Holly POV

Artemis's done it again. Shocker, I think sarcastically. But really, it is surprising. I've known Arty for over 3 years now (or 6, with that weird time portal), and the mud boy still manages to shock me. I mean, he's kidnapped me, escaped a bio bomb (completely impossible!), traveled to Russia on a whim, stolen LEP technology, managed to beat the mind-wipe… the list goes on and on.

But I did not expect the teen to be a wizard.

I don't get the whole wizard thing (not that'd I'd admit it to Artemis), all I know is what Foaly sent me:

Hey, guess what? Our very favorite mud boy is a wizard! I know, I'm excited too. What could be better than a Fowl with magic?


Personally, I'm furious. Why didn't he tell me? I had thought we were friends.

Inside, though, I know Artemis probably had his reasons, he always does. Still.

I arrive at headquarters about then. I burst in, just shoving past the guards. Whatever, they know better than to question me. I immediately noticing Butler; It'd be hard not to. Next I see Artemis. He's not casting spells or whatever I guess I expected. No, the apparently magic kid is just leaning against the wall with that completely intolerable smirk on his face that always manages to make me want to hit him.

Foaly is on the computer, but he spins around in his fancy seat when he spots me. "Hey, Holly. Guess what?"

"Hmm…Artemis is a wizard?"

Foaly rolls his eyes, but almost instantly turns serious again. "Well, yes, but that's not what I meant. Holly…"

"What?" I say, getting annoyed. Not that I wasn't already, but now it's at him. "No need to keep me in suspense."

Foaly is practically bouncing with compressed excitement. Ugh, shouldn't that be illegal? "Holly… there's a whole magic school out there. A whole community. It's called the Ministry of Magic."