
Let's say that the war between the Akatsuki and Konoha didn't happen, let's say that Tsunade was still hokage and healthy as ever. Team seven are fully grown and Sasuke has returned to the village of not of his own accord and of course not unpunished. Let's say that the elder's suggested that Tsunade needed to make an elite Anbu team and that they specifically asked for Shikamaru Nara, Sakura Haruno and Neji Hyuga as the listed team. What do you think would happen? How would you expect things to play out? What happens when Tsunade decides to play a practical prank as well as making them a team….. Stick around and you'll be in for lemons and crazy extreme situations.

Chapter 1 Sakura's Pov.

Running, feet hopping from tree limb to tree limb dead silence except for the sound of the wind whipping the leaves causing them to rustle as I ran past them fast heading home from a an A class mission by myself. I listened hard and focused harder on my senses as I made my way back to the village, this mission hadn't been easy and I had to play a lot of dirty tricks to get the information needed but thankfully it didn't feel like an a class mission. It felt more like a B mission but who am I to judge there had to be some pretty important information in the scrolls that I was carrying otherwise it wouldn't have been classified so highly I stilled suddenly before the thought finished because I felt something intruding on my senses. I covered my chakra signal completely and waited stepping into the shadows to hide myself better. As I waited I saw what had sensed come into view, I had an inwards sigh as I realized it was a bunch of Genin returning home from a low ranked mission.

I moved faster hurrying to get to my village and get to the Hokage's office to see my shisou and report in from the mission. I made it with a few minutes it was night time and easy to slip in unnoticed by anyone else I saw a fellow Anbu member and gave him a small smile. I recognized my current teammate easily he had been my team mate since I've ever been placed on a team. The number one knuckle headed loud mouth ninja of Konoha Naruto Uzumaki. His mask was plain except for whiskers and a splash of red he probably just tossed on for the hell of it. I had painted a sakura blossom on the right side of the mask and on the left side there was petals falling gracefully, personally I'm not much of a painter so I had Sai draw them on for me since he was also on the team along with Naruto and I. Finally after making sure no one was In the office except Shizune and Shisou I made my way in.

"So you've made it safely, I see?" Tsunade Shisou said as she signaled for the hidden Anbu to leave the room. They distanced themselves far enough that they couldn't hear what would be said. " Go ahead and take of the mask Sakura." I took it off glad to rid myself of it, as I pulled the mask off I handed her the three scrolls that I was sent to retrieve.

"Fairly easy mission I had a glimpse of the information inside and from the little I found I can tell you I can definitely find a cure to more than a few things."

"How did the retrieval go? You don't seem to have any injuries, and you don't look for the worse of ware."

"Honestly I found it trouble free, I did play a little dirty but I got what I needed without being followed and I don't think anyone could have noticed until I was halfway gone that those scrolls are missing."

"Good good. I knew I was right to send you." She said smiling causing me to smile back, to me she was like a mother and I know she thought of me as a daughter I truly loved this woman. I knew she read my thoughts in my eyes because her eyes softened before she spoke again. "Alright girl go take a rest and report in to me tomorrow in your current get up, I'm a signing you to a new team…" She saw my face fall before she sighed.

"Shisou… I thought my current team was pretty good. We've all matured and gotten stronger together even managing to drag that unruly Uchiha back." I knew I was acting like Naruto but I really don't want to be separated from my make shift brother. To me he was as much of a brother as Tsunade was my mom.

"I know but this has been discussed for a while and the two you'll be paired with won't be that bad in fact you know them well enough that you'll be able to deal with it just fine." I started to open my mouth until she gave the narrowed look that she'd usually give to Naruto.

"Ok ok I get it, you know what's best." I said as I put my mask back on exiting through the window like Kakashi sensei. I hightailed myself back home because I was exhausted careful not to be seen by civilians or any regular ninja. Once safely in my home I showered set my alarm for early morning. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out like a light.

When I woke up the next morning it happened to be seconds before my alarm went off The clock read 6 Am and I I was really tempted to lay my head back down seeing as my Shisou doesn't usually get her but up until at least 8. I got up showered grabbed a bagel and dressed in my Anbu clothing leaving before it got light out hoping to get to the office before the sun rise. I wanted to go to the Anbu building and pack up what little I had in my soon to be old teams room. I grabbed my medic scrolls and left a brand new pack of the specified ink that only Sai uses and is pretty hard to come across. I had bought it for him during the mission it was pretty pricey but I had more than enough to spare. I bought Naruto a specially designed orange ring that had the ability to reign in some of the foxes healing properties so that he would heal even faster than he normally did. I invented the justu myself with a little help from Tsunade Shisou. I sat by my desk and thought to myself for a little while and as soon as I saw the sun start to peak I put my mask on and hurried out the door taking off fast and in a hurry to get to the hokage office seeing as she isn't a morning person for obvious reasons.

I came in through the window just as she was walking through the door. I smiled underneath my mask at the fact that she didn't even spare me a glance. She sat at her desk ignoring what she called 'Shizune's nag time' when it was only me and her around. I gave up on telling her how bad it was for her to drink as much as she did and I also gave up on telling her to get some of the paper work done instead of wishing it away. I watched with amusement as I watched Shizune nag about her paperwork. I walked to the seat in front of hers and removed my mask as I showed my amusement on my face.

"And just what are you so cheerful for at such an un godly hour." Shisou asked.

"I'm simply appreciating the normality's of my life, you never know when any one of us may be gone Shisou, and she's right."

"Sakura don't you start too it's too early for this shit."

"Lady Tsunade!" Shizune exclaimed and I laughed as I put my mask back on when I felt two familiar chakra's signals coming towards the office. I Stood and went back toward the window all of my mirth leaving as I finally had to come face with reality.

"Aw c'mon Shizune give it a rest. You may come in," she said to the two signals waiting at the door. The first one to come through the door had light blue paint at the top of the mask with a single cloud on it. The second person's mask had black feathers that appeared to be falling on it. Before I could try and figure out who they were Shisou spoke again. "Everyone in here is to keep this silent and classified, you all know the code. Remove your masks."

I removed mine and the two familiar chakra signals I sensed earlier were revealed to be that of Shikamaru Nara and Neji Hyuga. My face held no emotion as their identities were revealed but inner Sakura was doing a fan girl thing that hasn't been done in ages by me….. In fact I could have sworn I had gotten rid of my inner personality, I pretty much live it now.

'OOOO at least we have some sexy and talented I candy…. Though I never would have suspected that Shikamaru's lazy ass would join the Anbu….

'Bet Tsunade Shisou had something to do with that.'

'Your most likely right, sexy and genius he is but lazy and not very hardworking, unless lives are on the line, he is.'

'Hey now Hyuga is nothing to squawk at himself…. Oh no… I'm starting to give in….. Listen we'll talk later….wait wait I just told myself I'd talk to myself later.' As I was thinking this Tsunade Shisou had began to spoke breaking me out of my thoughts.

"I called you in today to let you know you are now One of Konoha's elite Anbu groups. You are to train together every day except Sundays for 3 months…. Or how ever many months it takes for the three of you to move completely in sync with each other. You were chosen for these reasons Shikamaru's genius making him the leader of this squad, Sakura's medic nin skills along with her elite chakra control and Neji's fighting style and finesse I don't need to explain any further than this do I." she said before looking at all of us individually.

"No Shisou." I said quietly and as I watched her face I could tell she was thinking and as soon as she did the upward tilt of her eyebrow and smirk I knew something she was about to say was going to reallllly piss me off. 'Please don't, I don't know what it is but please don't' I pleaded in my head, as an Anbu I had to show a lot more restraint than a regular nin. I frowned and looked towards Shizune for help.

"You will also be staying in the same household until I see fit." And as soon as she said it I couldn't restrain myself from the face palm that I did in exasperation. She smirked in return and I knew this was payback for being amused earlier.

"Lady Tsunade…. I don't think that's necessary."Shizune came to our defense. I looked toward my old friends too see no expression from the Hyuga but Shika's face held what seemed to be that permanent frown that he always wore except it was deeper than usual.

"I think it is Shizune, this will help them to become as close as I will need them to be."

"This is a bit… much" Shizune persisted and I smiled inwardly at her coming to my defense, she was always the voice of reason and I loved it when it worked in my favor. I swore I heard Shikamaru say 'troublesome' underneath his breath but it could have been my imagination.

"This decision is final." She said in a tone that meant the matter was over and again I faced palmed myself quietly so as not to draw attention to myself.

"Is that all Shisou?" I asked wanting to get away and train some of my anger and frustration away.

"Indeed it is your orders to move in with Sakura starts immediately." She said causing me to halt in the process of putting my mask back on.

"MY place?" I said barely masking my shock. I had a pretty decent place but it was a studio apartment sense I was rarely home. "Shisou you are aware that I have a studio apartment right?"

"Yes, again the faster you learn each other's movements the better."…..'FUCK' she couldn't stop the laugh that she had been holding back as she read right through my resigned face. "Good luck. At least you have that ridiculously huge bed." I put my mask on my face and was out the window faster than the two men could register.

I was home before I knew it I made five clones gave them instructions to clean and we had the place spic and span within 20 minutes. I even emptied out my left bedside drawer so that they could put some of their belongings in it. I made sure to put everything in the right place, as I was cleaning I was feeling really nervous. I didn't have much clothing so I pushed everything in my closet to the side and made sure that they had room to put their things in there as well. I thanked kami that my studio apartment was pretty huge to only be a studio apartment.

I left the apartment in regular attire and as I was locking the doors Naruto came into view hid face held a slight sadness to it. Once I made sure the door was locked I gave him a tight hug because I felt the same before telling him I needed to spar. So off we went to team seven's old training ground to surprisingly find Sasuke staring off into the distance obviously in memory lane. I threw a kunai at him lazily for him to catch it without breaking out of his thoughts.

"Dobe, sakura, what brings you here?" he asked still not turning his head which earned him a hit I usually reserved for Sai and Naruto. He didn't dodge it because he hadn't expected it. This time he looked up in mild surprise. "Hn."

"We're here to train teme." Naruto said happily he rarely saw me hit Sasuke so he enjoyed it whenever I did. " Sakura's in a bad mood today." He added. I wanted an intense session so I decided to challenge them both we were already said to be the next said Sannin, personally I don't think we've made it there just quite yet but I'd like to think we were pretty dame close.

I hit the ground in my signature move and watched as both men moved out of the way of the quake. I had been ahead of them and had already thrown the kunai both dodging at precisely the right moment. Sasuke still hasn't gotten used to my enhanced strength but he's slowly getting used to it. Both attacked at the same time not only me but at each other making the training session every man for himself. I caught the kunai coming my way before going after Naruto whom was closest to me my clone had gone after Sasuke and the fight was on.

It had been a pretty interesting fight with Naruto's sage clones and Sasuke's new style of fighting which included his sword and lighting that he had no trouble generating. I practically wrecked the training ground and as I laid staring up at the sky I laughed out loud as I thought of Sasuke's face when I picked the tree up and swung it at him. I've never seen him make such a surprised expression. Naruto lay on my left side and Sasuke sat staring like he had been when we came onto the training ground. It was only about mid day and I knew I needed to get back home and shower before the guys came over. As I stood up I had a sudden thought that almost had me racing to the hokage's building.

How was I supposed to explain to people why I was living with two men in a studio apartment? Just what do I say when Naruto or Kakashi surprises me with one of their visits because they want to avoid the hospital visit and a man is answering my door? What am I supposed to say? 'Well um….I needed help with the rent this month and they wanted to get out of their houses for their own reasons'…. I doubt they'd believe that…. But they rarely come by anyway…. Oh gosh… this is too much for me to handle right now. I thought as I stood up and sprinted back to my home for a much needed shower and a nap before the training session with my new team mates.

I woke up to a very light knock at the door and I answered the door completely forgetting what was supposed to be occurring today. I opened the door to find Shikamaru and Neji at the door waiting patiently to be let in. I stood there with a blank face before realization dawned on me and I stepped out of the way letting them stroll into my home as if it was the most natural thing they've ever done.

" Welcome to my home the left bedside drawer is up to one of you to use. A side of the closet has been cleared for you to use. If your ever bored and feel the need to read there are medical books over to your right on that shelf their all stored in the scrolls because I have more than enough books. Kitchen, bathroom and TV whatever you please, now if you'll excuse me I'm going back to sleep." I said as I climbed back into the center of the bed and attempted to go back to sleep. It took me a little while after hearing the little poof's of the scrolls that carried their necessities in them I heard the drawer once or twice and when I casually peeked I found that Neji used the Drawers while Shikamaru took to the closet they were done pretty fast deeming it easier to leave most of their stuff in the scrolls.

I finally fell back asleep and when I woke it was around 3 or 4 pm I opened my eyes to find Neji and Shikamaru playing a game of shogi. They were pretty quiet and seemed to be really into the game. There was food on the stove and I suddenly found my self ravenous. I got up washed my hands and made a plate of food eating thoughtfully to myself opening a medical scroll as I ate on one of the two laz boy couchs I owned. Since they were using the table to play their game.

"Good evening Sakura, we would like to go out and train some if you don't mind." Neji said quietly as he moved a piece on the bored while Shikamaru stared at the board with his thinking face.

"If that is what you wish." I replied simply. I'm not much of a talker when I first wake up, both men looked at me with an assessing expression but I continued to eat my food as I read before. Grabbing something to wear and heading to the bathroom to change. I put on an old pair of sweats and a t-shirt. It may be winter but fighting keeps more than warm enough.. When I got out of the bathroom and saw that they were dressed in their Anbu clothing meaning they wanted to train on the Anbu grounds I sighed and took out my preferred all black form fitting one piece body suit and mask before heading back into the bathroom to change. When I came out a second time they were both at the door waiting for me. I grabbed my all black gloves that Kakashi sensei bought for me as a Christmas present last Christmas. And with that we took off fast towards the Anbu training ground.

No one was around and I guess one of my teammates scheduled ahead of time to have the grounds for ourselves. Shikamaru sat out the first round to study the way Neji and I Fought. I have to say I never landed a hit on Neji not once though I shook the ground from right underneath his feat. I nicked him with a kunai and received 2 gentle fist hits that annoyed me to know end. Those two hits rendered my left arm nearly useless. So I fought harder, carefully using my strength to my advantage. I made my shadow clone in rapid speed as I once again shattered the ground beneath his feet. He jumped and suffered a nearly serious blow from the tree my clone swung his way. I used Sasuke's fireball justu which he successfully evaded before completely rendering my left arm useless just as I rendered his left ribs useless with a chakra enhanced kick.

"Alright match. That's enough for you two today." Shikamaru called out lightly. I was in mid spin getting ready to hit again with my right fist and Neji had just reactivated his byakugan. We stopped and bowed in thanks for the match. "Blossom could you heal both of your wounds before Feather and I go around?"

"Cloud…..What kind of question was that." We had to get into the habit of using the characteristics on ones mask to address each other or whatever code name we'd be given for a mission. I quickly healed Neji's injuries and sat down as Neji said a quiet thank you and motioned with his once injured arm testing it out. Before walking over to where Shikamaru was currently standing completely focused and their battle began. I watched with an intense interest, Shikamaru came along way from his 'eh I give up' attitude and he definitely was a lot stronger than I had taken him for. Then again he was a Squad leader for a reason, Neji fought just as hard and managed to come out of the battle unscathed except for the big bruise on his cheek from where Shikamaru caught him in his shadow justu. Shikamaru took a few hits but he wasn't as bad as I was with the battle between Neji. Neji still had an impressive amount of chakra left, though I couldn't say the same for Shikamaru whose chakra levels were pretty high just not as ridiculous as Neji's, I guess it has to be high seeing as he's a byakugan user. I immediately healed Shikamaru's injuries before healing Neji's cheek. I have immense chakra control but when I heal it takes a huge toll on my chakra reserves thankfully their injuries weren't to bad and the fact that I've been working in the hospital for years speaking of I needed to head home to sleep sense I had work in the morning.

"That's enough for today. Tomorrow Blossom will fight me first and we'll duel for hours. One battle a day should help us to get the other's movements faster and easier. This way we should be in sync sooner rather than later. With that soon we'll be doing two against one fights and so on and so forth." Shikamaru said. We nodded in agreement.

"I claim first shower." I said before sprinting towards my home before taking to the trees and houses to get there. I slipped in through my window before closing it and grabbing a big old shirt and shorts to sleep in and my towel. I took a quick shower washing my hair this time using my favorite strawberry scented shampoo before dressing and heading to my bed. I heard a knock at the door and sighed before opening the door for my new roommates. I had to get one more copy of the Keys made sense I'd need one for one of the guys.

"There is the extra set of keys you guys decide who gets them, I'll get another set made tomorrow." I heard Shikamaru sigh before handing Neji the keys muttering troublesome to him self before heading to the bathroom. I Sat in my favorite chair across from Neji thinking silently before trying to spark up a conversation. "Do you still live on the Hyuga Compound Neji?"

"No, I decided a while ago that I'd rather just live on my own without the clan head- without having to follow as many rules I would have had to live under." I sat and pondered that before speaking.

"I certainly can't say that I blame you for that, probably was one of the harder decisions to make. Are you happy with your decision?"

"I'm satisfied with all of my choices Haruno" he said in the end of conversation tone lady Tsunade would have used. I was trying to find something to say when Shikamaru walked out of the bathroom drying off his hair and topless. Thank kami for the Anbu training… I mean it's not like I haven't seen topless men before Naruto, Sai and Sasuke take their shirts off when hit's too hot in the summer.

'yea but their like family, Shikamaru is looking too damn good, look down at the scroll before we start blushing.' Inner Sakura said as I casually looked away but not before I saw Shikamaru's slight smirk.

'I think it was too late inner… We have to talk to Ino tomorrow when Shikamaru get that damn sexy. That boy is ripped.'

'Tell me about it I want to lick that little drop of water going down that chiseled chest and hop on his-'

'Hey now your really going to make me blush shut up.' I looked up when I felt Neji's movement heading towards the bathroom he closed the door and I dared another look towards Shikamaru. He was making up his sleeping bag and I had half the mind to tell him he could sleep in the bed with me.

'Hell he could fuck me while Neji's showering, hit the Shower again and then sleep next to me.' This time I did blush as I pictured the graphics of him screwing me and I was thankful his back was towards me….

'Oh man I need some air before I do something stupid.' I looked towards my alarm clock. It was just hitting seven fifteen. 'I think I'll take a walk.' I put my shoes on and before I left I looked towards Shikamaru who was sitting on the laz boy flipping through the channels still topless….



"I'm going outside for a bit." I said before closing the door behind me. I stood by the door letting the cold air hit me and run over me before taking off down the stairs and proceeding to the store. I felt the sudden need for Chocolate. I bought mocha chocolate ice cream before heading back to my apartment. I was beginning to get strange looks from being underdressed in the winter.

I opened the door just as Neji came out of the shower also in sweats and without a shirt on. This time I couldn't look away as casually, his long sexy hair was wet and loose and I had this burning desire to touch it. It didn't help that he was just as ripped as Shikamaru ext where as Shikamaru was Tall and wirey Neji was tall with a little more bulk kind of like Naruto. I hadn't even realized I had frozen in the door way in shock until both men were smiling in a weird predator way. I left right back out the door I came in, I really need to admit to myself that I'm just as much of a pervert as Kakashi sensei except I don't advertise it.

'Ok. Alright. You can do this Sakura, relax and ignore. Just look at their faces… Yupe their faces.'

'Damn their faces they should drop their bottoms and let me see what we're working with.'

'SHUT UPPPP. Your no making this easy you know'

'Who said life was easy and you were thinking it if I said it…Just saying'

'Must stop arguing with myself.' But at least it helped me calm down. I opened the door again avoiding both gazes before heading to the kitchen and grabbing a spoon. 'Just eat the ice cream and ignore everything else.' I thought to myself hard, and just to play it safe I walk back towards my bed after grabbing the scroll I had been reading. I chanced a glance at them and they were both smiling which was a bit unnerving, so my eyes flickered back to the scroll as I sat comfortably on the center of my bed.

'We should get them back for this..'

'And just what do you propose?'

'Everyone comes in late any way right, we can pretend we forgot they were living with us and after we shower fall asleep in the usual lingerie.'

'What lingerie I haven't bought that in years'

'One word….Ino' I had no comeback for that one Ino faithfully gives me a few sets of Lingerie for my birthday and Christmas I had no excuse. Speaking of Christmas it was coming up soon, we might as well put the tree up and buy each other gifts. I gave Naruto and Sai their gifts early. I need to buy the rest I needed presents for my new teammates Hinata, Ino, Shizune, Sasuke and Lady Tsunade. Plus I wanted to put up the tree.

"Hey.." I said quietly a small smile on my face. As I caught both men's attention "I'm putting the tree up tomorrow after I get home from the hospital, you guys want to help?" I asked with a lift of a hopeful eyebrow. Both men look at each other for a split second before Shikamaru spoke.

"Sure, but where are we going to put it?"

"Near the TV of course I can't put it where I would normally because you guys need space to sleep. And it's not as big as you would think it is." I replied.

"…troublesome woman…..alright if that's what you want." I threw my scroll at his head for calling me troublesome before I smiled happily, because I successfully avoided looking at their chests and accomplished what I wanted. I had only eaten a few bites of the ice cream so i got up capped it and put it in the freezer before going to sleep.

"Goodnight." I said turning over to my stomach for more than a catnap I slept on my back when I'm gonna wake up soon. Thankfully I reset the alarm earlier.

"Goodnight Haruno."

"Night Sakura" and then I was out like a light.