One idea is Sam and Mercy are two tourists in Europe (anywhere in Europe) who bump into each other and end up making there own adventure together.

Mercedes didn't know why she listened to Santana and went on this tour of the biggest Jungle in Europe . Don't get her wrong, she loved living in Europe, it was such a beautiful place. The setting was just breath taking. She's been on plenty of tours, but this one was by far the most boring. And to top it all off Santana ditched her, and she knew she was with Brittany getting her "Lady Kisses" on like she called it . She rolled her eyes for the 100th time since she's been on this tour . This man, has to be the most boring guy shes seen. He puts no life into his words, and he speaks in such a monotone voice it started to annoy her .

She looked to the right seeing another guy rolling his eyes at the man, she couldn't help but laugh . He was gorgeous, his sandy blond hair blew in the wind. His smedium shirt fit him so well, you can see his abs through his shirt. His lips were so plump and beautiful, she's never seen lips like that on a white guy. And his eyes were so captivating, this light green, very unique. She must have been staring cause he started looking at her. She didn't look away. Instead of being freaked out he started making crazy faces, which made her explode in fits of laughter . He was in awe with her laugh, she wasn't like most girls, who didn't laugh loud because they cared what people thought. And plus her laugh was music to his ears, and he wanted to make her laugh more, so he walked over to her.

"Hi, I'm Sam. Sam I And I don't like Green Eggs and Ham" He beamed and she couldn't help but laugh. He had this cute dork thing going on, which she thought was hot .

"Hello, I'm Mercedes" She said shaking his hand . They had a staring contest . As they entered the jungle . They were on a Jungle car.

" I'm glad you guys are introducing yourself to each other, but try paying attention" the tour guide said in a boring tone. Mercedes just rolled her eyes, he couldn't be serious. When he turned his back Sam whispered

"Wanna get outta here?" He asked. She looked at him like he grew two heads

"Are you NUTS?! there are animals, wild animals around here" She whispered harshly

"I promise nothing will happen to you" He said giving her puppy eyes

"Black people always die first Sam I Am" She said matter of factly

He burst out into laughter

"Pweaseeeeeeee" he said in a baby voice .

"Fine ! Sam i swear if anything happens to me and i die, I'm haunting your crazy ass!" She said .

"deal" he said shaking her hand feeling a shock ! she gasped and pulled away. He looked out and slowly stepped out of the car. He waited for Mercedes to do the same. She slowly scooted out, Sam tried to help her, and his hand landed in her ass

, he quickly moved his hand, turning a bright shade of pink. They walked through the jungle just talking, about everything. There job, there biggest fears, favorite color, food. They even got as bold enough to talk about worst and best sex experience. Sam knew from the get go he has feelings for this girl. Mercedes was slowly falling for Sam also. Everything was going great until Sam and Mercedes heard something. Sam told Mercedes to stay quiet, she did as she was told. She put her back behind a huge tree. Sam kept on walking and looking out.

"Mercedes, the ghost is clear, just a mouse" He said . But she didn't answer

"Mercedes" he said turning around

"Holy Shit" He said . when he turned around he saw a huge snake wrapped around her arms and neck . She had a look of panic on her face, but she didn't budge. Sam was shocked, the shock wore off of him, and he grabbed a branch quietly not to distract the snake. He lit the branch on fire, and pointed it in the snakes face and the snake slowly unwrapped itself, and slithered up the tree. Mercedes quickly ran to Sam. He wrapped his arms around her body, giving her a tight hug.

"Don't you ever leave me " she said scared

"Never" he answered giving it a double meaning .