Sherlock dozed in and out of consciousness as we tried to him back to the flat. John seemed to not need any convincing to not take him to the hospital. I really didn't want to get any one of us thrown in jail thrown in jail for shooting him. John seemed to have some military medic training anyway. Besides, I figured they needed some time to talk about what happened beside that pool. Can't just blow something like that off.

John, Sherlock and Sam took the first cab. I stayed behind with Cas. I had been worried about the guy. He had seriously looked like he was going to keel over. He needed to take a breather.

"Cas." I looked down to him while waving over a cab. "Can't you just use your angel voodoo?"

"Just give me some time, Dean." He partially snarled at me. I backed off looking in the window of the cab.

"It's 221B Baker Street." I smiled nonchalantly while helping Cas inside first.

"Sure thing buddy."

We stepped inside while Cas breathed deeply. The seats seemed hard against my back as I watched the scenery go by. I wouldn't mind coming back here one of these days, it wasn't that bad. I actually kinda liked it. It was more exciting, and the monsters weren't as bad here.

"Woa!" The cabbie turned the wheel sharply and I yelled loudly. Cas seemed to look alright, angel mojo kicking in by then I guessed. I looked to the side of the cab, seeing nothing except a bunch of people running. Cas narrowed his eyes opening the car door. I tossed a few bills at the cabbie, following Cas outside.

The crowd thinned and I couldn't see much. There wasn't much too see. Cas wandered forward, but it really was desolate. His eyes latched onto the park to our left, with benches and statues. He cocked his head, wandering closer to a statue. He must be feeling nostalgic. It was an angel after all. But then again, I had had enough experience to know that not all angels were good.

I stayed behind, looking at the people fleeing to the city. What were they running from? There was nothing over here. Nothing but wind and park benches. It was like they had all seen something scary happen...

I turned back to Cas. He was gone. I turned again, had he just zapped off again? I didn't hear anything.

I walked closer to where he had been. That was weird, he seemed really interested in that statue thing. Why would he bust off now?

I looked up to the angel and got the shivers, something wasn't right. I was almost like the angel had moved. I could had sworn it was standing in a different position a minute ago, but now it's arm was extended. I looked closer, more intently. It was weird, the way it looked at me. It was almost like it was looking into me.

As I was about to blink, I heard a flutter of Cas's wings and a yell, "Dean! No!"

I turned to him. "What is it?"

"Come to me, it's okay. Just come to me. Don't look at it." He didn't look at me, somehow transfixed with the statue again. It was creepy and creeping me out a little.

"What is it Cas? It's just a statue."

"It's a Weeping Angel."

"The hell is a Weeping Angel?"

"It just sent me back in time. It kills you by sending you back in time." He didn't more. "If you blink, they get you."

"Why is this the fist I'm hearing of them?" I asked loudly. "This sounds like a big thing."

"They were not your problem." He said. "Someone else usually handled it."

"Someone else." I muttered. "Yea."

"Please just come here." He almost whispered, extending his hand to me, seemingly afraid to move toward me. "I haven't seen any here since… And those people… It took a victim in broad daylight. People saw…Something is very wrong…"

"Cas, I don't know what you are talking about." I said walking to him shaking my head.

He said nothing as I heard a strange noise. It was almost like a mechanical sound. Like something getting closer. I could feel the wind flutter around us harder.

Cas and I turned around at the sound to see a blue 1960's police box somehow appearing in the middle of the street just materialized out of thin air.

Then, it got weirder. The door opened, the wrong way, I might add. A mad with a long brown trench coat opened the door. Some red headed woman stuck her head out under his and smiled at us.

"Oy!" She hopped out of the booth and placed her hands on her hips promptly looking at me. "I found Dean Winchester!"

"No, no, Donna, no." He shook his head sauntering out behind her. I was a little surprised they could both fit in there before I realized that I must be going insane, that being my first thought. "We're not looking for them. Wait, what are you doing here?"

"Me? Who are you?" I asked, knitting my eyebrows.

"I'm the Doctor, this is Donna." He smiled pushing his hand to me.

"Doctor?" I raised an eyebrow. "Doctor who?"

And it was at that moment I realized no one was looking at the angel.

Author's Note:

I hope you guys liked it! Well that's the end! I know this one was short and took a long time to get out and I'm super sorry for that. I have been really gusy lately and I haven't had much time to write. Anyway, I hoped you liked it! Special thanks to everyone who reviewed and enjoyed this story!