Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who...I do own this idea.

Martha looked at the little boy laying on her chest as she rubbed soothing circles into his back. His brown eyes weren't on her, but on his father. The Doctor had a book open, sitting beside her. He was reading Martha's favorite Harry Potter book as they put the child to sleep. His tone was soothing and somewhat hypnotic. The dark skinned woman watched as the boy's eyes drooped closed.

They were in Martha's tiny childhood room. On her tiny bed (still bigger than the one they shared in 1599 and on occasion in 1969). Across from the bed was a desk. There was a tiny desk in front of the window, next to the bookcase. A bookcase filled with science and fantasy books. Pictures of Martha (various ages) holding different awards, trophies, with her family and there were a few of her dressed for formal occasions hanging on baby blue walls. Along with those pictures were a few of male celebrities (Martha's celebrity crushes).

"..." The Doctor finished the third chapter of the book before closing it quietly and placing it on the bedside table. "He's sleeping, nice and proper." The sleeves to his button down white shirt were rolled up to his elbow, his suit jacket laid across Martha's desk chair.

Martha looked at child that had become dead weight on her. "Plan to help me continue breathing, mate?" The Doctor chuckled as he shifted and pulled the child off his tiny companion. The bed wasn't big enough for all three of them, so the Doctor ended up sitting at the foot of the bed. Martha looked at the toddler and sighed quietly as she covered the child. Unlike the Doctor, Martha was dressed for bed in clothing that was rather small. Her shirt was rather snug and her gym old shorts were loose enough to hide her shape (thankfully). Normally, she cared a bit on how the Doctor saw her. After a year on the run, she didn't.

His brown eyes watched her. His cool hand captured and held hers when she had completed her self-imposed task. "How long will he sleep? You never seem to sleep."

The Doctor squeezed her hand. "Eight hours, he's too young to stay awake longer." Martha nodded as she sat next to him.

"How's the TARDIS repairs going?" She asked conversationally, avoiding his gaze. What was she going to do? The little boy, their son, wouldn't sleep without both his parents tucking him in. Was she supposed to re-join the Doctor because of this new development? What about her family? Her schooling? Her career? The Doctor wouldn't stay on Earth while she finished school. 1969 was proof he went insane during slow moments (not that she minded completely- he was good at cleaning and ended up repainting the entire building single handily).

He turned around and pulled Martha on to his lap. "Wonderful. You did wonderful. The old girl will be ready for a test run in the morning." His chin rested on her shoulder, his arms wrapped around her slim waist.

Martha wondered if he knew her heart was beating faster. "That's good." The door to Martha's room opened rather loudly. Jack Harkness and Leticia Jones looked at them with raised eyebrows and matching smirks. Two set of brown eyes look at the pair in the door way. "Any louder and you could have woken the dead." Martha commented.

"Just checking you guys didn't need anything before bed." Tish explained. She was sharing her room with Jack, to Francine and Clive's chagrin. Jack had given the Doctor and Martha his word to behave with Tish. Of course, Jack's word meant no advances from his side. Tish was allowed to make her own (though Martha had made sure to discourage her older sister). The elder Jones girl sent her younger sister a look. One, Martha translated to mean- alien boy, really?

The second youngest member of the Jones family, Nathan Jones, had caused quite a stir. It didn't help that the Master had basically turned him into a monster-child before his hold had been broken. The child that had enjoyed watching Jack die and tormenting the Jones' family wasn't the same boy sleeping. In fact the entire year had been nothing more than a fragmented nightmare for him, the Doctor had ensured that.

Martha was thankful he did. She knew she'd be having her own nightmares. "No, no...if I need anything I'll get it myself. Doctor?" She turned to look at him. Her watchful brown eyes could count every freckle on his younger looking face. Over 900 years old, she reminded herself.

"Hmm..." He replied distractedly, "Nope. Don't need a thing. Just going to make sure these two are asleep and head to the TARDIS. More work to complete on the old girl before morning." Martha was the recipient of a rather cheeky grin.

Hoshi: Well, this is just...a one-shot? Something that popped in my head? It needed to be shared...will I continue it? Meh...I don't know.