I don't know what made me what to write an Amazing World of Gumball story. One day, I was watching it, loving how adorable Darwin and Gumball would look as a couple, and then it hit me. I should write some Fanfic's! So I did, well, this is my first one, so NO hate. If you do, its not like I will care anyway.

Summary: Just a bunch of mindless adorable Darwin/Gumball drabbles~ I'll probably always do 3 at a time. Eventually, I will make a multi-chaptered, full plot story, but not now.

Pairing: Darwin/Gumball, or formally known as Gumwin, I rather much say Darball. I favor Top!Darwin and Bottom!Gumball. I dunno why, I just do.

Warnings: Not much, maybe some will be suggestive but none now!

Also, I have some humanoid descriptions of them, since I can't write them as their nature.

Gumball: Short and petite. Short(little shorter than shoulder length) neon blue hair, with cut/styled bangs. Large golden eyes. Pale skin. 2 whiskers on the left side of face, and 3 whiskers on right side of face. Neon blue cat ears and a long neon blue tail. Normal clothes(except the sweater is grey) and had neon blue TOMS.

Darwin: Taller than Gumball but not by much. Slight muscles. Short buzz cut orange hair. Grey eyes. 2 sets of gills on each side of face. Wears a white wife-beater with a orange button up shirt over it. Blue jeans and neon green sneakers.

Richard, Nicole, Anais and other characters: How you imagine them.

Sorry the authors note is so long! Enjoy though!

!~!~!~!~!~!~! (Nightmare) !~!~!~!~!~!~!

Gumball tossed and turned in his bed, the springs creaking as he struggled. His mind and soul was trapped in sleep, as his dreams were plagued with horrible things. He whimpered slightly in his sleep, not aware of Darwin attempting to wake him.

"No…no-no please!" Gumball cried out softly. A single tear had managed to fall from his squeezed eye and roll down his flushed cheek. Darwin, who was wide awake and worried, wiped the tear away. His orange eyebrows knitted together as he studied his boyfriend of eighteen weeks, or four and a half months, as Gumball like to say.

"Hey. Gumball come on babe wake up." Darwin said, feeling slightly awkward for letting the 'babe' slip. Although they have been dating for quite some time, their relationship was still new and foreign to them both. The fish turned human crawled up to the top bunk where Gumball was sleeping. Since Gumball was smaller and lighter, it was decided he should sleep on the top bunk. Darwin then began to shake Gumball softly. Not to alert him awake and possibly scare him further.

"Gumball. Wake up, seriously. Please." Darwin begged softly, not very fond on seeing Gumball so distraught. Darwin frowned lightly, shaking Gumball with a little more force than before.

"Gumball! Wake up." He called, in a scream mixed with a whisper. He didn't want to wake anyone else in the family. Darwin gave the blue-haired boy one last, strong shake. This had caused his golden eyes to snap open in surprise.

Once Gumball awoke, he finally relied his was safe. His breathing may have been heaving, his heart was pounding, he was slightly sweating and a little spooked, but he was okay. A sigh of relief could be heard from Darwin, who was leaning over him protectively. Gumball smiled up at him with much thanks, knowing it was Darwin who pulled his back to sanity.

"I'm okay. I'm okay. Thanks." Gumball thanked him and brushed it off as an everyday thing. Though he was extremely thankful to have Darwin there to wake him on the account of a nightmare. Darwin smiled down at him cutely.

"Welcome…Hey, do you want me to sleep up here with you? You know in case you have another nightmare." Darwin asked blushing lightly, but it was hidden by the darkness. Gumball smiled widely.

"Uh sure." Gumball said but paused to give Darwin room. Once his orange haired boyfriend was settled next to him, he continued. "Goodnight Darwin." He said giving Darwin a light kiss on the cheek before settling into Darwin's arms. The fish turned human smiled brightly. He returned the 'goodnight' before kissing Gumball lightly on the ear. Both fell asleep with a wide smile on their faces. Nightmares forgotten.

!~!~!~!~!~!~! (Cuddle) !~!~!~!~!~!~!

"Darwin! I'm bored come cuddle with me!" Gumball called from the couch, to Darwin who was doing homework in the dining section of their home. Gumball was outstretched on the couch, head leaning on a soft pillow, flipping through the channels on the TV. Once he decided nothing was on, he turned the TV off and threw the remote to the ground and sighed loudly.

"Not now Gumball I'm doing my homework." Darwin called back, not even looking up from the paper he was working on. This had caused Gumball to feel slightly…offended. His own boyfriend didn't want to cuddle and make his boredom leave him. How rude?

Gumball couldn't help but growl in return. He was anger really, he felt more unloved then anger. Sure, Darwin had to finish the homework, but that's what the bus was for. The humanoid cat crawled off the couch, flicking his tail lightly. He crept to where Darwin was working.

Gumball stood up suddenly and pushed the papers off the desk and onto the floor. He ignored Darwin, who was glaring at him, and sat down on his boyfriends legs.

"Gumball! What was that for? I need to finish my homework." Darwin attempted to scold his boyfriend, but was not surprised that Gumball had done such a thing. When the blue-haired boy gets ignored, he gets unpredictable. Its not like Darwin minded though.

Gumball then put on his best pout face. His eyes got large and tears glassed over them. His bottom lip jutted out and his ears pressed against his head. Darwin felt a drop of sweat roll down his neck, knowing he could not resist the cute look on Gumballs face.

"Darwin please! I wanna cuddle!" Gumball pleaded slightly. Darwin stood his ground and stared blankly at his boyfriend as long as he could. Though, it was effortless. He finally gave up and stood up, dragging Gumball to the couch with him. He sat down and pulled the humanoid cat on his lap.

"Fine. We can cuddle, but you owe me for this." Darwin pointed out but Gumball didn't hear him, he was too busy purring happily.

!~!~!~!~!~!~! (Obsession) !~!~!~!~!~!~!

Gumball mewled lightly in slight protest. Darwin, who was busy stroking Gumball's neon blue appendages, smiled. Ever since they had got together, the fish turned human would admit he had fallen in love with Gumball's ears and tail. They were so soft and sensitive, and overall fun to touch. Even if Gumball didn't like it when he touch them, he still did.

"D-darwinnn. Quit it…" Gumball said while panting lightly. Darwin stopped and gave the illusion that he was thinking about what Gumball had just said, even though he didn't. Darwin shook his head happily before tugging lightly on Gumballs tail once again. This had cause Gumball to gasp.

"I don't think I want to." Darwin told him. Gumball sighed and blushed darkly. He was over embarrassed by the sounds he couldn't help but emit. Darwin leaned up to nibble on Gumballs twitching ear. The fish turned human bite down on the soft ear, causing Gumball to moan and groan loudly.

"Darwin!" He squeaked. Gumball had to slap his hand over his mouth to cover some other sounds that came from him. This had caused Darwin to laugh and run his fingers through the soft short hair of the blue tail.

"Yes Gumball?" Darwin asked as innocently as he could while laughing. He found Gumball's reactions just plain out…adorable. After a couple of more minutes teasing Gumball, Darwin finally relinquished his hold on the smaller male. Gumball sighed happily and crawled to the other side of the couch.

"What is with you and my ears and tail? So you have like some sort of obsession with them or something?" Gumball asked his orange haired lover. He wasn't answered though, he was smiled at, and kissed on the head, but was never answered. Gumball just assumed it was a yes.

!~!~!~!~!~!~! (End) !~!~!~!~!~!~!

Hoped you liked it! I had fun writing it and I hope you had fun reading it! Anyway, I plan to update as much as possible and I hope for you to hear from me soon! Please review!