May 13th, 10:16 p.m

She had known, she had known what went on since that woman set foot into his life, but she loved him, how could she be so weak to let him use her like this. An affair. She couldn't let this affair pull them apart. She knew deep down his actions were unintentional. He was only confused. . .

She pondered her thoughts until the loud ring of her home phone made her jump both physically and right out of her thoughts. She picked it up.

"Hello? Yes this is Mrs. Belikov. . ."

May 13th, 9:58 p.m

He gasped, reaching for his throat as the sharp pain stung the front of his neck. His hands grew slippery as the warm, dark red blood covered his hands, sliding down his wrists. He let out a short but loud groan as he was jolted back slightly; a pressure in his chest mixed with immense pain began to form. He looked down, tears springing to his eyes as he saw the steak knife wedged into his chest. He got a firm grip on it with his hand, attempting to pull it out. He tried to scream, but only a choked gurgle left his lips as the pain grew more intense as he tugged; giving up as he coughed, blood beginning to spew from his mouth.

He fell to his knees, reaching out in front of him, trying his best to speak any form of words.

"Why?" Was the only word he was able to mutter, before his body became limp, falling backwards onto the linoleum floor. Just two short breaths later as he started up at the ceiling, his body finally became still.

May 13th, 10:45 p.m

The sheriff of the town's police station escorted Mrs. Belikov away from the crowd of people and press who were all over her in seconds to find out any information that they could on her husband's murder.

"I just received a radio call from some of the squad members, they found our killer."

The only thing that could make this night any better, bringing her husband's killer to justice.

"Who is it? Tell me who they've found!" she pleaded, grabbing onto the front of the officers coat.

"My men have custody of a Rose Hathaway, long brunette hair, brown eyes, about 5'7. She was found hiding just a few blocks from here, traces of blood on her clothing. Although we won't know whose blood it is until we get it to a lab, it's not looking too good for the girl. Do you know of this woman, Angelina?"

She hung her head down at the mention of her name, burying her hands into her face. The officer placed a hand on her back, rubbing it softly. She finally looked back up at the officer, the tears staining her cheeks.

"Yes," she whispered.

"Dimitri was . . . romantically involved with her when she started her appointments at his clinic, I didn't catch on until recently."

The sheriff nodded, jotting down notes.

"Please," Angelina whispered, holding a hand up. "I would appreciate it if you would give me some time alone for a moment." The officer nodded, and he stepped away to have a discussion with the coroner.

Angelina couldn't help but chastise herself for what had happened to her husband, if she would've done something about Rose in the first place, he might still be alive. She should've seen the signs, and he should have too. Rose had been obsessed with him, lost in her own little world where Dimitri was hers and only hers.

Angelina requested to see Rose. It took a lot of persuading, but they finally let her approach a handcuffed Rose who sat against the trunk of the police cruiser, flanked by two officers. When Rose caught sight of Angelina her face contorted in anger and disgust.

"What do you want?" Rose growled.

Angelina just smirked at her, making Rose grow more angry. Seeing Rose locked her emotions, filling her with a twisted sense of satisfaction.

Karma's a bitch. . .

"Why did you do it, Rose? Angry because he refused to leave me for you because I was the one he truly loved? You were nothing, just a quick and easy fuck."

Rose sat in silence, simply glaring at her. Angelina scoffed, absolutely appalled by the woman in front of her.

A loud 'crack' echoed through the night air as Angelina smacked Rose across the face as her emotions got the best of her. The policeman standing by put a hand on Angelina's shoulder, keeping an eye to make sure she didn't attempt to hit her again. "And now look, the most 'beautiful woman in town' . . .your reputation ruined. No one will ever want you."

"You sure do put a new definition to the term aching for you. . ." Angelina laughed quietly as Rose began to throw a chain of curse words at her, the police escorting her away to be pushed into the police cruiser and taken away.