HEy guys! Sorry for not updating any of my stories :/ But I've been uploading a lot of one-shots :) yay? Also I want to give a shout out to thegreatestever if he even read this. But you are an amazing writer and sorry for the misunderstanding... but you gotta admit it was pretty funny XD Aslo check out his stories like Had Me At Hello!

Disclaimer- I don't own Kickin' It

Jack's P.O.V/3rd Person P.O.V

What happens when you go to a bar with your guy friends and you get a drink or 4? What happens when you're so drunk that you can't think straight? What happens when a chick walks up to you and flirts with you? What happens when you flirt back knowing you shouldn't? So many questions, yet no one will answer them. You came here with your guy friends so they can meet up their girlfriends. But you're single. And so is on chick in their group. You two are bestest of friends and no one can tear you apart. And you might have a little, no huge crush on her but you don't want to make things awkward or ruin your friendship. But that's just the art of love, you want someone yet something is holding you back. It's just so cruel. But right now you're flirting it up with this random chick that you don't even know and some how it feels right, and you don't even know what she looks like because you're so drunk. You've lost count of how many drinks you've had and you don't know where your friends are. And in your little world it's only you and the girl. She slides her hands up and down your arms, and that turns you on. So you take her out of the bar and you walk to your apartment which is only a few blocks away. She doesn't try to stop you and you like that, but you know what you're doing is bad but you still go with it. Why does this feel right though? You ask yourself this many times. Is it because I'm drunk? Or is it because I'm in a horny mood? Yet you don't know the answer. You reach your room and when the door slams closed you push her against the door and start kissing her fiercely. She kisses back as passionate as you kiss her. You don't get the feeling of regret in your stomach, but the feeling of lust and want. Clothes start flying everywhere and when your back hits the back of the mattress, you stop and ponder for a moment. But your train of thought is cut short when she trails her soft hands down your chest and to your abs. Her touch. You crave it. You want more. The last thing you hear is "JACK". And that's when everything turns black and you can't remember anything. You wake up the next morning with your head throbbing and butt naked. Realization hits you and you look to the left and see a girl with honey blond hair. You close your eyes and pray for a moment before looking under the covers to find her naked too. But you gotta admit she had a hot body. You quietly chuckle to yourself at the thought of that. You don't even know who she is and you're afraid to see who it is. But you move her hair gently only to reveal the face of…..your best friend. I just slept with Kim Crawford was going through your head over and over again. How could I have not realized? Nut this answered one of my questions. Why it felt right.

No one's P.O.V

Kim stirred a little before she woke up and realized her situation. She sat up and put her hands in her face.

"Shit" she mumbled, then sighed. "Look I'm sorry didn't mean to go sleeping around with. It's just that I had a few" Kim finally looked up to meet Jack's eyes "drin- JACK?!"

Jack gave her a sheepish smile and a small wave.

"AHHHH" she screamed realization she was butt naked and she was exposing her bare chest. She quickly stole the blankets off Jack leaving him naked.

"Hey!" Jack said as he quickly covered himself.

"Oh man up" Kim said as she got up and tossed Jack his boxers.

Jack caught the boxers and chuckled. She quickly put them on and laid down on the bed. He patted the empty space beside him. She quietly laid down beside him. He took her hand and held it and brought her closer to him so that her head was laying on his bare chest.

"It felt right at the moment and not awkward right?" asked Jack.

He felt her nod. "Yeah, some how your touch made me want more" Kim admitted

Jack smirked and opened his mouth to say something.

"Jack don't you dare say something cocky! I can feel you smirking" Kim said and Jack closed his mouth.

"What do we do now?" Jack questioned while stroking Kim's arms

"Honestly, I like our friendship… but I'm willing to change the friendship into a relationship" Kim said softly, her cheeks a bit pink from kind of admitting her feeling towards Jack

Jack tilted Kim's head and kissed her gently. Kim immediately responded to the kiss. She slipped over so she was on top of Jack never breaking the kiss. Her blankets fell but she didn't care. She was in her own world with Jack. Jack deepened the kiss and they continued to make-out for 10 minutes. Kim pulled away smiling.

"I like the idea of changing it to a relationship Kimmy. Will you be my girlfriend?" Jack asked

"Yes Jackie I will" Kim laughed

Jack pouted, "Don't call me Jackie Kimmy"

"I will Jackie if you stop calling me Kimmy" Kim said

"Then I guess I'm Jackie and you're Kimmy" Jack stated

Kim laughed shaking her head at his foolishness. "And this is why I love you"

"I love you too Kimmy" Jack said

Just then Jack's phone rang.

"You have the honor of speaking to Jack Brewer, how may I help you?" Jack said into the phone making Kim giggle


"Oh hey man, and yeah I left last night"


"Oh really now? Well I happen to bump into her last night"


"What! How dare you think that I got drunk and sle- yeah I did." Jack shouted and Kim rolled her eyes


"Yes she is with me… Alright bye" Jack said and ended the call.

"You know our friends know us so well" Jack said as he sighed

"Yeah I know…. I'm gonna take a shower and change" Kim said while getting up and heading to the bathroom

"Can I come and watch?" Jack joked

Kim thought about it for a moment. "Sure why not?"

Jack jumped out of bed 'REALLY?!"

Kim just shrugged her shoulders and smirked. "Sure"

Jack ran to Kim and threw her over his shoulders before entering the bathroom.

But now everything makes sense now. All the what happens whens are all answered. They were meant to be. Fate. Love. That's all the two needed.

The End

Review please xoxoxo