Hi readers!
I am sooooo sorry it's been so long since I've updated! I've been trying to keep up on all my other stories and neglected to properly finish this one before I moved on. So... don't hurt me. haha. For those of you that wish I would continue writing as Dash, never fear! I will have more short stories on their way! Oh, I don't own the Incredibles or any characters from the movie. Just my Ocs and the story plot!


Dash didn't have much time.

All he knew was that he had to take out a whole stinkin' lot of guards and somehow get to Black Mail to take him out before he sent those ransom letters.

Then, last but not least, he would activate his homing beacon and have his family come and pick him up with the Incredible Jet.

Dash was still uncertain how to handle the whole animal situation... Whisper would be mad at him if he made her put them back into their cages just to be transported back to their original zoos. But what else could he do? He'd cross that bridge when he got to it.

For right now, he really needed to just focus on dodging the bullets flying everywhere at him. Dash already knew that Whisper was in jeopardy of being hit so, without her permission or approval, he had scooped her up in his arms and run to dodge the guards back and forth.
"Stop squirming!" Dash ordered.

"I didn't ask to be picked up!" she snapped back.

"How bout you say a nice 'thank you' for saving your butt, and then you provide a nice heel to smack into these guys faces since my fists are a bit tied up?" Dash questioned.

He was nearing another guard during super speed and Whisper promptly struck out her high heeled boot to sock the guy across the jaw, sending him spinning and sprawled to the floor. They repeated this process many times, all within a blink of an eye, until Dash finally slowed to a stop and looked about, seeing a yard full of knocked out soldiers in black.

To Black Mail's eye up above in the watch tower, all he had seen was a red tornado whipping about like a pin ball zipping back and forth in different directions and bouncing off of the black guards here and there to knock them over.
"This can NOT be happening," Black Mail roared, grabbing a sniper rifle from under the desk he'd been sitting at and stalking off.

"Now what?" Whisper asked, Dash still holding her in his arms as he looked about.
"I usually find the main bad guy right about now and we duel out in the most epic battle of the day," Dash explained.
"In that case you can set me down now," she stated. Dash grinned and playfully bounced her in his arms.

"Aww, but I like holding you," he whined.
"Always so smooth," she responded with a smirk.
"I know," Dash shrugged then gently set her down, "Any chance that after I finish up here, I'll be seeing you again?" he inquired, trying not to sound too hopeful.

"Maybe," she answered, looking unconcerned and dishearteningly uninterested, "It's best we not get involved anyway. Just because this guy turned out to be a whacko doesn't mean I won't stop in my hunt to free all animals of human tyranny," she promised, lifting her chin determinedly.
"In that case I know I'll see you again," Dash grinned charmingly, "And I'll look forward to our next encounter..." he added.

"I'm sure you will," she smiled back that dazzling grin that made Dash's heart beat faster. He stared at her in an entranced daze when an unexpected loud CRACK issued through the air and stinging pain erupted all through his shoulder.

Gasping in a rush of pain, flooded with fear and dread, Dash clutched his upper arm where the bullet had embedded. Blood was rushing from the wound and trickling through his fingers.

"Dash!" Whisper exclaimed in shock and worry as she saw him stumble back a few paces. Her eyes darted around the yard, spotting Black Mail standing in the far end of the yard from the watch tower with a rifle set at his shoulder, taking aim.

"Look out!" Whisper shouted, grabbing Dash's good arm which was closest to her and pulling him out of the way. A secondary bullet whizzed by them, missing Dash just barely.
"Get out of here," Dash grit out, feeling like an idiot for not having been better on guard and also not wanting Whisper to be harmed.

"But Dash," she protested, holding him as he winced in intense pain.
"Just go, I got this. Trust me," he said quickly, shaking her off his arm and insisting that she run. Whisper stared at him, taking a deep shaky breath.

She seriously considered not going, to make sure things turned out alright, but that was when she saw Black Mail aiming over at her. She felt her heart practically stop, a deer in the headlights. That was when her tiger, which she'd lost track of during her flirting, prowled from behind and launched off all fours to knock Black Mail to the ground with a soul shaking roar of fury.

Black Mail's scream of terror could be heard as clear as crystal from where Whisper and Dash stood many yards away. Dash stared with wide eyes as he watched the tiger swipe and swipe again at the victim beneath its paws.

"Make him stop!" Dash said hurriedly to Whisper.
"Why? He deserves it! He SHOT you!" she argued.

"It's not how things should be done," Dash responded, through his gritted teeth, "Please," he pleaded, wincing again as the pain seemed to make his whole body throb. Whisper's angry expression lessened and she ran forward towards her tiger and its prey, ordering that the giant cat cease its tearing at the victim.

Black Mail was a bloody mess and far from a pretty sight as Whisper approached. She wanted to look away the minute she'd seen him and motioned her pet tiger towards her. Was Black Mail even still alive? Whisper almost dreaded checking. Luckily, she didn't have to. He groaned and weakly issued the word,
"Help..." from his throat.

Dash made his way over shortly after, still clutching his shoulder. He'd only just heard Black Mail's weak plea.
"You'll get it," he promised, removing his bloody hand from his shoulder to press his index finger against the dotted "i" on his suit. It began flashing and making a small beeping noise.
"Who are you calling?" Whisper asked curiously.

"The Incredibles. Who else?" Dash asked with a faint flit of a smile on his lips, "Look, they will be here shortly, but most likely they will want to take you for questioning and stick you in jail too for stealing, so I recommend you get out of here..." he suggested. "Do you have something to get off this island in?

"Black Mail has a private submarine I can use. The guards down by the beach won't be a problem," she replied.
"Good," Dash nodded. It was the next moment the faint sound of a jet engine could be heard in the sky. Looking up, Dash saw a red jet flying towards them through the clouds.
"You better go," he said, glancing back down to the Beast Whisperer.

She had this soft, thankful expression on her face and then, she stepped into him, putting one hand gently behind his neck, and gave him a tender kiss on his lips, arresting his whole body in almost enough delight to suppress the torturous aching from his wound.

When she stepped back she turned and jogged off, her tiger rushing after her.

The Incredible Jet landed moments later, the helicopter rotors swirling. Piloting the double powered jet, Dash's sister, Violet, now called Ms. Disappear, climbed out after unbuckling, followed by Mr. Incredible who stepped out of the heli-jet's cabin.
"Dash! Are you okay?!" Violet called, running forward and seeing the blood staining his suit.

"I'm okay," Dash nodded reassuringly, "This guy needs some major attention however," he said, gesturing to Black Mail's barely breathing form.

"I'd say so!" Mr. Incredible responded with a disgusted look on his face, "I'll go get the emergency stretcher," and he turned back to the jet.

"What happened?" Violet asked, moving Dash off towards the jet as well.
"It's a long story..." Dash sighed.

Once all were in the jet and everything was properly secured, Mr. Incredible sat and tended to his son's wounds, having put their criminal captive on a stabilizing table full of emergency medical instruments. Dash accounted the whole mission story to his father and sister before suddenly remembering his new binoculars were on that hill with his back pack! Violet growled in irritation, complaining that she could get him new ones and that they were in a hurry. Dash grumbled.

He liked those binoculars...

That Night:

Dash sat alone in his room, carefully stripping away his suit.

He'd spent the afternoon being debriefed by the governmental agents in whom the super heroes operated under. Upon having disclosed the location of the island, Dash learned that the agents had made sure to swarm the place and to capture all the remaining guards who'd been under Black Mail's pay roll.

When it came to the recapturing of the animals, Dash suggested that they leave them alone there and compensate the zoos for their losses. He argued that paying the zoos would be easier than having to scour the island for all the missing rare species. Eventually, after quite a long discussion, the director of the agency agreed to see what he could do. That was enough for Dash.

Now, he was tired.

His shoulder was wrapped carefully around and he knew it would be the cause of quite a bit of discomfort for a while to come. How on earth he was going to explain this injury to the people where he worked was beyond him, but Dash knew he'd figure something out. He usually did. Pulling off his left sleeve as best he could he found the splitting muscle pain race down his body again. He yelped in shock and anger at himself for not being careful enough, then considered how much of a baby he was sometimes.

He was alive wasn't he? In fact, upon further consideration, part of him even believed he had Whisper to thank for that. She had been the one to pull him out of the way of that second bullet.

Whisper... he thought of her far too often.

He'd merely mentioned to his family that there had been a woman villain who could speak to animals that had been hired by Black Mail but she had gotten away. He was absolutely positive that mentioning he'd thought her quite the cool girl would encourage a long lecture from his father about not associating with female villains and then probably go through the long list of stories and lessons he'd learned from when he'd been in his glory days. No thank you.

Dash found it all the easier to just romanticize about the Beast Whisperer in his spare time. He hoped beyond hope he WOULD see her again, but he just wasn't sure how, or when? Could he even survive the torture of not knowing until then? Okay perhaps that was a bit over dramatic, but she had made him feel like no other woman he'd ever met before. She was special.

Dash sighed, realizing he'd paused from removing his suit when thinking about her, and continued. It was hard, only having one good arm to maneuver, but eventually he stripped the top part down. When he got to his belt and unclipped it, a small flit of white paper suddenly came loose and fluttered to the floor. Frowning, and wondering how that had gotten there, Dash leaned down to pick it up. Turning it over, he saw a number written down, with the small words,

"Call me some time, if you're beast enough."

A ridiculously large grin spread over his face. When had she put that there? Heck, it didn't even matter. He had the direct line of contact to the girl of his dreams in his hand right now!

Frantic, Dash glanced at the clock, wondering if it was already too late to call. It was only 9... He could risk it. But wait, what if calling the first moment he had the chance made him seem too desperate? Would she think him totally lame?

Well, it was possible though like many other normal people out there, that she had work tomorrow and he'd have to wait the next day till night to call her again. Biting his lip, Dash decided to go for it and grabbed his cell phone.

Punching in the numbers eagerly he put the cell up to his face and waited. What if she didn't answer? Dash almost preferred she didn't. That way at least he could leave a message then the ball would be in her court. Then she answered.

Dash's heart nearly stopped at hearing her voice again and his grin was from ear to ear.
"Whatever happened to 'it's best we don't get involved'?" Dash asked curiously.

"You could just say 'thank you'," she responded silkily on the other end.
"For what?" Dash snorted playfully.

"For even bothering to give a dork like you my number," she retorted snappishly.

"A dork who saved your life and who got shot because of you," Dash returned.
"Shot because of me?" she sounded outraged. Dash had to hurry and say something incredibly charming before she hung up.

"Yeah, that smile of yours hypnotized me," Dash explained, "Gotta watch out where you flash that thing next time,"
Silence. Dash's gut turned cold. Did she hang up?!

"I'm debating if I should give you a snappy remark or thank you for the compliment," she responded.
"Take your time," Dash smiled, feeling put back at ease.

"While I'm thinking about it, I should let you know I'm visiting the zoo this weekend," she informed.
"... What zoo?" Dash asked.
"The one down town from where you live."

"How do you know where I live?" Dash questioned, feeling slightly worried.
"Meet me at the zoo and I'll tell you," she replied. He could practically hear her grinning, "Oh, and I'd come in your suit," she added.
"Why? I'm plenty super without it too you know," said Dash playfully.
"I'm sure you are. Come Saturday at noon," she finished, "Oh and thanks,"
"For what?"

"Calling my smile hypnotic. Next time I'll know what to use should the want to paralyze you ever come up," she responded. Dash fidgeted and his cheeks grew hot, not knowing how to respond other than,
"I can hardly wait..."

"Goodnight," she said.
"Night..." and then he heard her phone hang up.


Dash was certain his relationship with Whisper was just beginning, and he was even more confident that it would be an incredibly good one...


Well? What did you all think? Was the ending good enough for you? Did it leave you satisfied or wanting more? OH and I apologize if the final battle with Black Mail wasn't as epic as you were hoping. I'm not the best at writing action scenes yet so I figured I'd spare you all a failed attempt and just cut to the chase with the tiger.


Thank you!

-Stokin D Embers