I saw the movie and had a hard time choosing my favorite character. It was a three way tie between Pitch, Jack, and Bunnymund. So why not make a story about such a thing. lol. Please enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own 'Rise of the Guardians' at all. But I would love to. lol.

"They're real. They're really real. Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, Jack Frost, the Easter Bunny, Sandman…"

"Bunny, bunny, hop hop." I couldn't help but smile at my little brother and sister going on and on about some sort of 'adventure' they've claimed to gone on. Jamie would say that he helped the 'guardians of the earth' defeat the Boogeyman. And my jumpy hyper little sister claimed that she helped the Easter Bunny decorate eggs for Easter.

"I helped them beat the Boogeyman. You should have seen him sis, he's this tall pale guy with a weird nose and has black sand…"

"Those are some wild dreams Jamie and Sophie. Wish I had as good as an imagination as you two do." I would never admit it out loud but I secretly still believed in all of the things they listed. Even Jack Frost.

"They weren't dreams sis. I really helped defeat the Boogeyman."

"JAMIE AND SOPHIE, LEAVE GENIE ALONE!' our mother called out to them. Both of them groaned before leaving my room, well, it's not really my room anymore. I left home after graduating from high school to an out of Town College; I'm only back here for my Christmas break. At least it is good knowing that my parents never changed a thing after I left, especially my room.

As you heard, my name is Genie. I'm 19 years old, a sophomore in college. I'm still kind of undecided of what I want to do with my life, my parents are pushing me to be a lawyer like my dad…but I would personally love to write children stories or a child psychologist. Two total extremes, huh?

But like I had said earlier, my imagination isn't nearly as grand as my younger siblings. Maybe I can make them my co-authors if I really go into writing.

Anyway, I have pin-straight dark brown hair that fell to my waist; total love hate relationship with my hair. . It won't curl when I want it to or any other kind of style whatsoever. It's just flat and straight. I have dark brown eyes. I use to have freckles but they went away after I got older.

"Genie." I was pulled out of my thoughts of…informing you guys what I look like from my darling dad. "I picked up some brochures for you on my way home."

"More law schools, joy." I said sarcastically.

"Genie, you need to start thinking of your future."

"Yeah yeah, I've heard this talk thousands of times."

"I'm serious."

"As am I, dad. Can't we go at least one day without you throwing 'law school' in my face? I mean seriously, it's Christmas Eve. Give me until January 5, I'll decide it then." Looking past my dad, I saw Jamie and Sophie running through the hall, dressed up in their pajamas. They were yelling for me to read them the 'Twas the night before Christmas'.

"Looks like it's story time."

Normal POV

Nestled up on Jamie's bed, all of them dressed in their pajamas, Genie sat against the headboard of his bed, her right arm around Jamie and her left around Sophie. Her knees were pulled slightly to her chest, with the book resting on her thighs. She began to read the tale, noticing how the both of them had just fallen asleep in her arms. Her own eyes started to close while she read the ending.

"He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle, And away they all flew like the down of a thistle." Genie yawned before closing the book. "But I heard him exclaim, 'ere he drove out of sight, "Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night!" She let her own eyes close, now dozing off.

Just as usual, bright gold sand spread through the city, bringing happy and fun dreams to all the children, the ones that still believed in the Guardians.

Sophie's dream sand looked of twirling bunnies in tutus; Jamie's was all of the Guardians; Genie's was a carousel of assorted animals…mostly bunnies. Yes, both she and Sophie love bunnies. Come on, they're adorable.

A familiar black sand approached Jamie's house, sneaking into the room of the child.

Pitch materialized into himself, scornfully looking down on the young boy who took part in ruining his plans.

"As long as fear exists, so will I." He sneered down at Jamie, not taking notice of Genie or Sophie. "You'll pay." He was getting ready to touch the sand when Genie's head had fallen on top of Jamie's head.

"What a… beautiful creature." He whispered. "Such a peaceful face." Normally, he hated to see this on anybody, but on her, he liked it; he couldn't explain why.

Pitch's spends his whole time bringing fear to children; he has no time to be looking at adults. Children's fears are just easier to find then adults. In a way, Genie is the first 'adult' to catch his attention.

He saw the gold sand around Genie's head stir and slowly disappear, indicating that she was waking up. He stood in one spot, knowing that she wouldn't' see him. Genie's eyes opened, she rubbed the small amount of sand from the corner of her eyes.

"Wow, didn't think I'd fall asleep so fast." Still not noticing the black cloak intruder, she slowly maneuvered her way around her siblings, being careful not to wake either of them. "Stay asleep, stay asleep, cause sister Genie is leaving." She lightly sang. After freeing herself, she got up from the bed and turned towards the door, now noticing the intruder.

"Very Lovely." He whisper, expecting her to not see or hear him. Genie froze where she stood, looking at Pitch's direction. Her eyes were widened. Pitch noticed that she was staring directly at him. 'She's not supposed to see me.'

"Can…you see me?" He questioned her. Genie only nodded. "Gifted as well, I see. Rather interesting."

"A tall black figure guy is standing right in front of me. Oh, I get it, I'm dreaming. Ha, wow, what a weird dream. I'll just pinch myself now and…Ouch." After pinching herself, she looked up and noticed that the intruder has yet to disappear. "This is just like the time I had the nightmare of clown spiders attacking me and I couldn't wake up." (A.N. Think of a demonic looking clown face on the body of a spider. If you couldn't tell, I'm terrified of spiders and clowns give me the willlies.) She continued to pinch herself.

"This isn't a dream. I am real." He grabbed onto one of her wrist and brought her hand against his chest. "See, you can touch me as well." She pulled her hand from his grasp; she didn't believe it at all.

"Wake up wake up wake up wake up. Maybe if I slap myself, it'll work." Genie slapped herself. "You're not gone…this isn't a dream."

"I said that earlier. Best not scream though, you'll wake little Jamie."

"How do you know his name?"

"He is one of those children that ruined my plan, along with those cursed Guardians."

"Guardians, you mean, that was real? That wasn't a story that Jamie made up?" She thought back to earlier when her brother described the Boogeyman. One character trait stood out, the black sand. All around him, she could see the black sand floating. "You attacked my little brother?!"

"Yes I did." He stepped closer to her. "What is your name?"

"Why should I tell you?"

"Curiosity. Plus, I don't remember seeing you around when I was here last."

"Not going to say." She stepped back towards the bed, raising her hands up to shield them. "You lay one hand on either one of them, you'll be sorry Boogeyman."

"Boogeyman, I always hated that name. Call me Pitch, Pitch Black. i've been around since the Dark Ages, bringing the fears of children to life."

"Fears like that don't last long. Eventually, they learn that you're nothing to really fear. They'll claim that you were nothing but a bad dream. Children start to realize that those fears are petty. It's all psyhological."

"Just as happiness will always exist, so will fear."

"You're right, fear and scorn are some of the strongest emotions to reign in a person's heart." Genie quickly covered her mouth, she was mentally yelling at herself for agreeing with Pitch. But he was correct.

"You intrigue me, not many will ever agree with me." During their conversation, Pitch had moved closer to her, now being just a few inches in front of her. He could feel her breathing against his chest (A.N. she's short and he's tall.) 'Maybe I should bring her with me.'

"Too close for comfort." The back of her knees were practically against the bed frame. She couldn't back away any further.

"Maybe I like being this close to you." He brought his palm up. The black sand started to form until it made what looked like a black rose. "For you."

"Are you…hitting on me?"

"Is that what you call it now?" Genie was taken aback by Pitch's sudden change of attitude. One second, he came here to hurt Jamie, now he was courting her. "You are a beautiful girl with a gift that not many people your age have. Nobody is supposed to see me except for children. And you seem to have intelligence."

"I think it's time you should go." The sand slipped through his fingers

"And you're coming with me."

"Keep your hands off her." The window burst open, letting in a cold wind. Genie saw a boy with white silver hair fly into the room. He held a frozen over wooden staff.

"Jack Frost?" Genie stared eyes wide and opened mouth at the new intruder into the room. Her brain was having a hard time processing what was going on.

"It's official. I'm going crazy."

And there you have it, my first chapter. Hope you liked it. Please leave a review on your way onto the next story.