"Bye Phil!" Dan's shouted to Phil before closing the door behind him. What he did know was those two words was ever going to say to Phil.

It was a nice summer's day and Dan had decided to go out for a few hours and meet up with some old friends leaving Phil on his own. Everything was going perfectly, they had been living together for a couple of years now and their friendship had reached the stage where it just simply couldn't get any stronger than that. Phil couldn't deal with it though, yes he was so happy to have a friend like Dan, who would look after him and protect him no matter what. That wasn't the case. The reason why Phil had been lead into this black pit of depression was because he loved Dan and not in the friendship way. He loved him more than anything else, more than himself but seeing the chocolate haired male every day, watching him laugh, smile, cry everything just made Phil love him more to the point where he just couldn't take it anymore. Last night he stayed up till the break of dawn packing his bags making sure he had everything in them, including little things that Dan had bought him and of course not forgetting totoro. Also leaving some of his shirts that Dan liked to wear seeing as they both basically shared each other's shirts all the time.

Phil sat at the dining table with a pen in hand and a pad lay down in front of him. 'To Dan,' He wrote down before scrunching it up and throwing it into the bin next to him. 'So Dan' the same happened again. This process continued for another twelve sheets of paper before he had finally got what he wanted to write. 'Hey Dan, if you're reading this then I'm probably far from here by now. I just wrote this to tell you that there is no need to worry about me and well.. To tell you the reason. I've gone away because, I love you Dan, more than you could think, ever since we first met there was just something about you that just. Yeah. You have made me a more confident person and showed me that the world isn't all that bad but I have to go. Seeing you every day, knowing that you won't love me back. It hurts so much I just can't take it, I was going to resort to cutting but I was too scared to do it. Silly right? The only way I could release my pain and keep you and I was scared. I'm sorry it has to end like this and I'm sorry I can't say this to your face. Please don't hate me. Lots of Love Phil. P.S. I left you some shirts if that makes anything better… No? Okay.' It was done. The pen was placed next to the pad as Phil got up and went to his room collecting his bags together. Tears threatened to pour down Phil's cheeks, but he didn't care anymore and let them stream down staining his pale skin. Picking up the big heavy bag then grabbing the suitcase he was ready to go. Walking over to the door the male took one last look around their flat. "I'm so sorry Dan." He whispered as he turned to the door opening it then closing it after him and posting the keys threw the letter box.

This is it.