A/N: For the Christmas holiday and all, I've decided to write this as a present to my beloved friend, and sister in Christ, StrawberryMnM. I hope you enjoy all the Romyness and family and crazy Logan stuff!

Dedicated to Strawberry.

Just so all of you know, this takes place after Apocalypse. Remy has joined the X-Men. It is around Christmas.
Oh, and I suck at accents.

Rogue awoke early the next morning. She was used to getting up at this time- she usually had training. But today was different, today she could relax.

Taking a deep breath, she felt the cool morning air seep into her lungs, energizing her. She was ready to begin her day.

After washing her face and dressing, Rogue dawned on her gloves. Her biggest strength was also her biggest weakness. This almost dampened her spirits, but she wouldn't allow herself to mope around today. She was going to enjoy it.

Going down to the kitchen, Rogue was surprised to find everyone else up. Logan was sipping on a coffee, Tante was cooking, Emil playing with his food, Enitenne staring blankly out the window, Merci serving up some breakfast for her husband, who was ready to dig in. Remy was the only one who wasn't in a calm mood.

"Ho' ca' yo' all be si'tin' aroun' lik' dis?" He huffed as he paced.

Henri paused, a bite of pancakes almost to his mouth. Sighing, he set his fork down. "Remy. Dere isn't much we can do abou' it. It's ou' o' our hands."

"But...he our cousin!" Turning to Entienne, Remy appeared shaken. "Entienne! He yo' brothuh!"

Entienne didn't respond.

"Yo' jus' le' Jean-Luc do dat to our family?" Remy was in an uproar.

Henri stood up. "Our family? Yo' can't call us dat. Who didn' write or call to us? Who didn't even try to contact? It was yo'. Dis is our problem. We have to deal. wit' it."

Remy glared at his brother. "I'm goin' to go fin' Theo. Yo can com' if yo' wan', or yo' stay he' lik' de cowards yo' are."

Logan stood up. "If you're going to go save somebody's hide, I guess I'll tag along. Charles will kill me if anything happens to you anyways."

Rogue walked beside Remy. "Wherever yah ahre goin' Remy, Ah'll go. Jus'...where ahre we goin'?"

"We goin' to de Assassin's Guild. We gonna go save Theo."

Tante picked up her cast iron pan. "Well, I'm no' sittin' aroun' he' anymo'! I'm gonna go save my lil' chillun' if it kills me!"

Entienne glanced away from the window. "I'm comin'. Like yo' said Remy, he's my brother."

Emil grinned. "Me too!"

Henri sighed. "I woul' com'...and you guys know dat...but wit' Merci in de family way..."

Remy smiled. "Yo' need to be able to live to see yo' babe. Remy understan'."

Merci held Remy's hand briefly. "Thank yo'..."

Remy nodded. "Now, he' is de plan..."

A/N: Sorry it's so short guys...I've been so busy planning my birthday party! It's crazy here.