. He slid his finger to the base of the fleshy shape.

"What is this?" Berwald murmured. "I've never seen anything like it."


Tino wasn't prepared to talk about his body. An impression lurked within him, that to speak about his physical features would deter his companion; the words used to reference anatomy such as his were typically associated with femaleness, and he cringed from them, finding the insinuations unsavory.

"Everyone's got erectile tissue, and then when you take testosterone... well, it extends..." Tino was too flustered to call the organ by name, but he hoped his explanation was enough.

"Erectile tissue? O-oh yeah," Berwald said, blushing up to his ears. The clitoris, he realized. At least that's what it started out as...

Using a pair of his fingers Berwald pushed back the mantle of flesh surrounding the odd extremity, mentally noting how similar to foreskin the covering was; drawn back it even revealed a sensitive pink membrane, much as he, uncircumsized, possessed himself. At the distal end of the organ existed a small pink knob, and Berwald was amazed at how alike to his own anatomy the sensitive appendage was, albeit tiny in comparison.

At these ministrations, Tino could hardly contain himself. As he groaned, shifting atop the duvet, he felt his genitalia flex within Berwald's touch, and wondered whether Berwald had felt it, too. As pleasurable as it was, however, he knew his companion's rubbing digits would quickly begin to irritate him, if their exteriors weren't soon slippery.

"Don't handle it too much with dry fingers," stammered Tino, "It'll hurt. Here," he said, placing his hand atop Berwald's, "I'll show you what to do..."

Curling his fingers around a couple of Berwald's, he drew the pair of appendages gradually down the rosy crevice between his legs. "If you can feel this," he said, stopping temporarily, "That's my urethra." This organ he didn't have anxiety describing, but the next two he would.

"A-and these," he said shakily, "These are where my testes would be... if I had them..."

He bit his lip, mentally grappling with the body shame he'd built up over the years. Insensitive cultural implications surrounding his bodily structures- that he was an inadequate man, because of the features with which he'd been born- had taken their toll on his confidence. It chagrined him to compare his actual physical forms to those he desperately wished existed, but he wanted Berwald to understand his body, that Berwald could treat him in a manner that respected his identity.

Tino continued, and with a measure of trepidation, his companion's extremities were guided to a region the Finn guarded most assiduously. This was too frustrating an area for description. Berwald would know what it was, anyway.

"This is as far as you can go," he said. Tino bathed Berwald's fingertips in the warm, sticky mucus that issued from the area. "With your fingers wet, it won't hurt if you touch me."

The Swedish man's senses were overwhelmed by the abundance of information they were receiving, but he wanted more. Even while he slipped a thumb upwards, making his companion crow in pleasure, there was one automatic, ardent urge of his. Would Tino mind? No, he thought, Tino wouldn't mind. He felt Tino's thighs with his palms; the flesh was studded with minuscule droplets of perspiration. He pushed gently on the forms and lowered his head between the young man's legs.

Before Tino could respond, Berwald's tongue was among his pubic contours.

With a gasp and a shudder, Tino wrenched his hips into the movement. He scrabbled for a hold on his companion's back, clenching the shirt in bunches with his fists as throes of exaltation engulfed him. He could not stop moaning.

Tino's musky taste made Berwald feverish with longing. Wetness oozed from the tip of Berwald's erect anatomy, and his body heaved forward at the sudden sensation of a set of toes raking against those intimate areas. The man had to get ahold of himself momentarily, pressing a red forehead to Tino's torso.

"I need t'bring myself out," he said softly, "My clothes are too tight, I can't stand it much longer, ah- I need relief..."

"Come on," croaked Tino, "Come on, show it to me, I want to see..."

With a squeal of breath and a corporeal throb, the Swedish man removed his tumescent self from the restricting lower wear, the view of his excited extremity sending his companion's innards into pleasurable convulsions. Tino grit his teeth, straining against the mass of bliss that threatened to erupt inside of him. To see his lover's intimate areas revealed gave his body a shock of hormones, and he desired desperately to please his companion, vividly imagining the feel of Berwald on his lips and in his hands.

But that wasn't all, oh, no. While he didn't intend to say that which inhabited his mind, the desire blossoming within him made him heedless of his words. "Oh," he groaned, his companion's tongue enlightening him to the depths of pleasure he could feel, "Love, I want to be inside of you, nn..."

Berwald paused his actions, fingertips trembling against the denuded thighs of his amorous partner.

"Not... today," he choked, the mass of his body visibly jolting at the sentiment. He was aroused enough, even the suggestion of intimate acts sent emanations of bliss throughout his musculature.

"In your mouth, at least, again, please..." begged the Finn, pulling on the short, flaxen hair of the larger man. Tino was so dizzy with rapture that his lips could hardly form the wanton syllables. He didn't have to make the request twice; his smitten companion willingly returned to pressuring Tino's most sensitive areas with a fervid and twisting tongue.

Tino was so close... and when his lover began sucking on him, he lost it completely.

He keeled over, grinding Berwald's face against him, crying shrilly into the man's ears. All the while Berwald lapped the thick and seeping substance from Tino's flesh, not caring how hard his partner grasped him, nor whether his face was made messy. Eventually Tino's cries died down, and he stay slumped over his companion, panting heavily.

"It's your turn, darling," he finally breathed.

A/N: The world is supposedly ending in less than an hour, now. At least I can leave some smut behind for it, yes?
Reading smut= A very good way to spend your last few minutes on earth.