June 2000

She didn't understand. One minute the three of them were cruising along in their car, on the way to visit her grandma and her dad, and the next their car was upside-down smashed into a tree.

"Bella? Bella are you ok?" she heard her mom ask. Her eyes tried to find her but they couldn't seem to look past the prone figure of Phil. "Bella sweetie, don't look at Phil, look at me."

Bella's head swiveled, her little pigtails flowing with it. "Mommy?"

"I'm right here baby, I'm right here." Renee struggled to get out of her seatbelt, noting the impending danger as flames crept along the dashboard. "Are you hurt? Can you move?"

But Bella was blanking out; all she seemed to be able to focus on was the steady thumping in her head. Images became distorted, yet before she completely passed out she felt the comfort of two cool hands.

"I love you Bella… I love you…"

July 2000

Bella stood there in heartbreaking silence as two girls played with her stuffed wolf. Remus was the last gift her mom ever gave her and these girls just stole it from her. "Please," her voice begged. "Please give me Remus back."

"No," the blond smirked. "Wolfie is mine now." The brunette beside her smiled and nodded in agreement. "Now go! Who would ever want to play with you!?"

Not knowing what else to do, Bella somberly went to the other side of the playground. She sat on the grass, brought her legs to her chest, wrapped her arms around them, and cried. First her mommy left, then Phil, and now Remus was gone too.

Minutes later, raised voices drew her out of her little hold. A brown haired boy that looked her age was wrestling with the girl who held her wolf. The two went at it for a while, seeing how there weren't any parents watching, before the boy emerged victorious and raised the stuffed animal in the air.

Catching Bella's eyes, the boy seemed to grow more determined. He said one last thing to the girls, which made them burst into tears, then made his way over to her.

"Hey," he said, sitting down right in front of her.

Being so close, she could see the dirt on his face and in his hair and the small scruff mark on his knee. "Are you ok?" she wondered to ask.

He returned her question with an incredulous look. Puffing his chest out he exclaimed, "Of course I am! I am a man!" But his loud voice quickly died back down as he noted Bella's body tuck back into her ball. When small tears began reappearing, he hurriedly shoved the wolf in her face. "Here."

Raising her head, Bella only stare at him.

"He's yours right?" the boy prodded.

Nodding, she reached out and took ahold of her Remus. When she had it in her grasp she clutched it hard to her chest. "Thank you," she said softly and smiled brightly.

"Of course," he stated, rubbing his nose and looking away. "That's what we men do."

After a moment of silence, Bella shifted the animal in her hands and said, "My name's Bella."

The boy grinned back, "I'm Jeremy." Standing up and brushing off his hands, he said, "Come on, let's go to the swings. My sister will take turns pushing us."

February 2004

"Now, Mrs. Swan and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert, we don't tolerate this kind of behavior here. Violence is never the answer to anything and yet Bella and Jeremy here sent three boys crying to the nurses office!" the Principal stated fiercely. The six of them sat in the tiny office of the elementary school.

"It's only because they were making fun of Bella! They have no right to tease her of having no mother!" Jeremy exclaimed, jumping up from his seat to defend her. "If anyone should be punished it should be them!" The girl mentioned smiled brilliantly at her friend before nodding to the woman.

Principal Dolores matched both children's gazes with her own. "That does not give the two of you permission to beat them up! Mark, Travis, and Spencer will be dealt with, but seeing how the two of you have been warned before, the both of you shall be suspended for the rest of the week – that's final!"

"Isn't that a bit harsh?" Mrs. Gilbert questioned. "I mean, they're only in fifth grade. Shouldn't they just receive a timeout or no recess or something?"

"We're not in Kindergarten Mrs. Gilbert," Bella responded. "Besides…"

Bella and Jeremy exchanged smirks, their twin black eyes sparkling mischievously, and proclaimed, "We kicked BUTT!"

"I believe my statements have just been justified," Principal Dolores said, standing up and gesturing to the door. "Have a good day Mrs. Swan, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert. I hope to never seen any of you in this office again."

As far as Bella and Jeremy were concerned, this was a victory in their eyes – no school for two days! "We did awesome," Bella was the one to state.

"Yeah we did!" They were walking towards the parking lot, routinely ignoring their chattering parents.

"When you tackled Spencer to the ground was the best," Bella admired. "You have to teach me how to do that!"

"And you! I've never seen you punch like that before! You've been holding back on me!" Jeremy gushed.

"That is nothing to be proud of my dears," Patty Swan made sure to state. Trying to make them see that violence was never the answer.

"They called my dad a big wuss who doesn't care about me," Bella said to her, knowing full well how defensive her grandma gets about her son.

And sure enough, Patty's face grew red as she pushed her sleeves back over her elbow. "Oh I'll show those brats – and their mothers!"

Laughing, Bella and Jeremy exchanged twin looks before taking off. "Beat you to the car!" "Slowpoke!"

A figure stood waiting for them, impatiently pacing back and forth. She only stopped when two blurs hit the van and caused the alarm to blare off. "Bella! Jere!" she stated, causing the two heads to turn.

"Hey Elena," Jeremy said nonchalant.

"What's up," Bella tried to copy, but she couldn't keep the smile from her face.

"Are you two ok?!" Elena questioned, turning their heads side-to-side in order to inspect their battle wounds. "I heard what happened! I can't believe those losers said that to you!"

"We're great!" Jeremy said, all smiles.

"You should see the other three!" Bella added.

Elena smirked in response. "That's great! I wish I could've been there, they would have never seen me coming!"

August 2007

Bella couldn't believe it. First she loses her mom and stepfather, and now she's losing her grandmother. She looked around the graveyard, noting with slight love that all her friends seemed to be there, but stopped when she saw her best friend looking at her with sad eyes. She couldn't take those concerned eyes and quickly turn her head, tucking it into her father's chest.

"Dad, why does everyone I love leave me?" she asked quietly.

Charlie gave her a heartbroken look before pulling her into a deeper hug. "They didn't choose to. They loved – still love – you with all their hearts, every second of every day. It's just that sometimes, bad things happen in life that no one can control." He gazed down at her head. "I'm not good with words, and I wish I knew what to say… But I'm still here for you Bells, and I'm not planning on going anywhere."

"I love you Daddy," she whispered in his shoulder.

"I love you too Bella," Charlie smiled, kissing the top of her head. "I love you too."

August 2007

Her normal crowd of friends surrounded her at the airport. Tears and forlorn faces scattered throughout.

"Don't take crap from anyone Little Bella," Tyler Lockwood instructed her, giving her a warm received hug. "If anyone even thinks about troubling you don't hesitate to call me up and I'll set them right!"

"That goes double for me too Bells," Matt Donovan said holding her tight. "You're our little sister and we'll always be there for you. That also means if we catch wind of any love interests, they have to answer to us!"

"Oh don't listen to those two losers!" Caroline Forbes rebuffed, pulling Bella towards her. "They're all talk and no fight… ok, maybe a little fight but nothing to worry about." She smiled. "You are our little sister though, so any advise I can give you as an older sister don't hesitate to ask."

Bella nodded contently in her arms and moved on to Bonnie Bennett. "Just keep safe Bella," she was told by the beautiful tanned girl. "Don't go looking for trouble and try to keep your accidents to a minimum."

Bella let out a watery laugh. "You know I can't help my balance problems!"

Bonnie smiled, "Just try not to take everyone down with you. We don't want a repeat of Graduation 2005!"

Bella blushed bright red. "I didn't mean to trip on my gown for Elementary Graduation! And how was I suppose to know that human dynamos can actually happen!" But Bonnie just laughed and shoved her onto Elena.

It grew quiet as the true big sister looked upon her little sis. She was there for Bella every time whenever she needed it. Through every fight, every tear, every laugh, and every accomplishment, Elena was always there for her. "Elena…" Bella began, but her voice gave out as tears quickly formed from her bright brown eyes. Noting the need for a little privacy, Caroline and Bonnie quietly led the guys away and gave Elena knowing looks.

"I'm going to miss you Bells," Elena whispered in her ear, hugging the girl for all she was worth. "I'm going to miss you so so much." Bella could only nod her head and lean deeper into the comfort the older girl provided. They continued their embrace and when they released each other and looked into their matching teary eyed faces, they laughed.

"Love you Lena," Bella said.

"Love you too." And that was all that was needed.

"I guess this is really it then," Bella said, looking around her. She glanced adoringly at her friends, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert who were basically her second set of parents, Elena… but she couldn't find the one person she really longed to see.

Elena watched as Bella's face fell, knowing she didn't find who she was looking for. "Jeremy wanted to be here," she started.

"No he didn't."

Elena sighed. "You're his best friend Bella. You're the only one who's ever understood him completely. He just doesn't know what to do. He knows you have to leave but at the same time he feels as though you're abandoning him. Just give him a few days…"

"Bella, sorry honey but we have to go now," Charlie cut in, placing a hand on her shoulder. He picked up her carry-on and gave Elena a side hug. "You'll be back visiting before you know it."

Everyone hugged for one last time; Mr. Gilbert promised that their home would always be open, Elena commanded her to keep in touch, and before she knew it, she moved to follow her dad to security. But as she turned, she bumped into her best friend. "Jeremy."

He pulled her into a rough embrace, and Bella couldn't help but relax inside it. "We're Skyping at least twice a week every week. You hear that Bella. Every week. No excuses." She nodded her head and smiled a bright smile. "And if you miss a chat or if I don't hear from you for a long while, I'll be coming to kick your ass to the next century."

Bella laughed and smiled and laughed as Mrs. Gilbert reprimanded her son for his language as he stood arms crossed, all his attention focused solely on her.

"Best friends forever Jere," Bella proudly stated the fact.

"Best friends forever," Jeremy promised.

September 2007

"The people here are so different!" Bella complained to Jeremy as she sat in front of her laptop, running a hand through her chocolate locks. She had only been gone for three weeks and was still trying to adjust to the huge move.

"I mean it Jere! This girl named Jessica reminds me of Caroline, but she's more… snobby? She's always gossiping about others and her comments about my wardrobe are starting to get annoying. And don't even get me started on Laruen! I swear she's had it in for me the second she laid eyes on me!"

Bella stood up and began pacing back in forth, gesturing wildly with her hands as though trying to emphasize her point. "Mike's really sweet, but he's like too sweet. And he's always hanging around me as if there's nothing better he could be doing! And Eric's just plain weird. The only normal one out of the bunch is Angela, and she's more shy than I was before I met you!"

She sat down with a big "Humph" and gave Jeremy a frazzled look.

Jeremy could only laugh in response. "It'll get better Bella! No worries!"

"I guess…" She gave him a long hard look. "I miss you..."

Jeremy replied with a sad smile. "I miss you too."

April 2009

Dear Bella,

You have almost officially your first year of high school, congrats! Can you believe it? I bet you thought the end would never come! It seems like only yesterday you and Jeremy were getting into fights on the elementary playgrounds, and now look at you guys! I can't believe it! :P

Sophomore year's definitely a lot better! You're no longer one of the itty bitty freshman! …Though the classes will get harder, and teachers start shoving the word "college" down your throat.

You better finish off your school year strong! Don't be one of those lazy people (aka Jeremy) and slack off in the end! Freshman year's important! Trust me on this.

I'm not sure what to say about this Mallory girl. If she's still bothering you try asking Caroline what to do, she's the best when it comes to those situations. As for Mike, try not to tell Jeremy anything else because I overheard him talking with Matt about him… I fear for Mike's safety.

And talking about Matt… I don't know Bella. I love him, I really do, but at the same time I don't believe that it's the same type of love. I'm starting to think that I'm leading him on into something more and I don't know how to stop. It's like I want to break up with him, but at the same time I'm scared that by doing so I break our friendship, and I don't think I can handle that.

I heard from my parents that you're going to be spending the first month with us this summer! I can't wait to see you again =]

Love you!


P.S. You should call my mom every once in a while. She misses you more than you know. You are her second daughter :P

May 23, 2009

"Surprise," Bella smiled at her from the backseat of the Gilbert's truck. School ended earlier in Forks than in Mystic Falls and her dad let her leave a little bit early for summer vacation. She surprised her second family when Bonnie dropped her off at their house during family night and was quick to join when Miranda got the call from Elena.

"Oh my god!" Elena basically leapt inside. "Bella! You weren't supposed to arrive for two more weeks!"

Bella laughed, hugging her friend back, and said, "I managed to convince Dad to let me come earlier. Don't ask me how."

"This is the best news I've had all night," Elena admitted, sitting back and relaxing in the leather seat. She unknowingly drew in the concerned gazes of her parents and friend.

"Wanna talk about it?" Bella was the one to ask, reaching out to grab Elena's hand. She earned an appreciative smile but the negative shake of the head. "Ok then."

Still holding the hand, she turned to address the adults in the car. "When we get back to the house," she told them, "I call taking Jeremy's room."

"You do know we have a fully furnished and functional guest room," Grayson chuckled at the young girl through his rearview mirror.

"But Jere has such a soft and comfy bed!" Bella raved. "The mattress in the other room just doesn't compare!"

Miranda laughed at what she considered her second daughter. "We go through this every time Bells," she said, turning around in the front seat to address her. "And as I recall you have never actually managed to claim Jeremy's room from him."

"That's true," Elena added her two cents, glad the younger girl flawlessly changed the subject away from her.

"Oh hush," Bella waved her free hand. "That was then, this is—"

She never managed to finish her sentence though as Grayson suddenly turned the wheel sharply. They were in the air in one second, and the next they were suddenly submerged in the water beneath Wickery Bridge.

A muffled ringing in her ears, and the blood pounding relentlessly in her head was what she recalled next. Slightly dazed eyes glanced around the enclosed space and noted the unconscious mother, frantic dad, and barely awake Elena. Raising a hand to her forehead, she winced when she lightly fingered a cut at the edge of her hairline. She assumed she hit it on the window.

Grayson must have seen something she didn't because he began trying even harder to fight his way out of his seatbelt and the car. Figuring she should do the same, she tried to wiggle out of the belt but found it harder to move than she expected, and it didn't help that her limbs felt like lead.

Movement from outside the car drew both Bella's and Grayson's eyes, and a figure appeared outside the driver's window. The guy gestured to a sharply edged rock in his hand to the window, as though trying to warn Grayson of what he wanted to do. But Grayson shook his head and pointed to the backseat. Nodding in understanding, the boy went to Bella's window, but she like Grayson, shook her head negatively and pointed to Elena who had fallen unconscious. Yet the boy seemed to be distracted, and Bella was observant enough to see the disbelief and wonder in his eyes as he looked at Elena beside her. Grayson banging on the window brought the attention back to Bella, but even then he got distracted. For a second, it seemed as though the boy recognized her too.

Once again, Bella directed him to Elena's window and couldn't fight the smile in the relief when he seemed to understand and move to the other side of the car. When he drew the rock in preparation to break the glass, Bella made sure to cover her eyes with her arms.

The sound of breaking glass and ripping fabric brought her to awareness again, and she was able to see the disappearing feet of her friend. That was good. Unfortunately, the burning sensation in her chest began growing – she was running out of oxygen. With that fact, a sudden realization hit her: she was dying.

Panic filled her then. She didn't want to die. She wanted to go to college, write a book, get married, be the best man at Jeremy's wedding. She wanted to have kids, grow old. And who would look after her Dad? He would be all alone now. But at least Elena would be safe; at least her and Jeremy could still have each other.

She met Grayson's calm, understanding eyes in the mirror and wasn't too far gone to miss the acceptance in his eyes. Maybe if he could fine peace with the situation she could too. At the very least, maybe she would see her Nana again, and her mom and Phil. With those final ideas, Bella grew serene and smiled at Grayson to his disbelief.

"I'm sorry," he mouthed; she didn't deserve this.

But Bella's grin just grew and she mouthed back, "It's ok. Thank you. I love you."

"Love you too," he replied. And he somberly watched as his honorary daughter slowly passed out. Precious moments passed before he noticed moment outside the car again. Their mysterious savior was back.

As before, Grayson pointed to the girl in the backseat and the kid nodded in response. But when the blood in the water drew to the boy's face, Grayson was aghast to discover what their rescuer really was. Unable to do more than shake his head in worry, he watched as the boy somehow managed to control his thirst and ease the girl from her seat.

When the teenagers were gone from view, Grayson turned to observe his wife, his beautiful wonderful wife. He had to believe that Elena and Bella would make it out of this alive, he had to believe they would be safe, and he had to believe that he raised his children well. He loved them and he would miss them, but it seemed that his and Miranda's time was up.

With only loving thoughts left to consume his mind, he drifted off peacefully into the night.


When Bella came to, she was greeted with the sound of her steadily beating heart. She was in a hospital room, but for some reason she couldn't remember why. Sure, she was prone to bone-breaking accidents, yet she could not for the life of her remember what she did this time.

Closing her eyes she strained her mind trying to recall what happened to her last. She had been at the Gilbert's house, surprising them on their family night, when Elena called. She had joined the adults to pick her up, and she had stated she wanted Jeremy's room. Then—!

The distraught teen shot straight up in the sterile white bed, her heart monitor blaring angrily, and brought a hand to her head. Feeling the bandages didn't calm her nerves, and instead she ripped the needle from her hand and stood unsteadily on her feet. Ignoring the eerie sound of her un-beating heart, she walked as quickly as she could to the door and made to open it when she suddenly became light headed. Black spots filled her vision and she felt herself pitching forward.

Two strong arms caught her as she fell and held her tight when she tried to refocus herself. A jumble of voices echoed around her, but she registered only one. "Jere," she whispered and she clutched onto her best friend harder.

"I'm here Bells. I'm right here," Jeremy tried to comfort her, though tears enveloped his own eyes.

He had gotten the call hours earlier. "Jeremy? It's Sheriff Forbes. There's been an accident." And he had Matt pick him up right after. "You need to come to the hospital." The Sheriff fully informed them in the hospital's entryway. "I'm really sorry Jeremy. But your parents didn't make it." And he was led to Elena's room where she lay peacefully sleeping. "Elena's fine." He was still there an hour later when she awoke, but he wasn't able to voice what had happened. "Jere. I don't understand. What am I doing here? Where's mom and dad? Where's Bella?" The doctor and Sheriff had to come in to calm her down and tell her what happened. "I am so sorry."

It was in the second hour, after they had sedated Elena, when Jenna arrived. "You're lying! I don't believe you!" She didn't take the news well and was threatened to be sedated as well before she managed to control herself. She sat herself next to him and cried hard in her hands. "I can't believe it. I just can't believe it. Miranda…" He lost track of time then, and only returned when Jenna told him she would keep an eye on his sister so he could go check on Bella. "Isabella sustained an injury to the head and needed resuscitation at the scene, but she is stable and in recovery." So he did. He had headed to the nurses station to ask what room she was in, when alarms went off in a nearby corridor. And he just knew it was her.

"Elena." He heard Bella say from their position on the ground. "Sir. We need to get her back on the bed." "Please, you must move."

"Elena's fine," Jeremy eased a few of her fears, easily ignoring the hospital personnel around them. "She's in a room in the across the hall."

Bella's head lifted from it's position on his chest and similar brown eyes met each other in a stare. She must have seen something in his for she slowly wrapped her arms around his neck. "I'm sorry." He heard whispered in his ear. "I'm not leaving. It's ok, just let it all go." And tucking his head into the crook of her neck, Jeremy finally cried.

"Your parents didn't make it."

August 2009

"Hey Jeremy, there's someone for you at the door!" Jenna Gilbert called from the bottom of the stairs. But as usual, silence greeted her call. Sighing, she shook head and welcomed Bella into the house. "Sorry, he really hasn't been the same since... He should be up in his room right now though, so you can just go on in."

The trip up the stairs was a short one, and without hesitation she barged right on through the door. "Jeremy Greyson Gilbert I have a bone to pick with you!"

Jeremy swiveled around in his computer chair, his bloodshot eyes widening to comedic proportions. "Bella?" he asked.

"I can't believe you Jeremy! Drugs! Seriously!? Are you fucking kidding me? What the hell are you thinking?! I've gotten so many worried phone calls from Elena and Jenna! Do you even care Jere!? Do you know what you're doing to the two of them?

"Who are you to dictate my life," Jeremy sneered. He crossed his arms across his chest and glared. "You can't just barge right in and tell me what to do."

"The hell I can!" Bella retorted. "You're my best friend and I care about you! Stop doing this to yourself!"

"Make me!" Jeremy rose. "You have no right Bella! No right!"

"I have every right!" Bella argued.

"You left Bella!" he cried, getting right in her face. "You left just like everyone else! And now you come back months later like you've always been here! You come back like nothing's changed! But everything has Bella! My parents are dead! Dead! And nothing's bringing them back! You can't possibly understand what I've been going though."

Bella stared at him before silently stating, "I was there. Did you forget Jere? I was there that night, inside the truck when it crashed. I watched as your dad tried his hardest to get us out of there. I watched as our mysterious savior managed to get Elena to safety. I thought I was going to die that night, and in the end, I was prepared to." Tears sprung unwillingly down her cheeks, her body tense.


"First I lost Mom and Phil, then Nana. Your parents… I loved them too. I lost them too. They helped raise me remember. Miranda was there for me every time I had a nightmare. Grayson always knew how to put a smile on my face. You're being selfish Jere. You're not the only one who lost loved ones that day."

"I just don't know what to do," Jeremy admitted brokenly. "What am I suppose to do?"

Bella pulled him into a hug, "You keep on living. For them, for Elena, for Aunt Jenna, for yourself. You don't shut yourself off from the world. When you're angry you shout, when you're sad you cry, and when you want someone to talk with, you have your family, you have me."

"I just miss them so much Bells," he confided in her. "I wish you were here. Elena and Aunt Jenna are trying, I know, but they don't understand me. I don't think I understand myself."

"Well I'm here now," Bella said, smiling up at him. "I'm here for the rest of the weekend actually. So quit being so sad because it's making me sad!"

Jeremy gave a shaky laugh and swiped a hand across his face. "So what do I do now then?"

"Well first," Bella stated, "You go wash your face in the bathroom. Then you're going to join me, Elena, and Aunt Jenna in the kitchen to indulge in some good ole' chocolate ice cream! They just don't make it quite the same in Forks!"

November 2009

"You have one new message…"

"Hey Bella it's Jeremy. We haven't been able to catch each other in a while… I'm calling because Vicky – you remember Vicky, Matt's little sister? Well I told you we began sorta dating and everything, and yeah. Um, the thing is she went missing a couple days ago. It's really weird. The last thing I remember is going to this Halloween party with her and she may have been acting weird for the last couple days too but I thought we were good. Well as good as we could get with everything… anyway I think the reason I'm calling is because… Bella, you'll always be there for me right? Vicky's left, Tyler hates me, Matt and Caroline are busy dating each other, Bonnie seems to be going through her own difficulties, and I rarely see Elena…

"Elena seems to have changed too. She thinks I haven't noticed but I have. She's always with Stefan or Damon and we don't hang out like we use to. She always seems to be troubled and what sucks – what sucks is that I can't seem to do anything about it! God Bella, its – !

"…um, well, I guess there is some good news. I got a new history teacher. His name is Mr. Saltzman and he's pretty cool. He's helping me get back on track school-wise and is helping me research my family history… I, I think Aunt Jenna has a thing for him too.

"Well… I got to go. I guess I'll talk to you later? Well… bye Bells…"

November 2009

She woke up to the sound of her steady heartbeat. The environment hadn't changed. The walls were still white, her leg still had the stupid cast, but the figure on the recliner had changed and there now paced a familiar brown haired boy in front of her bed. "Elena? Jeremy? What are you guys doing here?"

"Oh my gosh Bella! Are you ok?" Elena rushed from the chair to her bedside and began fussing with her pillows and sheets. "Charlie called Aunt Jenna and we all rushed here as soon as we could! Bella!? How could you be so careless! You could've died!"

Jeremy, noticing the overwhelmed look on Bella's face, gently interceded. "You look like crap Bells."

Bella smiled back at him, "Well, falling down two flights of stairs and through a window can do that to a person."

"Only you would be able to accomplish something as absurd as that," Jeremy laughed shaking his head.

"Jeremy!" Elena exclaimed. "How can you be joking about something like this!? Did you just listen to what you guys said!?"

"And you Bella!" she shouted, turning her anger to the patient. "You fell down two flights of stairs! You broke through a second-story window and landed on the concrete below! By all accounts you should be dead Bella – Dead! It's a miracle you're even alive!" Elena burst in tears and Jeremy couldn't lose the bewildered look on his face. "We almost lost her Jeremy. We almost lost our little sister."

Jeremy face turn grim as the reality of the situation sunk in. Elena was right. By all rights Bella shouldn't be lying in front of them right now.

"Um, you guys," Bella cut through the depressing mood. "I'm ok. I'm alive and I'm right here."

"That's right!" Elena said, her mood changing once again. "You're here! So I have the chance to shout at you for your stupidness and your uncoordinativeness and your carelessness! Dammit Bella! What were you thinking?! Were you even thinking because of what I've heard of the situation you obviously weren't!"

Bella shifted uncomfortably. "Hey Elena… are you… are you feeling ok?"

"What do you think Bella?!" Elena retorted, but as she met frightened eyes the anger escaped and her body just collapsed slowly in the bedside chair. "It's just so much Bella. I mean think about it. A year ago Mom and Dad were still alive, I was worried about my relationship with Matt, you and Jeremy were tiny freshman, and now look. It's like everything has changed. Mom and Dad are dead, Jeremy got hooked on drugs, Aunt Jenna had to come back from college to try and take care of us, the whole thing with Stefan and Damon, and I discovered that I was… " She halted in her explanation.

"Bella, so much has happened in the last months of my life, and you know what's the worst? You almost died. You almost died Bella and if you had… I feel like I don't even know you anymore. We haven't talked in ages. You're my little sister and yet I have no idea what's going on in your life. I don't know how your classes are doing, I don't know if that Mike guy is still bothering you, and I don't know if Lauren is still being her bitchy self. Bella I didn't even know you have a boyfriend. And here I find you passed out on a hospital bed with more injuries than you should ever possess and I don't even know why."


"Well… we have time right now," Bella said, patting a spot on her bed so Jeremy could get comfortable too. "I'll tell you my story but then you'll have to tell me yours."

January 2010

"Beep*Beep*Beep Hey this is Bella, sorry I couldn't make it to the phone but you know the drill… Beep"

"Hey Bella, it's Elena. Um, I heard about New Years… Charlie's worried Bells. Everyone's worried. I know you're hurt and you have every right to be, but you can't just shut yourself off from everything around you. Remember the phone call you gave Jeremy after Vicky disappeared? You told him that he couldn't just drown in his pity party. You told him to do whatever it took to let out his emotions, whether it be to cry hysterically, beat the crap out of somebody, or just shout to the world, you need to do something. You need to follow your own advice Bella. If you don't it's just going to get worse… Well I have to go, but I'll call back later. You're an amazing, gorgeous, and spectacular girl Bella. And you're definitely loved, trust me."

"Beep*Beep*Beep Hey this is Bella, sorry I couldn't make it to the phone but you know the drill… Beep"

"Hey Bells, it's me, Matt. Elena told me what that jackass did to you… are you ok? Caroline and I have been talking about visiting you over in Forks. Isn't it weird how it's been almost three years and we still haven't visited you up there? We're thinking it's about time we fix that. And if we happen to run into this Edwin on the way there… well, Caroline has some things she can't wait to get off her chest. It's been a while little B… well, I'll try and catch you later. Love ya…"

"Beep*Beep*Beep Hey this is Bella, sorry I couldn't make it to the phone but you know the drill… Beep"

"Bella? It's Caroline. I know we haven't talked in months and I really have no excuse for that, but I still love you you know. You're beautiful, and kind, and loving, and you carry an innocence that most people would kill to have. You're strong Bella, you really are… I'm not sure if you've heard but Matt and I might come up and visit. I've always wanted to visit a town with the name 'Forks'…I'll see you later Bella ok? Love you!"

"Beep*Beep*Beep Hey this is Bella, sorry I couldn't make it to the phone but you know the drill… Beep"

"Bella, it's Bonnie… I know you're in a bad place right now, and that sucks. But it's going to get better, I can promise you that. You're strong Bella, you're so unbelievably strong and the funny thing is you don't even see it… Well, I'm coming up to visit you tomorrow. I'm living with my aunt right now and after talking to Charlie I'm spending this coming weekend with you. You may not want my company right now but you're just going to have to tough it out. I'll see you soon Bella."

"Beep*Beep*Beep Hey this is Bella, sorry I couldn't make it to the phone but you know the drill… Beep"

"Bella, it's Jeremy. This will be the only message I'm leaving you. I'm going to keep on calling and calling until you pick up your damn phone. Don't doubt me for a second. If that doesn't work I'll just call your house phone, then Charlie's phone again and again and again until, well you get the picture…"

"Beep*Beep*Beep" "Beep*Beep*Beep" "Beep*Beep*Beep" "Beep*Beep*Beep" "Beep*Beep*Beep" "Beep*Beep*Beep" "Beep*Beep*Beep" "Beep*Beep*Beep" "Beep*Beep*Beep" "Beep*Beep*Beep" "Beep*Beep*Beep" "Beep*Beep*Beep" "Beep*Beep*Beep" "Beep*Beep*Beep" "Beep*Beep*Beep" "Beep*Be – "

"…Jeremy?" Bella's broken voice interrupted.

"Hey Bells."

"He… he left me, Jere."

"I heard."

"Everyone leaves me."

"I'm here."

"It hurts…"

"It'll get better."

February 2010

Dear Bella,

I'm so glad that you're moving on from Edward =] This Jake guy seems like a really sweet guy, the way you describe him sort of reminds me of Jeremy. I heard Bonnie was able to visit with you, that's really awesome! I haven't heard from her in a while, she doesn't really get along with Stefan and Damon…

I'm not going to lie to you Bella. January sucked for me. I found my birth mom; her name is Isabel. Turns out she's the ex-wife of Mr. Saltzman as well as a bitch. And on the topic of moms, Matt's returned. She made out with Tyler, they both got caught by Matt, and Matt actually kicked her out of his house. Tyler and Matt haven't spoken since.

You remember Uncle John… yeah, well turns out he's my birth dad. Surprise! I think that just says it all. He came back yesterday. Jenna hates him.

Jeremy and I had a rift and I thought it was getting better… but he found out something I did that just made everything worse.

My life's spinning out of control and I can't seem to control it.

I miss you Bella.


April 2010

"She should be here with us Elena," Jeremy said, watching as their Aunt's grave sunk lower and lower into the ground. "Jenna was her aunt too."

Elena shook her head, her voice cracking as she said, "She's lost too many people already Jere. I don't want her here if she doesn't have to be."

"Still," Jeremy said. "It just doesn't feel right."

June 2010

"Jake, I just don't know what to do anymore!" Bella confided with him as they relaxed on the sands of First Beach. "Victoria's been hunting me down for the past three months and everyday I fear for your safety, and the pack's safety, and Charlie's safety. I'm putting all of you in danger…"

"Bella," Jacob laughed, pulling her into his arms, "everything's going to be ok. The pack and I have this covered. All you need to worry about is taking this summer nice and easy and making sure to get started on those stupid college applications."

"It's not just that though," Bella admitted. "I've been really selfish Jake." He shot her a surprised look, but she continued uninterrupted. "Here I am, basically with no worries in the world, and yet Jeremy and Elena have just lost the remaining family they have."


"No Jake! I'm serious! I still have my dad, I still have you… they both lost Jenna and Elena also lost her dad in a day! It's just not fair Jake, they don't deserve any of this… and I can't do anything about it."

Jacob shook his head at Bella's absurd way of thinking. "Bella, you've told me millions of stories about Elena and Jeremy, they're basically part of the pack with everything they've done for you. And in every story you've always described them as your brother and sister, that hasn't changed."

"Well then what kind of sister am I for not even attending the funeral!? Huh Jacob!?" Bella burst into tears. "What kind of a person does that!?"

The shapeshifter gathered her into his arms, "Because they asked you not to."

"Well then I shouldn't have listened to them! They've been there every time I've lost someone and yet I can't even be there for them when they really need it!"

"…you're not going to lose them Bella."

"I feel like I already have."

August 31, 2010

"Beep*Beep*Beep" It's Jeremy, you know what to do… Beep"

"Hey Jeremy, it's Bella…. Um, I know we haven't talked in a while… and well…. Um, I'm just… I'll try again later…"

"Beep*Beep*Beep" Hey, it's Elena, sorry for missing your call. Just leave a message and I'll try and get back to you… Beep"

"Elena, it's Bella… it's know its been a while since we last talked and I'm really sorry for that. I've been a pretty crappy friend and I have no excuses. Um… I tried to catch Jeremy earlier but he didn't answer, but I was just going to tell him the same thing… Elena, I know this is going to sound weird, but please, please be careful… I've had a really bad feeling for the last couple of days and I'm worried… so please, just stay safe… ok? Well… um, I'm going to go, bye Elena…"

September 2, 2010

"Oh my god! Bella! Bella are you ok?!"

Bella vaguely heard a voice call in the background. But she couldn't draw her eyes away from the figure resting in her lap. This wasn't supposed to happen. He was never supposed to get hurt.


She knew something bad was going to happen, Victoria had been silent for too long, yet she never believed this would be the result. The blood, there was just so much blood.

"Jacob. She could be hurt. You need to get her to let go. She needs to let go."

Unconsciously, Bella's grip grew even tighter. She was never going to let go. She was never going to leave her dad. They promised each other that neither would ever go, that they'd stay with each other till they died of old age.

"Bella. It's ok, it's ok now. She's gone, you're safe."

But it wasn't ok, it would never be ok. Her dad was dead.

"Please Bella—please. I know you're hurting and I know that you're in pain, but you can't give up."

But she wanted to, oh how she so desperately wanted to close her eyes and let everything be over. She was a curse, why else would so many people around her die. The world would be better off without her.

"Bells." This time a familiar warm hand landed on her shoulder and gently squeezed. Slightly turning her head, she made eye contact with worried brown orbs. "You can't leave me." A stray tear fell. "I won't let you." All she could do was fix her broken gaze at her friend; the urge to speak had long since left, and she didn't believe she had it in her to cry any more.

She didn't fight this time when they gently eased the body away from her, though she couldn't help flinching, and when the weight lifted from her she was filled with a sense of emptiness. Needless to say, she welcomed the blackness that soon overtook her.


Bonnie bent down, reaching for the necklace that should've been destroyed, but swiftly turned on her heel and stuffed it in her coat pocket as she heard footsteps descend down the stairs. It was Jeremy.

"Bonnie…" he started.

"Don't Jeremy, just, just leave."

"Let me explain Bonnie, please!" Jeremy tried. He reached out a hand but let it drop as he noted the heartbreaking expression on her face.

"Matt gave up his sister Jeremy! His sister! And you – " Bonnie paused her rant. Jeremy had gone stiff in front of her, his eyes wide in terror. "Jeremy?"

He was looking over her shoulder, continuously shaking his head in denial, "No, no, no! You can't be here! Please, please tell me I'm hallucinating!"

Bonnie quickly swirled around to look behind her but couldn't find the source of Jeremy's distress. "Jeremy…" she took a step back towards him, "who is it. Who do you see?"

"It's… it's Charlie…" his voice shook. "It's Bella's dad."

*The last scene takes place in Vampire Diaries Season 3, "Ghost World" where previously dead vampires appear as ghosts. The timeline for this story follows the one for the television version of Vampire Diaries; so everything leading up to that episode stays the same (unless written differently in a scene above.) *

*To clear up the Cullen situation: Bella met Edward in her advance bio class at the beginning of her sophomore school year, James attacked her in November, and Edward and the rest of the Cullen's left on New Years after she got a paper cut during Christmas. *

*Come the final scene: Jeremy and Bella are juniors. Elena and the rest of the gang are seniors. *