A SuFin story that is a Wall-E spoof. Tino is Wall-E and Berwald as EVE.

Chapter 1

Enter Tino Väinämöinen


It was vast and mysterious, no one needed to be told twice, and yet this is how the story must begin. Space isn't what the story was being focused on, thank the mighty fanfics, no, it was the planet Earth the story was taking place. Earth was no longer that blue and green ball that people would talk about, no, now it was a sad dead-brown colored planet, its atmosphere cluttered with satelites.

On closer inspection of the planet's surface, one would see the very surface of the Earth was covered with trash, as far as the eye could see. The very world was covered in dead and decaying garbage, the very air was heavy with dust, all known bodies of water non existent, gone. Fast forwarding to a once large city, the buildings in desrepair and overshadowed by a large piles of cubed trash, bigger then the last or shortest, the roads cleared to be made easier to walk through the decaying town, no life present.

A roar of an engine could be heard in the dead silence, echoing in the town as it was shut down. A red-brown rusty jeep with a strange device attached to its trailer was seen, the door opened and closed to reveal a young man, dressed in a light blue military uniform with a cross neck-charm and a snow-white beret to help keep him noticable in all the piles of brown and orange. His name was Tino Väinämöinen.
He had bright light blonde hair that seemed to sparkle regardless of the dust that covered the Earth from the Sun. His large violet eyes were behind dark sunglasses that scanned the area carefully, as though trying to find something that was out of place or that shouldn't be there. He nearly jumped out of his skin at the sound of tins moving and paper rustling, quickly whipping out his rifle, ready to shoot whatever it was that dared to threaten him. He sighed, and lowered his gun at the sight of the so-called threatening creature.

It was a small white dog, its fur covered in dirt and dust, it wagged its tail at the sight of the Finnish man, barking. Tino smiled and sat down pulling the small animal in his lap and began dusting it off, the dog squirming all the while, playing nipping and licking his fingers and wagging his tail.

"There. All clean." Tino smiled at the dog, lifting the small creature in his arms, humming softly, "You wanna come live with me, become my puppy?"

A yip was his answer, and Tino smiled, now he wasn't alone in this dreary world anymore, he had someone to keep him company. "Okay then. I have do some work then after that I'll show you to your new home okay, Hanatamago? You don't mind me calling you that do you?"

A bark was his only anwser. Tino smiled and set to work, pulling a shovel out of the jeep and began throwing trash into the large contraption's mouth, a large trash compacter that his ancestors had used to turn trash into cubes. Once he loaded up with enough trash, he walked to left side of the machine and pressed a large red button, humming a merry tune as the machine roared to life, crushing the trash into a perfect square before dropping it in front of its doors.

Tino sighed, now here came the part of the job he didn't like, picking up and carrying the cubed trash to its desinated location. Removing his jacket to reveal a white tank top and placing on some gloves, he stooped down and picked up the 120 pound cube and trash, holding it over his head like it was nothing, and began moving to one of the trash towers. Despite his effeminate looks, Tino was quite strong, thanks to all the lifting his work required, his job was also quite hazardous, one wrong step or place and it could spell trouble.

After an half-hour's trek to the top, he placed the cube on top of another, taking a deep breath and wiping his sweaty brow. Man, was this tiring, he paused at the sight of something glimmering in the rays of the fading sun, curious, he reached for it and pulled it out studing it. It was a hubcap, it looked in fine shape, maybe he could use for his jeep. He looked back at the sun seeing it receding, its light glowing gold, he smiled, it was time to call it a night and go home.

My first SuFin fiction. I could use some opinions, honest ones. :3