Guys, I'm sorry this seems like I'm ending it so quickly, I think this story has run its course. It was originally supposed to be a one shot, but I am very happy that I continued it.

There may be a sequel if you want one (aka I do have ideas for a sequel). However, I refuse to beat a dead horse, so if nobody wants it I will keep it to myself.

4 years later

Jade carries a box into her house. The sun shines in through the open windows and the newly waxed floors glitter in the light. Dust particles dance in the beams as Jade walks through the dining room and into the kitchen. She sets the box marked 'plates' on the kitchen table. Tori follows behind her holding the hand of Hunter. The rambunctious boy jumps and hops at her side.

"It's like a castle!" He yells, excited. Jade chuckles softly.

"Why don't you go upstairs and check out your big boy room?" Tori urges and that is all it takes to get Hunter running up the stairs.

"I'm going to start unpacking." Tori reaches for the box but before her fingers can even graze the cardboard Jade pulls her against her body.

"Nuh uh." She kisses her deeply and smiles against her lips.

"I love you so much Tori." She whispers.

"I love you too, Jade." Tori giggles slipping her hands around Jade's neck. Jade starts to kiss her way down Tori's jaw and to her collar bone. Tori pulls back.

"We really have to unpack." She says.

"But we're all alone right now." Jade swipes her tongue across Tori's skin.

"You know that never lasts long." Tori reminds and on cue Hunter dashes into the kitchen and up to his mothers' sides.

"Mommy, you gotta come see!" He tugs on Jade's hand. Tori steps back and Jade grins down at her son.

"Okay!" She wraps her arms around Hunter's midsection and lifts him above her head. "Let's go!" She cries out and runs out of the room with Hunter making airplane noises. Tori laughs and returns to the box of dishes on the counter.

After the kitchen and most of the bedroom is unpacked and Hunter is tucked in for the night, Jade and Tori sit at the dining room table and Jade pours them both glasses of Champaign.

"Here is to a new house." Jade lifts her glass from the table and Tori clinks their glasses together. The sound echoes slightly in the large room.

"Cheers." She smiles and sets hers back onto the dark wood. Jade sips her drink and her brows furrow together in confusion as she glances back and forth between Tori and the drink.

"Something wrong?" She asks. Tori shakes her head frantically as a grin threatens to burst from her lips.

"I can't drink alcohol. Well, at least not for a couple months." She says. Jade's eyes widen.

"I thought it didn't takeā€¦" She slides her glass across the table and stares at Tori.

"It did." Tori laughs with giddiness. "I'm pregnant!" She bubbles. Jade hooks her hand around the back of Tori's neck and kisses her.

"I'm so happy." She laughs as she leans back.

"Me too." Tori agrees as she erupts into a fit of giggles. Jade kneels on the floor in front of Tori and looks at her stomach.

"Hello Baby, this is your mommy. I bet you're pretty small in there right now, and you probably can't hear me, but I'm going to talk to you every day until you're born. I'm going to love you so much." She tells Tori's midriff while Tori tries to suppress her laughter.

"Well, Momma's getting pretty tired. Today was a long day. I'm going to bed, care to join me?" Tori cocks an eyebrow as she stands. Jade stares up at her from her position on her knees.

"That sounds wonderful." Tori helps Jade up from the floor and they head to their room holding hands.

The first night they spend in their new house is a happy one.

There is now a sequel, it is called Hanging by a Thread, check it out!