Title: Aching For You

Written for: vampchick09

Written By: Przybyszewski

Rating: M

Summary/Prompt used: the girl is having a sore back and goes to the chiropractor

My first FAGE, and I am oh so excited! Vampchick09, I really hope you enjoy your gift! Please let me know of your thoughts! Happy FAGE to you!

- Przybyszewski :)

May 13th, 10:37 p.m

Her car came to an abrupt and jerky halt. She swung open the door to the driver side and hopped out, stumbling slightly as she headed for the chiropractor's clinic. In her state of panic she completely forgot to turn off the car, along with leaving the car door wide open. She sprinted at full speed towards the glass double doors, pushing her way through the curious bystandars, clients, workers and few police officers scattered across the clinics parking lot.
With the adrenaline rush in her body growing even more, she barely noticed anyone yell at her, call out her name, or even grab her by the arms to halt her in which she slipped out of the grip easily, and entered the

She turned the corner quickly to make her way down the white walled hallway, focused on the open door in front of her where two officers stood.

She charged through them, stopping dead in her tracks as the color in her faced washed away completely. She gasped, and the tears began spilling down her cheeks as she screamed in agony.

"Oh my god!" "Dimitri!" She screamed, her head began to spin.

He lay there, pale and lifeless. His throat was slit, exposing a bloody gash across the front of his neck, while a knife was stuck in his chest. He lay in a pool of blood; his eyes opened wide and glazed over with a glossy look. His lips were parted slightly, giving off a somewhat horrified and helpless look towards the ceiling.

She screamed his name again, lunging for his body but was stopped by the two officers grabbing her arms, yanking her back and away from Dimitri.

"Mrs. Belikov! Mrs. Belikov! Please, we can't have you in here!"

She struggled against their grips, kicking and crying out in vain for them to let her go. They held her tighter to stop her from struggling anymore, until she finally gave in, her yells turning into long and loud uncontrollable sobs. The constant wave of tears fell from her nose onto the floor as she hung her head, letting the officers slowly lead her out into the hall.

The coroner and a fellow police officer placed a sheet over his body as she left the room.

She felt sick. Her stomach churned as the images kept flashing through her head. As the cool feeling of the night air hit her face, she lunged for the railing on the side of the stairs, puking up the little bit of bile that was left in her stomach.

Someone near her was rubbing her back, but she didn't care who, she just let every emotion she had in her body escape from her, grabbing the attention of several onlookers. Officers kept the bystanders away from her, as a close friend to her and her husband, draped a wool blanket over her shoulders.

Yes, she was cold, yet it hardly mattered.

The only thing that mattered was to find out which son of a bitch killed her husband.