I do not own Nightshade! This is purely a Fanfic!


Chapter One


My paws pounded against the hard dirt, my heart racing. I weaved through the forest with familiarity and love. Seeing the doe made my stomach growl with anxiety and impatience. I pushed myself to go faster, faster, faster until I was running alongside her. My muscles tensed as I readied myself to lunge.

The trees broke letting the force of the sun hit my face. I soared into the air, fangs bared—but hit nothing. My paws slid on the soft grass until I came to a stop. I watched as my prey disappeared back into the cover of the trees leaving me alone in the clearing. A growl of disappointment escaped me and I snarled. The sudden silence of the woods calmed and soothed me. My heart stopped thudding in my chest.

Calla! My second, Bryn, came trotting out of the trees. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth in a pant from running. Where'd it go? The doe…

It got away. I glanced at the lithe brown wolf with a spark of shame and guilt. I'd let it get away. Where did you go? I thought you had my back.

She lowered her head, cowering and whimpering. I caught a new scent. One that didn't belong here. She nudged my muzzle with her own. I'm sorry, Cal.

What did you find? I questioned lowly, a growl rising in my throat again. My paws shifted uneasily on the ground as I awaited an answer.

Me. A familiar voice sounded in my mind sending sparks of electricity shooting through my veins. Bryn tensed and her lip pulled back revealing sharp perfectly white fangs to the rival alpha. Ren stalked up to us, his eyes bright with adrenaline, confidence, and challenge. Your second has a very keen sense of smell, Lily.

I snarled at the alpha, anger rushing through my veins deafening the roar of lust. Renier.

That's my name. I think I'm used to it, Lily. Sorry I don't have a nickname for you to use against me. The wolf straightened. He wasn't incredibly large for an alpha wolf. In fact, he was rather on the small, lithe side. His charcoal grey coat looked far lighter than it actually was in the sun.

I growled. Why are you here, Ren?

You're on the western face of the mountain. His eyes narrowed. You didn't realize?

I was glad I wasn't in my human form so he couldn't see my cheeks flush. My paws shifted in the dirt. I suppose I didn't. My glare went icy and I bared my fangs taking a step closer to him. Go ahead and try, Ren. I'm still outnumbering you.

If wolves could grin he was. Relax, Lily. I'm not going to attack you. I don't think our Keepers would support that decision. And the last thing I want to do is have to tell Efron that I killed the Nightshade alpha.

We both know who would win. I growled.

He stepped closer, his voice amused. Oh? And who is that?

Well it sure isn't you! I snarled, challenging him, willing him to fight me. My muscles rippled with strength, longing to lunge, to sink my teeth into his flesh.

But the alpha kept still. He simply watched me with hidden eyes, his face a mask of emotions I wished I could read. Okay. You are a fierce opponent, Lily. And, believe me, I would gladly engage in battle against you.

I scoffed.

But my Keeper has instructed me otherwise.

I froze. What?

He rolled his eyes, a low growl erupting from his chest. Efron gave me orders to be less hostile towards you. I have no idea as to why. Have you received similar orders from your Mistress?

No. I was shocked. No, I haven't…He really said that?

Yes. He hesitated before speaking again. You'd better go. Dax will catch up to me soon and seeing you here won't be the best ending.

Bryn finally spoke up reminding me of her presence. Yah, Cal, let's go.

Ren's taunting voice drifted after me as I followed Bryn back into the shadows of the trees. See you in chemistry tomorrow, Lily.

Bryn and I didn't speak on the run home. I asked her if she wanted to stay for dinner but she declined and went home for her own family dinner. As I came stomping through the door my little brother Ansel eyed me, his eyebrows up.

"Oh God, who did you kill?"

I glared at him but didn't have the heart to say something back to him. My mind was still reeling from what Ren had said. Why would Efron have Ren be nice to me? He knows we've never gotten along. I've known him since I was four!

"Hey," he gripped my shoulders. "Are you okay?"

I nodded brushing off his gentle touch. "I'm fine, An. Just tired."

He grimaced. My eyes narrowed, "What?"

"Well, it's just…Lumine is here. In the kitchen."

My voice a sharp shriek, "What?"

"Shh!" he hissed. But it was too late.

Lumine's voice dripped with acidic sweetness, "Calla? Is that you?"

I swore under my breath. Ansel gave me a sympathetic look and trotted away and out of sight. I dragged myself into the kitchen and put on a brave face though my muscles quivered at the sight of a wraith looming in the corner behind my Mistress. My eyes refused to leave the dark shadow until my father cleared his throat.

"How was the patrol?" His hair was shaggier than usual and he wore his usual tie and black pants. He held his mug of coffee gingerly in his palms as his brown eyes accessed me. His glasses sat perched on the bridge of his nose as his eyebrows rose in question.

I shook my head. "Good. No penetrations, the borders are all up and secure."

He nodded pleased. My gaze drifted to Lumine. Her fine hair was pulled back in a tight bun and her bony fingers laced together on the table. She smiled and it seemed just as concerning as Ren's words.

"I trust you and your pack are all well?"

"Yes," I replied calmly. "Bryn, Mason, Fey, and Ansel are all well."

She nodded once before turning to my father, "A moment please, Stephen."

He nodded curtly and left the kitchen leaving me with the Mistress and the wraith. "Please, Calla, sit." I slowly took my father's chair. "Calla, I have been speaking recently with other Keepers regarding the two packs. The Banes and the Nightshades."

"What about them?" I hated how my voice shook.

She smiled and took my hand in hers sending chills up and down my spine, "Trust me, Calla. It is nothing serious. Although it is concerning that you and Renier Laroche's relationship is so…hostile. I was hoping to make the situation more peaceful. As alphas, Ms. Tor, you should realize that being in good graces with Renier would only benefit the Nightshades."

"Yes, Mistress."

"So I want you to befriend the young Bane."

I held back a startled gasp and hoped my face didn't spell out what I was feeling.

"And the Nightshades will be attending a party at Eden this Friday night."

I lost all hope.

She grinned, "Oh, Calla, do not act so surprised. It will be fun for the young wolves. As for you and Renier perhaps things will get more comfortable."

"Are you suggesting I flirt with Ren?" I questioned.

"Heavens no! I want you to reveal your more feminine side, yes, dear girl, but do not let it go any further than simple toying. Think of it as a hunt. Ren is the prey and you the huntress. Show him that you are not just an alpha female," her grin was playful and full of clever mischief. She stood, "Trust me, Calla, you are a very pretty young woman. He won't be disappointed."

"But-" I began to follow her towards the front door.

"Be there no later than ten thirty. I expect all of the Nightshades in attendance."

"But it's a bar—Ansel's not even eighteen!" I tried. She waived me off and motioned for the wraith to follow her out.

"Have a wonderful night, Ms. Tor. I will see you tomorrow at Eden."

She left letting the door shut with a loud, final bang.

At school the next morning I met up with Bryn at my locker. Despite my trying to hide it she read me like a book.

Her face sank, "What's up?"

"Apparently I have to be more feminine," I slammed my locker. "Apparently I have to play nice. And apparently we all have to go to Eden tonight."

"Whoa. Eden as in Efron's Eden? As in Bane territory? As in Ren territory," her eyebrows were up and her voice a confused shrill.

I nodded once and her jaw dropped. "Oh. My. God."

"What?" Mason questioned as he and my other pack members all came to crowd my locker. His hair was growing shaggier now but his grin was still the same as ever. Fey stood beside him clutching her books and Ansel shoved his way to my side.

Bryn beat me to it. "We're all going to Eden tonight."

I winced at their mixed screeches and arguments. Finally I growled, "Enough."

They fell silent, all eyes were glued on me expectantly. I sighed in a quiet voice, "Yes, we are all going to Eden tonight. I know it is on Bane territory and I know Ren and his pack will be there. Trust me; I don't want to go either. But Lumine says-"

"Lumine is making us go?" Fey blurted. "What the he-"

I cut her off sharply, "Yah. Something about how I have to be more feminine and show him that I'm not just an alpha female. I didn't really get the whole goal out of it but-"

"So you're supposed to flirt with Ren?" Ansel glared, obviously unhappy while Mason fought to hold in laughter.

I scowled, "What? I can be a girl. I'm not just an alpha here, Mason."

"No, I know, but if you're wanting to please Ren you're going to have to do a lot better than what you're wearing now," he gestured to my ripped jeans and T-shirt. "He isn't exactly deprived you know."

He was right. Ren certainly had a closet of girls to choose from. I had never been in that closet. I was hoping he would be attracted to the challenge of trying on the newest blouse. Would that be enough?

I found out later that night. I let Bryn dress me in a short strapless dress and she allowed me to wear my favorite jacket over it if I promised to wear heels. I left my platinum blonde hair down and hated how it felt on my skin and back, so in the way. I had convinced myself it would bother me all night but when we walked into Eden the thoughts dissolved. Lights danced on the walls, strobe lights flashed across people's faces, the music was deafening. Mason grinned wide and strode forward towards someone I didn't recognize. The rest of the pack followed and as I drew near I realized I did know the young man. It was one of Ren's, Neville. He was dressed as though he should be part of a band playing on stage.

He smiled at Mason but his eyes turned wary on the rest of my pack. They finally leveled with mine and he gave a weak smile. At least not all of the Bane pack was a bastard…

"We have a table near the back. He's been waiting for you," he said over the loud music.

Mason took his hand and leaned close, "Let's dance."

Neville sent me an apologetic smile as he was dragged onto the dance floor. I smiled at the two wolves as they began dancing, Mason more than Neville. It didn't bother me like the Keepers that they were gay. As long as Mason was happy I had no problem with it. Keepers would though, that's why it was kept low.

I eventually found where the Banes were seated. Sabine sat sucking on Ren's throat while Ren listened intently to one of Dax's stories with Cosette. My heels clicked on the floor and Renier glanced in my direction. Dax fell silent as Ren stood.

His perfect teeth glistened when he stood and grinned down at me, his eyes accessing. "You look stunning."

I smiled as politely as possible, "You don't look too bad either."

Ren's eyes noticed all the wolves watching us and he nodded towards Dax, "Why don't you go dance. Show the Nightshades a good time."

He frowned but stood and looked at Fey. "Do you dance?"

She said nothing in reply. Fey simply turned, her skirt flowing around her body, and moved towards the dance floor with Dax on her heels smirking. Bryn took Ansel's hand and followed but Ansel paused looking at Cosette who sat in the corner looking sadder than ever.

"Do you want to come," my little brother asked. The girl's face brightened and she trotted after them into the crowd.

"That's nice of your brother. Cosette has always been pretty shy." When I didn't reply and kept my gaze on Sabine Ren looked at her and said sharply, "Sabine, why don't you go dance?"

She stood reluctantly and shot me an icy glare as she stalked towards the dance floor. I sighed, "Is she always like that?"

"Like what?"

"Bitchy and sucking on your neck?" I countered.

He only smiled and took my hand, "It isn't her fault. She has a lot going on right now." His eyes trailed after his second, Dax, then back to me. He grinned, "Do you dance?"

Before I could answer another voice broke out behind me. "Efron wishes to see you, Renier."

Ren swore softly under his breath. "Alright. You go dance, Lily, I'll be back in a minute."

"The girl comes too."

I swallowed but Ren didn't falter, "Okay. We'll be there in a moment."

"He doesn't like to be kept waiting," the man replied in a harsh tone. Ren sighed and nodded. He didn't let go of my hand as he led me into the back and down a series of hallways until we finally came to a door. The man opened it and we walked in. I gasped and Ren tensed.

Lumine smiled from where she sat across from Efron, "Ah, Calla, please come in."

The Bane Keeper grinned at me, his eyes wide with excitement. My limbs felt weak and Ren squeezed my hand encouragingly. He smiled, inclining his head, "Mistress Nightshade. I have heard nothing but great things of you."

She looked mildly surprised and so did I. I had never seen Ren act so humble. My Mistress let him kiss the back of her hand, "My, my. Your alpha has quite the courtesy, Efron. I'm surprised. Emile never had such qualities."

Emile smiled but it looked cruel and faked. He walked over to me and took my hand, his lips gingerly touching my skin. I fought the urge to yank it away from the Keeper and slap him across the face. "The beautiful Miss Calla Tor. We meet at last."

Ren pulled me to his side almost protectively. "Efron…"

Lumine didn't miss the move. She smiled at me behind their backs. I didn't smile back at her. I asked, "What is this about?"

Efron smoothed his jacket and looked down at his drink, "We have news for you regarding the two packs. A decision has been made. You both know of my son, Logan. He has just come of age and I am happy to say that he will be inheriting the new pack."

"New pack?" Ren asked confused.

"Yes," Lumine interjected. "It was decided the two young packs of the Nightshades and Banes would be put together into one pack called Haldis."

"What?" I asked shocked. "Are you saying-"

Lumine smiled at the two of us, "Calla, Renier. The two of you will be the leaders of Haldis. You will be wed at the Union and the packs will become one and Logan will be your Keeper."

A moment of shocked silence passed and Ren and I looked at each other. I didn't know what I expected to see in his eyes but it wasn't what I saw. He looked lost, confused.

Efron cackled at our baffled looks, "Congratulations, young alphas."